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Squadcast Summary 2015/08/21 - Short Show, Long Summary

Superfluous J

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  5thHorseman said:
I will say, I was going to add, "or you hit any of the numerous game-crashing bugs" :D

The 2 big "news" items for me in this were:

1) OSX is getting 64 bit. I don't use it so wasn't following, but I seem to recall a lot of speculation (and therefore complaining) that it would not get 64 bit.

2) A single ship will span multiple cores. I don't recall anybody saying this before this Squadcast. Everything I saw, people were saying that you can use multiple cores but only if you had multiple ships. Each ship could get its own core, in other words. This is not the case, and it excites me greatly.

I would hold off on celebrating the multi cores for a single ship. That is not the way PhysX has been purported to run and they have said themselves high part ships still lag.

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  Paulestrada said:
Hah, they say it's pretty close, I bet it will take 2-3 weeks maximum.

Hopefully D:

They mentioned a couple weeks for QA. Not sure if that includes Experimentals or not, but the new Experimentals team won't even be totally decided until the end of next week.

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  magico13 said:
They mentioned a couple weeks for QA. Not sure if that includes Experimentals or not, but the new Experimentals team won't even be totally decided until the end of next week.

Really? in the new experimental tread they said they'll announce them tomorrow (EST, its 01:00 here)

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No. The width of the internal representation of this number has nothing to do with the word size of the processor architecture. It is common to choose floating point numbers as 32 or 64 bits (on any architecture), and integers as 32 bit, only sometimes also as 64 bit. This could be easily fixed in the program code :) Maybe you should write an official bug report?

Also I am not convinced that a single physics object can span across multiple cores. The current dev article also does not mention it.

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Thanks a lot for the summary as always...

Really looking forward to start anew in 1.1

64bits not too far away is sounding really awesome.

1/10th RSS + Outer planets mods + RemoteTech2 + a bunch of beautification mods and parts.... I'm coming !

*Jumps into the stream*


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Good to hear the next update will be 1.1, none of the 1.0.5 nonsense that was being bandied about.

New parts are good, but redesigning the Mk1 cockpit seems wholly unnecessary.

And yeah, another couple of months until the update I think.

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  Majorjim said:
Haven't Squad themselves said that 64bit is coming in 1.1 but it's still buggy right? I can't find them saying it's 100% working.

That was before they completed the port to Unity 5 and decided to go with that as an update throwing in the already finished features (comm networks, contextual contracts, and the new parts... who knows if something else sneaks in, soimething usually does). Since the U5 editor is 64 bit native, that means the first build they actually make is a 64 bit build by definition. Which means making it 32 bit afterwards would be the point where you can insert additional bugs, and not the other way around. All in all, the news on that front couldn't be better, considering what 1.0 did to the RAM limit. I usually create about 3-5 crash logs/day nowadays...

Rune. And the freaking ramp. Finally! :)

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  5thHorseman said:
New PhysX. Now you can only use 1 core for your vessel. New PhysX can split your ship over multiple cores.

"You can expect the game to run way better."

Great for "Whackjob kind of ships"

  nightingale said:
I have an older 6-core AMD machine... which is about the worst possible CPU choice for KSP. So that news (which I'm still taking with a grain of salt) is also very exciting.
  selfish_meme said:
I would hold off on celebrating the multi cores for a single ship. That is not the way PhysX has been purported to run and they have said themselves high part ships still lag.

Rather than wonder, I've started a new thread on this very board. Hopefully a dev will reply one way or the other.

And hopefully that reply will be "yup, we cracked that nut and a single ship can span all the cores you can throw at it. You 8-corerers, start planning your 1000+ part ships now."

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  5thHorseman said:
Rather than wonder, I've started a new thread on this very board. Hopefully a dev will reply one way or the other.

And hopefully that reply will be "yup, we cracked that nut and a single ship can span all the cores you can throw at it. You 8-corerers, start planning your 1000+ part ships now."

This isn't correct though. A single ship will always be on one core. Two ships together will be split.

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  colmo said:
I was speccing my new PC build (Haswell-E, Linux) with 16Gb.

Now seriously considering 32Gb...

All the mods in the world would never put you up against a 16Gb limit, much less a 32Gb one. I'd save my money for something else in my build rather than buying an extra 16Gb of RAM...

Also, thanks for the recap 5th...I missed this one due to real life and would have missed a ton of new news without this!

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  Ignath said:
All the mods in the world would never put you up against a 16Gb limit, much less a 32Gb one.

I agree that 16GB will be more than a person should ever need for KSP, but once 64-bit is available, and stable, I think you will see many more mods using 2046x2046 (and beyond) textures. They're big! :wink:

It's like the home computers of the 1980s, people thought you could never need more than 128KB of memory, but once the boundaries of storage are increase, they eventually are filled up.

Edit: Then again, DDS textures of those resolutions are still only 5MB or so, you would have to load a lot of part mods.

Edited by Beale
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  Beale said:
I agree that 16GB will be more than a person should ever need for KSP, but once 64-bit is available, and stable, I think you will see many more mods using 2046x2046 (and beyond) textures. They're big! :wink:

It's like the home computers of the 1980s, people thought you could never need more than 128KB of memory, but once the boundaries of storage are increase, they eventually are filled up.

Edit: Then again, DDS textures of those resolutions are still only 5MB or so, you would have to load a lot of part mods.

I honestly don't think you're going to be using anywhere near 16GB.

E: Assuming you have 4 DIMM's available, I'd buy a 2x8 kit so you have overhead if, for some reason, you need more.

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