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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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My vote goes for Kis, since it does not add non stock parts to the game, and turn engineers more exploiteble by an writer's point of view, since they will be the ones customing the vessels in the After Kerbin Event.

Also a mod that uses ore to produce stock parts to be atached in an vessel does not sound very cheating if compared to the extraplanetary lauch pads.

If you want to install a mod with non stock parts. The colony modules are the only ones that do not crack the theme "put hardware out of kebin to ensure survivality of kerbalkind" thing...

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My vote goes for Kis, since it does not add non stock parts to the game, and turn engineers more exploiteble by an writer's point of view, since they will be the ones customing the vessels in the After Kerbin Event.

Also a mod that uses ore to produce stock parts to be atached in an vessel does not sound very cheating if compared to the extraplanetary lauch pads.

If you want to install a mod with non stock parts. The colony modules are the only ones that do not crack the theme "put hardware out of kebin to ensure survivality of kerbalkind" thing...

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I also have a question: how did they identify the saboteur?

Adam and Jack (who came back from the future to warn about the disaster) knew the identity of the saboteur, but they revealed it off-panel. In page 2, Bill mentions it, saying "we know she's the culprit because two other guys came from the future to warn us". I ended chapter 18 without revealing it so the readers could make their guesses, but it wasn't really a mistery in-story.

About the mod talk: I think most of you are of the same mind I am! I don't want mods adding parts that have the same functions as stock parts, and I want my vessels to be mostly stock. But I think KAS and KIS add some funcionalities that might be interesting story-wise, and may end up saving some lives at a point in the comic when I can't launch new vessels. And Pathfinder adds some base building parts that are sorely missing from stock and will be needed for Plan Kappa. MKS is an alternative, but I don't want to deal with life support for PK (I'd rather just roleplay it).

Last time I've played with KAS it ended up breaking a save beyond repair, but that was probably because of some incompatibility with another mod. If I'm going to add a few mods, it's better if they're very compatible.

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Given how you are going to be ISRU reliant after year 3, KIS/KAS is basically a requirement, if only because it means you won't have to precisely dock every time you need to fill up a ship. It also means that if you screw up a launch window, or have 75 m/s too little delta-v, you don't have to abandon a ship in orbit that you forgot to add a docking port to.

BTW, this is quite an awesome series, can't wait for the next chapter!

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Hmm, daily, the first thing I do when I have a cup of coffee is log on and check this and Kuzzters thread for updates. I think I may have a problem.

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that your regular fix is here. The bad news is that it will probably be the last one for a while. I'll explain below!












This concludes what I'm calling the "Volume 1" of Plan Kappa. The next volume will take place a couple of years later, and will tell the tale of the last days of Kerbin. However, in order to do this time skip, I'll have to actually play a couple of years in-game, doing launches in 10-days intervals. That's probably going to take a while (although I may hyperedit stuff in orbit if it's a repeated launch and I know how much fuel a vessel would have left). Meanwhile, I plan to create an album with the full list of missions that have been done so far, and that will happen during the "break".

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You should throw in extraplanetary launchpads if you want to be TRULY self sufficient. :) I don't know how high they are on the research tree though.

Eh speaking as a part time table top enthusiast that's like stating up a marine biologist/survivalist for a ship wrecked game.

It takes the challenge out of losing kerbin.

KIS and OSE are sufficient they will allow him to still construct rockets but the actual assembly of the parts won't be as point and click easy.

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Eh speaking as a part time table top enthusiast that's like stating up a marine biologist/survivalist for a ship wrecked game.

It takes the challenge out of losing kerbin.

KIS and OSE are sufficient they will allow him to still construct rockets but the actual assembly of the parts won't be as point and click easy.

Yes, the plan is to play with limited resources once Kerbin "ends".

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Hmm, daily, the first thing I do when I have a cup of coffee is log on and check this and Kuzzters thread for updates. I think I may have a problem.

Is because of thins king of "problem" that i cutting out coffee.

Hey? whats the problem?

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I just read this, great fanfic! When is volume 2 going to start?:)

As soon as I reach year 2 and a half in game. Will take a few weeks, probably over a month. But I plan on updating the thread with a few albums during the interval, so keep following the topic! :)

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