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[1.8-1.12] Kethane Plugin and Parts 0.11.0 - Now with background scanning.


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MisterFister: my thought is that the license (for the parts) forbids it, though I could be wrong.

Really? My understanding (which could be wrong) is that any restrictions that come with those parts state that they have to be distributed with the Kethane mod, specifically. I'm not aware of any restriction on how the Kethane mod itself is to be distributed, whether by these forums, CKAN, KerbalStuff, Curse, or the old Kerbal SpacePort.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I thought CKAN just downloaded the mod's .zip from Kerbalstuff, Curse, etc. If that's right then I can't see how CKAN indexing Kethane would violate any reasonable license. To try and block it would be akin to trying to say that your mod may only be downloaded using Google Chrome and not any other web browser.

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CKAN would simplify the updating process for those on PCs who use it to no end.

Also any way of coordinating with ScanSat or merge modify stock scanner to be received earlier? Goal to minimize number of parts.

Adding a tab in part selection wouldn't be bad addition too.

Sorry for list of requests if I had time to learn to mod I'd offer to help.

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CKAN: not my place to say yea or nay, really.

ScanSat: there used to be something. Stock: uh... there are reasons Kethane is still alive.

Part selection tab: get me a TARDIS, Delorian, or Gay Deceiver (I'd prefer Gay Deceiver: she's a cool plane).

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  • 1 month later...

Just found out Kethane has new management to keep it alive :)  Will try it out!!!


Background mining/processing is a big must I think, one of the reasons I tend to use Ore/Karbonite as I don't want to timewarp to fill huge containers of it.

Edited by Jimbodiah
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41 minutes ago, taniwha said:

I agree about mining and processing (though I dislike the currently available means of doing so), but scanning is definitely beyond reach at this stage (doesn't mean I don't think about it).

Did you ever see my pull request. It's been a while, but I think I set it up so processing can happen in the background.

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51 minutes ago, taniwha said:

I agree about mining and processing (though I dislike the currently available means of doing so), but scanning is definitely beyond reach at this stage (doesn't mean I don't think about it).

i think scansat has background scanning, and some system to handle resource scanning. maybe u can make it a dependency.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

One thing I would absolutely love to see is some sort of patch/config for RSS and Realism Overhaul, or at least Real Fuels. That way those of us who like the RSS mod can do more nomadic style ISRU for Grand Tours.

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  • 2 weeks later...
45 minutes ago, Friethjoph said:

I have problems with the scanners for stock and K+/Karbonite materials...

You are probably asking for help in the wrong thread then ;)

If your stock scanner is not working, best to post that in the support forum for unmodded installs as it's a stock problem.

If you are having problems scanning with the stock scanner for Karbonite, ping me in the Karbonite thread.

Tho since we're talking stock mechanics, odds are you either have a conflict or a usage question, very hard to tell since you posted very little info.  But in any case, this would not be the right thread for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for taking over this mod, I am not sure if what I am going to ask is possible or not, but can you add a scaner like who kethane scans for resources, to be added for vanilla resource? i don't like how the resources pop when you use the scanner for vanilla resources, the process of revealing resources of kethane is much more realistic and my favorite, is it possible to add this mechanics to the vanilla resources too?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kethane is the only reason I played KSP.  I love the whole thing about building a ship to gather resources, to make gas stations to get a ship out to the furthest planets.

I've never successfully landed on Moho only because of fuel.  Once I get something in orbit I can refuel, then I can finally get a ship down. :P

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