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Pilots get cockpits, Scientists get a mobile processing lab, Engineers get.... nothing.

well, maybe a chair inside a cargo bay, but officially, they get nothing. no niche for them to reside in.

But what if there was a special capsule designed specifically for engineers, how would it function?


after some review of the posts, I agree on an Engineer Lab, where Ore can be converted in to raw materials and materials into parts, if KIS+KAS were to ever get implemented in stock.

Edited by Xyphos
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A smoking room.

1. Because "engineer" means "engine", and engines make a smoke.

2. Because engineers are serious and well-looking persons wearing smoking jackets.

3. Because engineers smoke in this room and play new gadgets instead of work.

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They need a wardrobe. Gotta get changed into those morale-boosting red shirts.

I have seen many people wear red shirts, they often die, EXCEPT for one in particular; he was an Scottish Engineer, and a bad-ass.

Edited by Xyphos
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A Workshop would be nice :) A place where we put some raw materials, a couple of grease mon...engineers and a bunch of whirly-buzzy machines. Supply it with plenty of energy and steady supply of materials (and snacks) and get plenty of new, cool stuff :D Wait...there is mod for that :cool:

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Pilots get cockpits, Scientists get a mobile processing lab, Engineers get.... nothing.

well, maybe a chair inside a cargo bay, but officially, they get nothing. no niche for them to reside in.

But what if there was a special capsule designed specifically for engineers, how would it function?

Given that engineers are the only Kerbals with any long-term value, they make up 90% of my roster and sit anywhere they want to.

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I suggest eagerly to have the engineers allways in reach of a booze disti... errm... fuel converter... yes. For good reason :wink:.

No seriously, a workshop department as mentioned before would be nice to have. With a large window and a zero G bed to have a good nap all the way.

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Here's an idea...should not be hard to mod an ISRU converter to have a crew capacity of one and put the engineer inside. For IVA, I recommend the old v0.90 Mk1 inline cockpit (view of a steel bulkhead and nothing else).

Bwahahaaaaa, I did it!

The ISRUK (In Situ Resource Unit, Krewed) weighs 250 kilos more than the stock ISRU. It fits one Kerbal but does not function as a command module. The IVA view is the same as the old 0.90 Mk1 Inline Cockpit--which in this context, finally makes sense!

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To have one of your very own, all you need to do is:

1. Go to Gamedata/Squad/Parts/Resources

2. Copy the folder ISRU and paste it somewhere else in Gamedata (e.g. to Gamedata/Fubar or whatever)

3. Rename the folder you just pasted and the documents in from ISRU to ISRUK (/ISRUK, ISRUK.cfg, ISRUK.mu)

4. Replace the text of ISRUK.cfg with the following using a text editor:

name = ISRUK
module = Part
author = Kuzzter

mesh = ISRUK.mu
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2

CrewCapacity = 1

TechRequired = advScienceTech
entryCost = 24000
cost = 8000
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = ISRU Converter Krewed
manufacturer = Kerbfleet
description = This mobile processing plant can take raw materials containing even trace amounts of oxygen and hydrogen, and crack them into useful fuel products. When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency. And the engineer can juuuust squeeze inside!
attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 4.50
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 7
maxTemp = 2000 // = 3500

name = GenericSpace1

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Lf+Ox
StartActionName = Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]
StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Ore
Ratio = 0.5
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 30
ResourceName = LiquidFuel
Ratio = 0.45
DumpExcess = false
ResourceName = Oxidizer
Ratio = 0.55
DumpExcess = false

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Monoprop
StartActionName = Start ISRU [Monoprop]
StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Monoprop]
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Ore
Ratio = 0.5
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 30
ResourceName = MonoPropellant
Ratio = 1
DumpExcess = false

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = LiquidFuel
StartActionName = Start ISRU [LqdFuel]
StopActionName = Stop ISRU [LqdFuel]
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Ore
Ratio = 0.45
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 30
ResourceName = LiquidFuel
Ratio = 0.9
DumpExcess = false

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Oxidizer
StartActionName = Start ISRU [Ox]
StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Ox]
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Ore
Ratio = 0.55
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 30
ResourceName = Oxidizer
Ratio = 1.1
DumpExcess = false

name = ModuleAnimationGroup
deployAnimationName =
activeAnimationName = ProcessorLarge_running
moduleType = Converter
autoDeploy = true


Sorry for the kludge, but I don't have access to dropbox or other sharing from where I am... and I don't really know how to do mods... and darnit can someone tell me what the right spoiler tag is? Using code tag in the meantime.

Edited by Kuzzter
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I'd like to "third" the workshop idea. Perhaps Workshops can function with broken parts the same way the MPL functions with experiments, allowing you to repair broken components so long as they are attached to the ship/station/base, without the engineer needing to go on EVA?

Another possibility for a Workshop would be for probe/satellite/rover construction and repurposing. Think of a mini-VAB which can be loaded with a limited number of parts. This version of a Workshop would have a "cargo bay" into which a satellite or rover could be placed. The satellite can then be "dismantled" and the parts appear in the editor to be used to build something else. Parts that are not used stay in the Workshop until they are either used in a future project or discarded.

This way, you can "recycle" satellites that have outlived their usefulness (without needing to "recover" them), or load the Workshop up with a special parts satellite delivered from Kerbin and then design your next satellite or probe "in the field" as it were.

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LMAO all funny.

A lil fabrication workshop where the engi can tinker and whatnot, and over time recieve "parts" from ore

"parts" can be used to build.... things!

Things from VAB or SPH!! Oh yes. Please.

Over time - is emphasized.

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LMAO all funny.

A lil fabrication workshop where the engi can tinker and whatnot, and over time recieve "parts" from ore

"parts" can be used to build.... things!

Things from VAB or SPH!! Oh yes. Please.

Over time - is emphasized.

UKS does exactly this.

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I also have this, which are seats in the cargo bay close to where all the avionics, the useful-data-generation-thingies like that tape recorder thing, the batteries, the auxiliary fuel tanks, the storage containers. To simulate the work environment of traditional "real" Victorian-era engineers, no air conditioning!

So it's alright if engies don't have their own engineering section of the starship, I will engineer my own. Hehehehe!


I also use the Mk1 Lander Can as the engineer's monitoring station aboard orbital stations, because in RasterPropMonitor it is MFDs galore!


Edited by pandoras kitten
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I'd like the engineers to have a module, or at least a chair in front of a console with walls of buttons and gagues with the Kerbal interacting with them and pretending to look busy. Then at least my engineering staff when overseeing mining actually look busy, and worthy of screenshots/film. Maybe even have some of the gauges work, like ore amount, rate, power consumption/power generation, overheat warning light and a light indicating what mode the ISRU is toggled at. It'd just be nice to see the engineers look busy on a spaceship.

Edited by Edax
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Bwahahaaaaa, I did it!

The ISRUK (In Situ Resource Unit, Krewed) weighs 250 kilos more than the stock ISRU. It fits one Kerbal but does not function as a command module. The IVA view is the same as the old 0.90 Mk1 Inline Cockpit--which in this context, finally makes sense!

This is brilliant! The engineer also sits where she or he can 'splice the mainstrut' whenever they want. :)

Happy landings!

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This is brilliant! The engineer also sits where she or he can 'splice the mainstrut' whenever they want. :)

Happy landings!

Thanks! Good thing I saw this thread AFTER launching the craft for Eve, otherwise the comic would be nothing but page after page of space shanties ending in a terminal explosion. Not sure if the ISRUK will ever become standard Kerbfleet equipment...I suppose I would also have to add booze hydrazine as a Resource, and somehow get it to work in RoverDude's Life Support mod. xD
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I'd like the engineers to have a module, or at least a chair in front of a console with walls of buttons and gagues with the Kerbal interacting with them and pretending to look busy. Then at least my engineering staff when overseeing mining actually look busy, and worthy of screenshots/film. Maybe even have some of the gauges work, like ore amount, rate, power consumption/power generation, overheat warning light and a light indicating what mode the ISRU is toggled at. It'd just be nice to see the engineers look busy on a spaceship.

Yup, that's exactly what I did for the "Kerbahashi Maru" bridge simulator. Bill's station has the KER equipment, and of course that's Bob in front of the science console. Might look cool on a large ship to have a separate 'main engineering' room, with half of the ISRU clipped through the floor like a generator.


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