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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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[quote name='Kuzzter']Look closer :)[/QUOTE]

I meant mirror image the whole thing, all I see mirrored is the runway, though understandably that would be hard to pull off AND make it look good and consistent.

I'm just kind of nitpicking anyway, heh. Edited by smjjames
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[quote name='Mad Rocket Scientist']S. P. Q. K.? What's that?[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua]Senate and People of Kerbin

[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/FONT]"Kneel down to your Emperor"
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[quote name='smjjames']I meant mirror image the whole thing, all I see mirrored is the runway, though understandably that would be hard to pull off AND make it look good and consistent.

I'm just kind of nitpicking anyway, heh.[/QUOTE]

The whole space center is mirrored , otherwise the building would be on the left side of the runway.
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[quote name='smjjames']I meant mirror image the whole thing, all I see mirrored is the runway, though understandably that would be hard to pull off AND make it look good and consistent.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I hear you--I did consider it, it would have been even more jarring for evil KSC to be on the other side of the runway, but there's a practical reason it isn't. Anyway, remember that when you look in a mirror your left and right arms swap position but your head and feet don't. If you stare long enough at that S.P.Q.K. flag it might start to make sense :)
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Well, that was just too glorious!

Been waiting for a taste of that. Thanks Kuzzter!

Don't let the nattering mob distract you from your chosen [s]target of conquest[/s] destination.
Get all the rest and time to relax that you need.

I have a feeling that we may all need it for the adventures to come!

Happy landings!
or should I say
Hail the Empire!
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[quote name='Kuzzter']Yeah, I hear you--I did consider it, it would have been even more jarring for evil KSC to be on the other side of the runway, but there's a practical reason it isn't. Anyway, remember that when you look in a mirror your left and right arms swap position but your head and feet don't. If you stare long enough at that S.P.Q.K. flag it might start to make sense :)[/QUOTE]

I was actually thinking of an East-West mirror instead of a North-South mirror, but yeah, the mirroring of the runway is probably the most practical way of doing it.
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[quote name='Starhawk']Senatus Populus que...

Happy landings!
[SIZE=1]Hail the Empire![/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Senatus Populusque Kerbalis...Kerbalus...Kerbalensis? (I'd prefer one that ends on -is, because then it could be the same ending for male and female and feelings won't get hurt or anything)
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[quote name='Flow']Senatus Populusque Kerbalis...Kerbalus...Kerbalensis? (I'd prefer one that ends on -is, because then it could be the same ending for male and female and feelings won't get hurt or anything)[/QUOTE]

Hmmm. Maybe Kermulus or Kermulis?

Happy landings!
[SIZE=1]Hail the Empire![/SIZE]
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[quote name='FlyingPete']'No one left behind' Long live the Kermulan Star Empire![/QUOTE]
All Hail the Empire! OK, it doesn't give away anything to tell you the name, so I will: the proper name is the [I]Kerbulan [/I]Empire. That poor guy in agony is Kenlie Kermulan, murderer of Gemmane Kermulan among others. Kerman is to Kerbal as Kermulan is to Kerbulan. I suppose that is a masculine noun, sorry. I do ordinarily try hard to be inclusive... but who knows, maybe the Kerbulans are sexist as well as murderers! We haven't seen any females yet other than poor Gemmane (and then, only static).

You know, maybe I should have done a poll... 300 votes for Jool, 230 votes for Dres, 70 votes for Moho, 140 for Eeloo... and the winner, with just [I]ONE [/I]vote-- Kerbulus!
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"Mirror, mirror, on the wall".... I wonder if Kenlie can somehow see through the looking glass? Or will there be some crossover between Kerbfleet and the Kerbulan Empire wherever it is they're going?

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[quote name='Parkaboy']Nice postlude! I wonder if it isn't a good idea to use that mod that lets you paint parts, so the evil empire crafts can be painted black...[/QUOTE]
Maybe. Well, if the Kerbulan ships ever do change color let's just assume they've always been that way, OK? Hm. I wonder if I can 'put a bird on it'....

[quote name='SpaceplaneAddict']Reminds me of Kethane Station[/QUOTE]
Never read that one.
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