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What are you doing until 1.1?

Kyrt Malthorn

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Like the thread says...

I'm coming to the point in my current (and first!) career mode where I feel like I've accomplished what I set out to do: learn the basics, get a handle on the advanced, and toy with late gameplay. I've got a few ideas for new games I might start, but thinking about 1.1 has me wondering how much I want to invest in any 1.0.4 games for now. On the other hand, a lot of mods may not be updated for 1.1 for a while yet, so there may be some merit in keeping a 1.0.4 version of the KSP install around... BUT if I go wild with mods, it will probably include KSP Interstellar Extended and I will be wanting to build gigantic spaceships... which would be far more fun if I had a 1.1 performance boost. Upgrading to 1.1 in the middle of a playthrough, though...can break things.

So I'm curious what other people are doing until that day.

EDIT: What are youd doing In KSP? I'm still hooked on this game so if you're playing someting else... whatever floats your boat, but not what I want to hear. ;)

Edited by Kyrt Malthorn
Self explanatory this time.
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Playing Factorio. When 1.1 comes out I'll probably play more Factorio, or something else. Once 1.1 has been updated to 1.14 or 1.15, i will then download it and check it out.

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I am enjoying looking at the mods kerbal galaxy, contract configurator, better than starting manned, custom barn kit, and seti... Along with playing ksp 1.0.4 I am enjoying looking into how these mods are coded programing wise... reintroducing myself to how programing code is organized and toying slightly with how the config files look... I had to take a couple breaks to go on a camping trip, but I think i'm recovered from that and ready to re-engage is ksp gameplay/study :)...

I was also proud to complete a challenge awhile back using stock ksp (well, added kerbal engineer just for the dv readings) where I got to the Jool/Laythe system and orbited a couple other moons as well, before landing on Laythe using only 5 total craft launches, though I don't know what happened to the original poster of that challenge.

Challenge name: Five Flight

My result is left unverified to this day, but i'm proud anyway


Edited by ToneStack
Added the challenge name, should anyone want to try
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I've got a huge pile of projects and I'm never bored.

*expand my mods

*build a virtual electronic circuit/ignition system for my KSP piston engines

*already taking part in the WW2 tournament

*build a huge pile of replica's and new designs.

Career mode? No time.

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Working on refining my spaceplane which can carry full orange tanks to orbit. These will be used as modules to create a ship for my Jool-5 mission.

So, yeah. I hope I make it before 1.1 drops. From the sound of the devnotes, I just might.

Happy landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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How is Factorio? I'd never heard of it, it looks kind of interesting.
It has literally eaten up every free moment I've had for the last month. Not sure if it's for everyone but I would suggest checking out some LPs. It's hard for me to classify; maybe a combination management sim/part-time RTS/top-down shooter/puzzle game? I told my wife "it's a game about building a factory and shooting aliens."
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