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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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4 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

Well, on another note, I finally finished chapter 38. It was the hardest chapter to do, and the one with the biggest-- oh, you better check it out yourselves:

Whooohooo. Of anyone on Kerbin was still skeptical about impending doom... Doubt many will even still believe the 'official' timeframe anymore.

I do wonder what's happened to Stelrine. Obviously, they never found the body, but I wonder if she'll end up having to suffer a villain rescue or if she's hoist by her own petard with a front row seat to the end of the world and possibly having the dubious honor of being the last person in Kerbin SOI to die. The latter is quite dramatic, but damaged as she is she can also bring plenty more in cramped quarters with our good guys...

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5 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

And besides, I'm sure some foreign company will have some type of transport for Jeb!

We'll be back to Jeb on the next chapter. Honestly, I still don't know if he's going to make it...


4 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Kenbo Kerman "Pilot"

Kenlie Kerman of Kerbfleet "Pilot"


That's the random name generator for you... But then again, the whole plot about Stelrine and Stelgy being the same person from different timelines emerged from that kind of thing, so it's pretty possible Kenbo is an alternate Kenlie... Too bad he's gone...


4 hours ago, lukethecoder64 said:

Notice how only one side of the Mun is being exploded in that last panel......

Actually, the entire Mun exploded, it's just that one side exploded more than the other.


1 hour ago, kookoo_gr said:

Also how did you make those effects of the portal and the explosion?

16 minutes ago, SaturnianBlue said:

 I wonder how you made those effects. :)

Photoshop. The last pic is in fact a composite image made from two other explosions on the Launch Pad.


4 hours ago, Chemp said:

Where will Stelrine end up? Did she really get away into an alternate universe? Or has she looped back in time to reappear in the past, trying to amend her mistakes? Maybe another iteration of Stelgy/Stelrine.

4 minutes ago, FyunchClick said:

I do wonder what's happened to Stelrine. Obviously, they never found the body, but I wonder if she'll end up having to suffer a villain rescue or if she's hoist by her own petard with a front row seat to the end of the world and possibly having the dubious honor of being the last person in Kerbin SOI to die. The latter is quite dramatic, but damaged as she is she can also bring plenty more in cramped quarters with our good guys...

We'll find out what happened to Stelrine before the end of the second volume, I promise.


4 hours ago, GDJ said:

So....Kerbin is down to a couple of hours now?

More than a couple, but not much more...


3 hours ago, Alchemist said:

Called it

Yes you did. Have a cookie. I don't have a cookie emoticon, though.

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Wow! Of course my girlfriend will be mad, I promised her the mun... ;)

And on behalf of the staff here at Wild Blue Industries, Parka Division, so long and thanks for all the fish! (hops into a fusion powered ship and blasts off) :)

Edited by Angel-125
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6 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

Well, on another note, I finally finished chapter 38. It was the hardest chapter to do, and the one with the biggest-- oh, you better check it out yourselves:


  Reveal hidden contents



Wa wa wa wa WOW :)  That certainly removed a few pieces from the board, making it easier to keep track..  Or did it? :D


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Just now, Angel-125 said:

I would think that the destruction of the Mun would create debris that rained down onto Kerbin. Kind of like what happens in The Time Machine. So I think a few pieces did get removed, but quite a few more were created... :)

Depends on which side of Mun the explosion happened, which was rather oriented as shown in the hidden pic  I figure most of Mun got radial+ acceleration so is now further from Kerbin than before.

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45 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

Who inherits the stocks? I'm pretty sure those were several of the evil stockholders there, right?

I'm pretty sure nobody on Kerbin is worried about stocks right now, because they're all running and screaming "the sky is falling!"

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12 minutes ago, Parkaboy said:

I'm pretty sure nobody on Kerbin is worried about stocks right now, because they're all running and screaming "the sky is falling!"

I'm sure the first 30 seconds was dead silence, then somebody said "Ho-ly excrements-aki-mushrooms!!"

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22 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Just saw something.


Kenbo Kerman "Pilot"

Kenlie Kerman of Kerbfleet "Pilot"


That's nothing, I had an ALMOST Stelrine in a previous game, off by one letter, Stelrie, she was a pilot though, I think.

As Parkaboy said, that's the random name generator for ya.

Also, I definetly hope Jeb makes it somehow....

Edited by smjjames
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I just spent 4 hours reading this entire thread.

Wow Parkaboy, this is EPIC!

I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take the story next.


as a side note: in the mars trilogy, Kim Stanley Robinson had his characters on phobos (or diemos?) suffering in microgravity. their solution was to build a train track around the moon (tiny little potato moon) and they spent their non-working hours living in a train zooming around the moon in what was effectivly a very large diameter centrefuge. not sure if its possibe to actualy build as functional in ksp, but a bit of cubic octagonal monorail just long enough for a screen shot with a stationary rover hab on it shouldn't be too much hassle.



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Working on a ship to save the entire population. Small version carries 400 kerbals to orbit in a couple of minutes and launches from anywhere, to anywhere. Powered by an Orion drive, with 8 KS-25 "Vector" attitude control thrusters. Large version crashes my game.

Launch them quickly, before any of the later crews get radiation poisoning.

Edited by RocketSquid
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24 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

Working on a ship to save the entire population. Small version carries 400 kerbals to orbit in a couple of minutes and launches from anywhere, to anywhere. Powered by an Orion drive, with 8 KS-25 "Vector" attitude control thrusters. Large version crashes my game.

Launch them quickly, before any of the later crews get radiation poisoning.

But can these ships also carry all the Kerbals' worldly goods and necessities of life?  It really only prolongs the agony to send them off merely to starve to death in the open on an airless, frigid world :D

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12 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

But can these ships also carry all the Kerbals' worldly goods and necessities of life?  It really only prolongs the agony to send them off merely to starve to death in the open on an airless, frigid world :D

Yup. This is a spacecraft powered by nuclear explosives. It knows not the "every gram counts" rule. It cares not about payload mass, nor transfer windows. It knows only thrust. It is a monster. But it is our monster. And it can save everyone.

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19 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Well, if we're still running on the "Dibs!" legal system, then I claim Dibs! to the stock of any and all "Cabal" members who have left @Parkaboy's timeline, whether for another one or because of Mun RUD.

Well...It is canon that I, @GDJ, and @SpaceplaneAddict have 1%.  Now we just need our own characters...  Clifton Kerman.  That has a nice ring to it.  :wink:

Edited by Guest
Fix autocorrect...I HATE AUTOCORRECT!!!!!!!
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Just now, Dman979 said:

Yeah, but it's artillery that I have a character, too. :P

I think you meant "canon," and I couldn't resist.

Oh, yeah.  Autocorrect...

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An Intrepid class carrier can support twelve Kerbals indefinitely. Take out some of the landers and fuel, and it could support many more. And @Dman979, I think you're only canonically Kerbal in Kerbfleet, if you were going to show up here there'd have to be another crossover which the last time did not improve matters. :) 

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