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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 12/4/2017 at 4:08 PM, notJebKerman said:

It's probably not intended. But I would like to point out that they also have the same weight. And the same thing goes for Apollo antennas for Block 2, 3/4 and 5. They all have the same weight and range


I just uploaded a fix to the Github for the solar panel. I really don't have time to spend balancing and getting everything polished. I really rely on forum users contributing feedback and occasionally creating pull requests. So, if you see something, say something! :) I am not sure what to do for those dishes. 

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  On 12/4/2017 at 6:30 PM, Rory Yammomoto said:

I see Spacelab panels, and that's nice that Cobalt got those in. But I also see those extra modules… are Those in the mod now? If not, which mod are they in?


To further clarify they are in the MASTER branch of the Github.  If you just go to the Github and click download you are going to get the files from like 3 months ago.  Instead click at the top where it Says Bluedog-Design-Bureau then click the green Clone/Download button.

Now the masters have EVERY file Cobaltwolf currently thinks of as done.  There COULD be craft breaking changes...(I don't think there are but their COLD be!)  But sure as shooting their are NEW parts as well.   Just be warned you don't copy EVERYTHING from this download to the GameData directory.  Else you WILL break things.

If you don't know what SHOULD and what SHOULD NOT be copied to the GameData directory of your KSP install than you shouldn't bother downloading these files and instead join the Hype-train waiting for the next OFFICIAL release.


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Hello and sorry to bug you.

I have a bug report.  I don't know if you are aware of it, I did search for it but only found a link from 2015 here.

I haven't noticed this bug before fairly recently which could mean that it has come back or that I am just oblivious.  Anyway, the HLR-ZOID solar panel seems to only get power when it is edge on to the light and not face on like one would expect.

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  On 12/5/2017 at 1:27 AM, Leszek said:

Hello and sorry to bug you.

I have a bug report.  I don't know if you are aware of it, I did search for it but only found a link from 2015 here.

I haven't noticed this bug before fairly recently which could mean that it has come back or that I am just oblivious.  Anyway, the HLR-ZOID solar panel seems to only get power when it is edge on to the light and not face on like one would expect.


Yup, someone (I believe IceDown) already logged a Github issue with it. That part got revamped and reexported from Unity recently, and my theory is that the first time I fixed it I didn't save, causing me to export a new broken part during the revamp. 

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So, last night I managed to upload the configs for the new parts but not the .mu model files. Will fix as soon as I'm home!

However, I do have something new for you! A brand new supplemental manual for BDB, covering the construction and operation of MOL and Skylab space stations! Once again, this is brought to us by the amazing @DiscoSlelge! Please take a look, tell him how awesome it is, and let him know if there are any issues. Click the image below to be taken to the PDF!


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I have trouble with the Apollo SM decoupler and the petal adapter. Everytime I decouple the CM from the SM, the force is way to big, so my capsule spins out of control. With the petal adapter, the force is also way to big, so it causes my CSM and the S-IVB stage out of control and explodes a lot of things. Could anyone help me solve this problem?

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  On 12/7/2017 at 1:02 PM, JEB'S DESTINY said:

I have trouble with the Apollo SM decoupler and the petal adapter. Everytime I decouple the CM from the SM, the force is way to big, so my capsule spins out of control. With the petal adapter, the force is also way to big, so it causes my CSM and the S-IVB stage out of control and explodes a lot of things. Could anyone help me solve this problem?


Have you tried the github version? What version are you using right now ?


Apart, the new manuel has been already viewed 100 times ! Many thanks to you'all :D
Link on the image: 1512661873-meme.png

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  On 12/7/2017 at 1:02 PM, JEB'S DESTINY said:

I have trouble with the Apollo SM decoupler and the petal adapter. Everytime I decouple the CM from the SM, the force is way to big, so my capsule spins out of control. With the petal adapter, the force is also way to big, so it causes my CSM and the S-IVB stage out of control and explodes a lot of things. Could anyone help me solve this problem?


are you using the SSTU parts pack/mod? if so, try updating to the most recent build. I had the exact same issue.

Edited by RaiderMan
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Starting to look at the antennas (just DIRECT/RELAY, not INTERNAL) in Bluedog and their stats seem to be all over the place.


Before I start writing a pull request, were there balance guidelines that you followed when specifying the antennas?

My proposed guidelines:

  • No packet intervals above 1.5 seconds, or below 0.3 seconds
  • Transmit rates (Mits/sec) between 0.5 and 9.0 
  • EC/Mit as low as 1.5 (only for the shortest of ranges), but mostly in the 4.5-9.0 range
  • Parts with a transmit power / mass fraction below 100,000 or above 50,000,000 to be looked at

Specific thoughts:

  • bluedog_LEM_Ascent_Antenna1 - Has a power value of 5000, boost to 25000
  • bluedog_scimitar - probably weighs too much (cut mass to 0.002 from 0.005)
  • bluedog_telstar - is a relay, but probably has too little power (go from 125k to 500k)
  • bluedog_malhenaSolar - has solar panels, but mass should probably be cut to 1/2 of existing
  • Apollo HGAs - probably boost their power from 10M to 25M (maye 50M), help them function as relays
  • Ranger Dish - weighs too much at 0.030, could cut to 0.015 or 0.010 (2Gm antenna)
  • Mariner 4 Dish - weighs too little at 0.020, should probably be 0.040 or 0.035
  • (plus the balancing for packet intervals, transmit rates, EC/Mit)





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