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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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45 minutes ago, akron said:

I think an intermediate release would be a very good idea. It looks like a good checkpoint before the next set of new/revised parts

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Especially because I intended to keep somewhere around a monthly release schedule.

... oh god, I just realized that some day I won't be able to just go breaking save files every time I release something...

44 minutes ago, davidy12 said:

Focus on rockets and probes, then onto Gemini.

Well right now like I said priorities are Juno and Diamant. They both have probes associated with them that are going into the probes folders. I also want to finish the upper stage SRB stuff, as well as fixing a bunch of stuff.

After that is done, I would move on to the actual AVP and DKAP stuff listed on the roadmap. Speaking of which - if anyone has any probe type parts they want to see, especially if they're kind of generic and wouldn't be associated with any specific launcher, let me know and I'll see about adding it in. Just make sure they're not already getting covered by Coatl Aerospace.

For Jupiter or for Redstone? They both should be working on my end now.

Edited by CobaltWolf
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I just think the probes should be a priority along with the rockets.


On the redstone tanks:

Add this right below Node_stack_bottom

node_attach = 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1

then edit attach rules to

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0


Edited by davidy12
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Just now, davidy12 said:

On the redstone tanks:

Add this right below Node_stack_bottom

node_attach = 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1

then edit attach rules to

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

Except that doesn't actually make them surface attach correctly, because in my infinite wisdom I made it so that 0.0 on the Y axis is not  the center point of the model.

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1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

Except that doesn't actually make them surface attach correctly, because in my infinite wisdom I made it so that 0.0 on the Y axis is not  the center point of the model.

I learned that lesson the hard way. Hurray for my NERVA engine teaching me the ways! Moving the transforms is also what messed up my RTG animation so I had to do it over. It will likely be easier to just append the correct Y coordinates in the CFG files rather than moving the parts and having to re-export them.

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13 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:


The quote gizmo broke on mobile, but I rather like the result honestly... Anyway!

regarding save breakage, as with all things Ksp, and especially all things add on, it's your show after all; if something needs to break for arts sake,well, I'll demand a full refund :P 

That is to say, if something needs to break, it's on us more than you, I think. Besides all that, foodphonelaptop priority sounds like the place to focus as well. Oh, and those "class" things... Yeah, them... >_>

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Procedural Fairings for BDB parts is up. Download here.

All BDB fairing bases converted to PF bases. 1 new side shape. The two light and dark textures from Cobalt's stock fairings are converted, and two variations of a new texture by me are included. Fairing sides use Firespitter for texture switching. Select one of the Bluedog sides and use the Next/Previous Texture buttons to switch.

Not compatible with the procedural fairings from previous dev releases. Delete the GameData\Bluedog_DB\Parts\PF folder if you have one.

edit: Updated to include the original logo fairing I think made by @MeCripp



Procedural parts textures here.

Edited by Jso
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Ohhh, lord. After a long, what, week? I've kinda got my stuff back, and while I was offline I made this super sexy launcher. :P

I guess I'm obligated to mention... it looks good but the TWR on the first stage without the boosters wasn't high enough and it fell back down... but it still looks good!

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1 hour ago, Sgt.Shutesie said:

Would you be adding the 4 procedural textures Cobalt had before? I really liked the black strip, white top and having the BDB logo.

I only know of two, one with one without the logo. I added the logo fairing.

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2 hours ago, VenomousRequiem said:

Ohhh, lord. After a long, what, week? I've kinda got my stuff back, and while I was offline I made this super sexy launcher. :P

I guess I'm obligated to mention... it looks good but the TWR on the first stage without the boosters wasn't high enough and it fell back down... but it still looks good!

Delta III?

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10 hours ago, VenomousRequiem said:

the TWR on the first stage without the boosters wasn't high enough

That's the same problem I have when I fly my H-I with 6 boosters.

A stark contrast to what happened when the real H-I flew with the same amount of boosters in 1989, albeit only once.

...which it did.
To absolute perfection!

Edited by fs10inator
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Meanwhile, things have been happening re: Vanguard, Diamant, and Juno stuff... I think the first couple tech nodes will be very cool looking from now on ;) Also the nose on that second rocket is, uh, a Stayputnik. It just kind of happened when I was making the fairing. I like it.

EDIT: Well I was gonna go to bed, then I decided to do some more texturing work for 15 minutes. @davidy12 Pioneer 1 is halfway textured.


Edited by CobaltWolf
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47 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Meanwhile, things have been happening re: Vanguard, Diamant, and Juno stuff... I think the first couple tech nodes will be very cool looking from now on ;) Also the nose on that second rocket is, uh, a Stayputnik. It just kind of happened when I was making the fairing. I like it.

EDIT: Well I was gonna go to bed, then I decided to do some more texturing work for 15 minutes. @davidy12 Pioneer 1 is halfway textured.


You didn't have to mention me. But thanks for the work you put into the lunar probe.

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1 minute ago, davidy12 said:

You didn't have to mention me. But thanks for the work you put into the lunar probe.

Eh you're the only person I know that was waiting for it haha.

EDIT: Moreover, Explorer 1 + Sargents are fully textured now. The colliders were also remade and it separates pretty consistently now.

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Feel free to test stuff people. Diamant is missing it's probes and the large diameter SRB, Juno's missing a couple probes still. But a lot of the other stuff was tweaked in various ways and is worth a look. Agena might need another balance pass. Titan's engines have some fun surprises. Everything is either over or underpowered.

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1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

Feel free to test stuff people. Diamant is missing it's probes and the large diameter SRB, Juno's missing a couple probes still. But a lot of the other stuff was tweaked in various ways and is worth a look. Agena might need another balance pass. Titan's engines have some fun surprises. Everything is either over or underpowered.

@CobaltWolf: Remind me again cobalt, where do I attach the Juno II vernier?

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Hi guys,

Is there a knack to flying Daleth with the stock physics engine?

Every launch I make - usually at about 30km - she keeps flipping out. :(

Does this happen to anybody else or am I just a bad pilot? :blush:

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7 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Feel free to test stuff people. Diamant is missing it's probes and the large diameter SRB, Juno's missing a couple probes still. But a lot of the other stuff was tweaked in various ways and is worth a look. Agena might need another balance pass. Titan's engines have some fun surprises. Everything is either over or underpowered.

@CobaltWolf Wow dude! I'm really loving the Jupiter parts, new explorer 1 probe, but so far my favorite thing is your "SolidSafe" feature. Very nice! Still a lot of poking around to do. I'll share if I find anything buggy.

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4 hours ago, Kalidor said:

Hi guys,

Is there a knack to flying Daleth with the stock physics engine?

Every launch I make - usually at about 30km - she keeps flipping out. :(

Does this happen to anybody else or am I just a bad pilot? :blush:

... how are you launching? I just had an explanation in the Tantares thread.

Thanks for checking out the release guys! Sorry it's been such a quiet month here, but I appreciate y'all sticking with me while I sort IRL stuff out.

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