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Galactic Neighborhood


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2 hours ago, alphaman said:

Has the table at OP been updated? It looks like some of the listed mods havent been updated since KSP 1.0.5

The list includes all the mods that are compatible with GN.

I have not checked if those mods are still playable, most of them should be fine even if they are not officially updated.

if you find that some of them don't load properly, try loading them without GN. if the issue happens only with GN I'll be happy to fix it, but if the planet pack do not load well on its own then it should be up to the devs of that mod to fix it :wink:

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On 4-6-2016 at 5:36 AM, wasml said:

I've seen the posts on the solar panel issue and some suggested solutions but haven't seen anything implemented (apologies if I've missed it). I made a small plugin that adds it's self (with a MM patch) to all parts containing a ModuleDeployableSolarPanel. It then, on load, crawls up the SOI chain looking for a body with a temp >= 2000K and assumes that's the star, uses that to calculate a EC generation rate and adds it. If anyone is interested here's the proof of principle code.

using UnityEngine;

namespace KSolar
    public class ModuleKSolar : PartModule
        private static double AU = 13599840256.0;
        private bool initialized = false;
        private CelestialBody star = null;
        private ModuleDeployableSolarPanel existingSolarPanel = null;

        [KSPField(guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = false, guiName = "EC", guiFormat = "F3", isPersistant = false)]
        public float EC =  0.0f;

        protected void ScanForStar()
            // Find existing solar panel so we can use it's exposure calculations
            existingSolarPanel = part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>();
            if (existingSolarPanel == null) return;

            // Scan up the herarchy looking for a CelestrialBody with a temperature >= 2000K
            // If we don't find the star in ten iterations - bail
            int Depth = 0;
            star = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody;
            while ((Depth < 10) && (star.GetTemperature(0) < 2000))
                star = star.referenceBody;
            if ((star.GetTemperature(0) < 2000) || (star.name == "Galactic Core"))
                star = null;

            initialized = true;

        public void FixedUpdate()
            if ((!initialized) && (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) && 

            if (star != null)
                Vector3d toStar = part.WCoM - star.position;
                float dist = (float)(toStar.magnitude / AU);
                EC = (float)(existingSolarPanel.chargeRate * existingSolarPanel.sunAOA / (dist * dist));
                // Need to factor in luminosity - where is it? (and temperature?)
                float ECPT = EC * Time.deltaTime;
                part.RequestResource("ElectricCharge", -ECPT);


Some things this doesn't do is account for the star's luminosity and temperature - not sure where to find those , nor does it check for star SOI changes. I'm sure I've missed a few failure modes but in testing it didn't spam the logs with errors.

Possible patch or am I missing something?

Great idea, but why are you scanning for a star on every panel for every frame? I suggest you only scan when a active vessel changes SIO.

Edited by FreeThinker
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@FreeThinker Thanks. For the proof of principal I was having problems scanning in Start() so I put the scan in FixedUpdate() and toggled the flag "initialized" after a successful scan so it wouldn't run every FixedUpdate(). I figured out what I was doing wrong and in the released code I do the scan in Start(). I also register an OnSOIChanged callback for the SOI changes. Made a few other simplifying assumptions that I think will be OK - haven't heard anything back so I'm taking that as "they're working". If you care to look over the code it's included in the download.

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Seems as if the newest version of Kopernicus may have improved things from an overheating perspective, though it looks like it is still doing something funky with the solar panels - it appears they are always wanting to point towards the core and not the local star.

I was able to get some EC from them from the core if I got a Line of sight - atleast I think it was the core - definitely not the Sun.


FYI - I tried this on 1.1.3 w/ the newest Kopernicus and the Solar + heat patches disabled in GN



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3 hours ago, sentania said:

Seems as if the newest version of Kopernicus may have improved things from an overheating perspective, though it looks like it is still doing something funky with the solar panels - it appears they are always wanting to point towards the core and not the local star.

I was able to get some EC from them from the core if I got a Line of sight - atleast I think it was the core - definitely not the Sun.


FYI - I tried this on 1.1.3 w/ the newest Kopernicus and the Solar + heat patches disabled in GN



By newest kopernicus do you mean 1.1 or 1.1.1?

I have not had the chance to test 1.1.1 yet, but is should contain some fixes for solar panels

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Galactic Neighborhood

Pre-Release v0.2.1.1

now available for testing purposes only



if anyone wants to try GN with Kopernicus 1.1.1 and KSP 1.1.3 feel free to do so and please give feedback on the bugs that are present :) thank you all for your help!

Edited by Sigma88
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Just now, FreeThinker said:

What is new?

I added some fixes for kopernicus 1.1.1 and KSP 1.1.3

no new features, solar panels should work now but have not been tested much.

there are still some bugs that needs ironing out, for example I still need to hide the galactic core and the M-Kel barycenter which are visible from the tracking station (they should not be visible)

I am not familiar with kopernicus 1.1.1 yet, so there might be more bugs that we don't know about yet

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I know it's impossible to remove Kerbol as a fixed point which then has to be made into the galactic core, But is it possible to add more fixed points into the game. For example converting Kerbol as usual, making it's gravity almost non-existent, and then placing replacement Kerbol and a second star as new fixed points. But thinking about it now I suppose if the gravity is almost non-existent this would be an unneeded step.

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54 minutes ago, Spartwo said:

I know it's impossible to remove Kerbol as a fixed point which then has to be made into the galactic core, But is it possible to add more fixed points into the game. For example converting Kerbol as usual, making it's gravity almost non-existent, and then placing replacement Kerbol and a second star as new fixed points. But thinking about it now I suppose if the gravity is almost non-existent this would be an unneeded step.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean

ksp needs 2 things to work properly:

1- a body named "Sun" at the center of the universe
2- a home planet named "Kerbin"

those names can be "hidden" using Kopernicus, but even if the ingame labels have a different name, KSP will know them as "Sun" and "Kerbin" anyways.

of course you can have only 1 center of the universe, just like any reference frame has only one origin point

everything else must orbit the center of the universe either directly or indirectly (orbiting something that orbits the center)

in GN there is the center which is the "Galactic Core"

then there are a bunch of stars that orbit the core, and then stuff that orbits those stars

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I didn't log any significant play time, but with KSP 1.1.3 Kopernicus 1.1.2, the pre-release of GN linked above things look fantastic.

You can zoom out and focus on differenct starts and return to your ship with no overheating explosions.

Solar panels work.

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!  Load time you can suck it.

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5 hours ago, sentania said:

I didn't log any significant play time, but with KSP 1.1.3 Kopernicus 1.1.2, the pre-release of GN linked above things look fantastic.

You can zoom out and focus on differenct starts and return to your ship with no overheating explosions.

Solar panels work.

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!  Load time you can suck it.

Great to hear but what about the performance degradation when playing a Galactic Neighbourhoud campaign with many planets packs installed?

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1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

Great to hear but what about the performance degradation when playing a Galactic Neighbourhoud campaign with many planets packs installed?

What kind of performance degradation are we talking about?

Does this happen only with career mode? Or by campaign you just mean playing a game with many planet packs?

I guess one of the issues would be that many planet packs are difficult to handle so. I have only briefly tried loading all at once and I have no idea what the long term results could be

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4 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Great to hear but what about the performance degradation when playing a Galactic Neighbourhoud campaign with many planets packs installed?

Do you mean with within a session or as the game progresses?


i have been playing for Oth about 12 planet packs and other than the load time impacts things seem good;  assuming the textures don't blow my computer up.




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3 minutes ago, sentania said:

Do you mean with within a session or as the game progresses?


i have been playing for Oth about 12 planet packs and other than the load time impacts things seem good;  assuming the textures don't blow my computer up.

Ok, but did you travel between Stars, and left something in it's orbit (like a Stargate for easy transfer).

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On 6/23/2016 at 3:16 AM, Sigma88 said:

Galactic Neighborhood

Pre-Release v0.2.1.1

now available for testing purposes only



if anyone wants to try GN with Kopernicus 1.1.1 and KSP 1.1.3 feel free to do so and please give feedback on the bugs that are present :) thank you all for your help!

I just tried this with Kopernicus 1.1.2. My entire KSC and all of Kerbin is pitch black with no light at all, even with rover lights on and the sun high overhead. Everything is visible on the Mun though. Also, all of the stars have large coronas which are visible from any distance.

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33 minutes ago, ruiluth said:

I just tried this with Kopernicus 1.1.2. My entire KSC and all of Kerbin is pitch black with no light at all, even with rover lights on and the sun high overhead. Everything is visible on the Mun though. Also, all of the stars have large coronas which are visible from any distance.

could you please redownload kopernicus 1.1.2 and try again to check if it's still doing the same?

Thomas changed the zip file in the 1.1.2 release of kopernicus because it was having an issue earlier today


also, are you on a clean install with just Kopernicus + MM + GN + ModularFlightIntegrator

and don't use CKAN, it's having problems with installing kopernicus 

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Regarding performance, I have found that multiple planet packs have a cumulative impact on framerate, even without using Galactic Neighborhood. It's not much, I have about 80 mod worlds and take a 10% fps hit from that, but it's there and measurable.

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