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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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Not quoting since apparently it will screw everything up.

@OTmikhail those are actually for Surface Experiments Pack, I had them in there more as a reminder to myself to actually, y'know, do them. Nevermind the fact that list is not really relevant since most of those parts got deleted from the plans for that mod's next update... Anyways, I'll take it out of the todo soon. Speaking of which, I have been forgetting to work on Europa. @VenomousRequiem, have you done any more work on Astris?

RE: KIS/KAS compatibility, I actually need compatibility files for those (is it one or the other or both? idk) and perhaps life support compatibility. And maybe realchutes. I'm trying to think of what other mods I used to play with haha.

RE: Getting RT to work again, I was actually going to take care of it tonight real quick before I started the stream. But if you want them to work sooner, go through the RT compatibility file and change all the part names to match the ones in the cfgs in Bluedog_DB/Parts/Antennas. IIRC a couple will be missing that are new parts. I have a note to take care of that as well. 

RE: Probe stuff, I would consider adding a couple more parts to the list if anyone has firm suggestions that aren't covered by Coatl Aerospace. Specifically for older / more obscure probes, since that's more our niche. @VenomousRequiem let me know if you have any designs.

So I think I'll start tonight with working on the Gemini experiments, maybe get them all modeled, and then move on to trying to get more progress done on MOL. There are still parts for that which haven't been started or even added to the roadmap, such as the experiment packages (if anyone has ideas based on internal experiments conducted on Skylab, Mir, or the ISS let me know), the spy equipment (I'd like to use @DMagic's ScienceDefs again with his permission), and the question of 'how the heck am I going to dock to this darn thing?' (we need a docking module similar to Skylab's but probably more in the form of a truss). Still on schedule to start streaming some time around 6PM EST (90 minutes from this post) though the actual stream will likely be up a little while before then if anyone is that desperate to hang out in the chat. Link to the stream.

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31 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

@OTmikhail I was going to come up with some designs for the probe service module and engine, aye. Any ideas, besides the Ranger engine? 

I have no idea what it even looks like. I'm trying to research it.  But maybe a cool idea would be to have something like the HLR-4 "Marquardt" Orbital Propulsion System you guys already have, but smaller, like in the 0.3m size. Which by the way, in my opinion the HLR-4 in grossly under powered. I mean I don't have so much of a problem with the low thrust, but for it's size I feel like it should have a lot more MonoPropellant. It only has 15 units, and the smallest stock MonoProp tank has 15 units, so I feel like maybe the existing one should have closer to 60 units of mono and a new small one could have 15-30 units of mono and maybe some built in batteries (less than 100 units of electricity maybe?)

Anyway, just an idea.

EDIT: @CobaltWolf we posted at the same time LOL, but thanks I keep forgetting that SEP and BDB are separate. But as for KIS/KAS I'm glad you have plans, but have no idea what is needed. I'll try to fix RT on my end, but if I can't get it to work I will just wait for your fix.

Edited by OTmikhail
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7 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

So I was looking at the Titan IV texture sheet and I noticed that there was some room. Anyone have pics of the mounting hardware for the Titan solids? I think it's time for BDB to get its own radial decoupler.

I can after June 8th when it goes on display. Until then There is this:


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1 minute ago, TimothyC said:

I can after June 8th when it goes on display. Until then There is this:

Hrmm. I would want to include those beams that extend out, but that would make it pretty dedicated to 1.875m strap ons. I don't particularly mind, but does anyone object?

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On 4/14/2016 at 9:35 PM, CobaltWolf said:

So I think I'll start tonight with working on the Gemini experiments, maybe get them all modeled, and then move on to trying to get more progress done on MOL. There are still parts for that which haven't been started or even added to the roadmap, such as the experiment packages (if anyone has ideas based on internal experiments conducted on Skylab, Mir, or the ISS let me know)

Here is an idea look at the experimental  Orbital Material Science.

Best  Gemini experiments +  Skylab, Mir, or the ISS experiment are of course the Kerbal versions in the Nehemiah Engineering - Orbital Material Science mod. Although not updated since 0.90 with Nehemiah off to finish a degree. It was picked up and converted to an experimental build (no pun intended) for 1.0.4 and seemed to run well in 1.0.5

Experimental ksp 1.0.5 version http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/106924-10-n3h3mias-science-mods-unofficial-experimental-build/

Still not sure what this? 

lets put Capillary Flow Experiment (CFE) into the Columbus lab on ISS:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuSe-U_ocDU




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RIP, joined the stream just as it ended....


I can after June 8th when it goes on display. Until then There is this:



Looks like I need to convince my dad to take another trip to Dayton, Ohio to see this.

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6 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Hrmm. I would want to include those beams that extend out, but that would make it pretty dedicated to 1.875m strap ons. I don't particularly mind, but does anyone object?

I'll bite. I'd love some non stock radials, even kw never had those, but if you do them even at all prototypically, they'll be terrible gameplay wise. Real decouplers usually have struts at the top and the bottom, but in KSP that'd either have to be one really long part with an invisible midsection, or only attached on one end. They'd be limited to one type of booster, and would probably be hard to balance in terms of keeping stages spinning away and not into the stack. 

If you just want to do it then awesome, it'll be really cool when you use the intended boosters, but to me it wouldn't be worth the development effort.

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Pics from a test launch I did today. @OTmikhail, the first solar panel is in game but not finished. The other design, that you saw on stream, will be coming soon after, and there is a third that has yet to be started that has an inline mount. I am probably going to expand the list of parts for the update, since I have some more ideas for parts that I'd like to see. The panel is currently glitched and turns to face the sun edge on, I didn't have time to fix it in Unity. The medium station dish also made it in.


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Right. Another week. Another weekend. Another Play Session! Woo!

I'm checking out the new bits and bobs, and thus far things look pretty good. I'm clawing my way up the tech-tree as fast as reasonable... which is pretty fast without KCT and a rescale in place :P

Immediate notes: The RT antennas patch has one botch and one omission: Typobotch is not actually in the patch, but the bluedog_telstarAntenna didn't actually get named that, and is simply bluedog_telstar in its own cfg. The other is the Agena antenna missing out of the RT patch. I wildly guess stats as twice those of the simple antenna based on a extremely gross appraisal of their similarities. (One is an extendable coat hanger. The other is also an extendable coat hanger, but presumably of higher quality. Make stats 2.5x :P ) Find code behind the fold.


@PART[bluedog_agenaAntenna]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] //Belle B81 Command Antenna
    !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %allowManualControl = false
        %Mode0OmniRange = 0
        %Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
        %EnergyCost = 0.05
        %DeployFxModules = 0
            %PacketInterval = 0.3
            %PacketSize = 2
            %PacketResourceCost = 15.0
    %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}


I'll update as/if I find things. Looking good thus far!

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@CobaltWolf: I just saw the road map and some advice on the S****n V interstage:

A****o 4 and 6 had eight ullage motors on the interstage.

A****o 8-13 had 4 ullage motors

A****o 14-Skylab 1 had none. 

So either you make them separate or you make three versions.

Also, what's the diameter of the S****n V 1st and 2nd stage?

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33 minutes ago, davidy12 said:

@CobaltWolf: I just saw the road map and some advice on the S****n V interstage:

A****o 4 and 6 had eight ullage motors on the interstage.

A****o 8-13 had 4 ullage motors

A****o 14-Skylab 1 had none. 

So either you make them separate or you make three versions.

Also, what's the diameter of the S****n V 1st and 2nd stage?

I'd say do them as a separate entity, so they can be applied elsewhere. S****n V 1st and 2nd would probably be 5 meter.


Also @CobaltWolf when are we getting the new goodies? (Shinny Tanks, TRAILS included in download, etc) 

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43 minutes ago, davidy12 said:

@CobaltWolf: I just saw the road map and some advice on the S****n V interstage:

A****o 4 and 6 had eight ullage motors on the interstage.

A****o 8-13 had 4 ullage motors

A****o 14-Skylab 1 had none. 

So either you make them separate or you make three versions.

Also, what's the diameter of the S****n V 1st and 2nd stage?

Ooooor, if you noticed, ullage and retro motors are a separate article in the roadmap. We'll probably have one interstage with no ullage motors, and allow you to place them yourself. Interesting bit of information, though! 

I reckon the first and second stage ought to be 6.125m despite my pleading... But before we get into a discussion about size, let's cross that bridge when we get to it. 


@Sgt.Shutesie The latest dev update already has that! Go pick it up! 

Edited by VenomousRequiem
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48 minutes ago, davidy12 said:

I just saw the road map and some advice on the S****n V interstage:

A****o 4 and 6 had eight ullage motors on the interstage.

A****o 8-13 had 4 ullage motors

A****o 14-Skylab 1 had none. 

So either you make them separate or you make three versions.

Also, what's the diameter of the S****n V 1st and 2nd stage?

@VenomousRequiem I told you !

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