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Mathematical Laws of KSP (updated 7 July)


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Yesterday, I made a joke on this thread about the fact that Kraken probability followed an exponential law when using service bays.

As several users found it funny, I had this idea of making more of this type of mathematical laws applied to KSP.

Though they are based on real observed KSP behaviours enhanced with very serious statistical studies, I don't recommend using those to plan any space program. You've been warned ! :wink:

Here they are:

The Mathematical Laws of KSP

1st Law: The booster number theorem

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2nd Law: The structural integrity law

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3rd Law: The Δv problem

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4th Law: The Kraken-service bay distribution

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5th Law: The patched conics uncertainty principle

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6th Law: Properties of the memory usage function

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7th Law: The lag number

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8th Law: On mission durations, the Crown law (proposed by Red Iron Crown)

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9th Law: the Kythagorean theorem (proposed by CliftonM)

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10th Law: The FSPEHTWP probability law (proposed by Hcube)

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11th Law: The spaceplane collider paradox (proposed by GoSlash27)

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12th Law: The criticality conundrum (proposed by GoSlash27)

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13th Law: The Hatch-Tensor equation (proposed by GoSlash27)

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14th Law: The memory problem (proposed by *Aqua*)

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15th Law: The contract conundrum (proposed by Snark)

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16th Law: EladDv's first law of Kraken drives: the loss rate rule (proposed by EladDv)

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17th Law: EladDv's second law of Kraken drives: the reactivation breakdown rule (proposed by EladDv)

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18th Law: EladDv's third law of Kraken drives: the critical minimal velocity rule (proposed by EladDv)

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19th Law: The landing fuel usage law (proposed by mhoram)

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Corollary 19bis : You did not pack enough fuel to land safely (proposed by mhoram)

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20th Law: The cheesy perseverance rule (proposed by RocketSquid)

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21st Law: The Grand Kraken case [DEPRECATED] (proposed by CliftonM)

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22nd Law: On time dilation in strong partal fields

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23rd Law: The Hatch obstruction theorem (proposed by msasterisk)

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24th Law: The explosion reciprocity axiom (proposed by Hodari)

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25th Law: The CTD exponentiality rule (proposed by nosirrbro)

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26th Law: The graphical incidence formula (proposed by Robotengineer)

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27th Law: The biome jump law (proposed by REMD)

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28th Law: The abandonment theorem (proposed by Andem)

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29th Law: The Kerblams equality principle (inspired by this thread) 

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If you have any comment or correction to these laws, please make them !
If you have any suggestions for more of these, please share them !
If you want to add your own laws, please do so ! I'll add them to the OP if you wish.

If you like laws that were proposed by other members and added to the OP, remember to show them some love !

Edited by Gaarst
Added 28th and 29th laws
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I realize that this is intended to be tongue-in-cheek, but a lot of people *actually* try to run their space programs in accordance with rules #1 and #2 and then wonder why their rockets are bloated laggy uncontrollable messes.

So for those who are struggling, I would like to point out: "Moar boosters" and "moar struts" is just a running joke, not actual advice.



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Thanks to everyone for their positive feedback :D

I updated OP and added Red Iron Crown's law on mission durations.

@KAL 9000

I'm not sure I correctly understand you equation, but from what I got, the "1/Nmods" term means that the more mods you have, the less likely your craft is to explode. Am I right ? Is that what you meant ?

I'll add your law to OP (if you wish, of course) as soon as I'm sure I understood it correctly.

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  On 10/25/2015 at 8:06 PM, Gaarst said:

Thanks to everyone for their positive feedback :D

I updated OP and added Red Iron Crown's law on mission durations.

@KAL 9000

I'm not sure I correctly understand you equation, but from what I got, the "1/Nmods" term means that the more mods you have, the less likely your craft is to explode. Am I right ? Is that what you meant ?

I'll add your law to OP (if you wish, of course) as soon as I'm sure I understood it correctly.


No, because it's supposed to be (1/N(parts))/(1/N(mods)), which would be a fraction divided by a fraction, which usually a large number. Note: If you are using stock, N(mods) is 0, so it's 1/infinity, which is basically 0. Note: N(mods) if using CKAN is 1, because of CKAN's stability. This is a probability of your vessel RANDOMLY exploding, not exploding if it's poorly designed (i.e. not enough boosters).

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Krythagorean Theorem:

L2 + Q2 = K2

L = number of times spent loading

Q = Amount of quick saves*

K = # of Kraken attacks

*Thi means only the amount of times reverted.  There can be multiple per actual quick save.

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Probability of forgetting to open the solar panels before time accelerating 100.000x on your way to eeloo and losing power and control of the probe :


Where k=number of times you already made that mistake.

If you have never made this mistake yet, then k=1. *everyone* forgets them. 

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The Spaceplane Kraken Paradox:

Pc = 2r/(r+d)


Pc= probability of a collision with a structure on KSC grounds

r= your spaceplane's current distance from KSC

d= Kerbin's diameter

"The farther away you are from KSC, the more likely it is that you will crash into it."

The criticality conundrum:

Pf = Γ/eπ


Pf = Probability of failure

Γ = criticality of a part or maneuver to mission success.

"The more you need something to go right, the more likely it is to go wrong".




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The missing problem

After rocket builders refined their crafts more and more they send them on a mission to Tylo. Right after landing they embark and upon touching the ground first they remember to get back into the craft to get the flag - just to discover they forgot to add ladders and can't get back in.

P(M) = 1 - tc / te


  • P(M) is the probability an important part is missing.
  • tc is the current mission time in seconds.
  • te is the estimated total mission time in seconds.

Side note: The further you are into a mission the more likely it is you forget to add a part that's essential for mission success.


Edited by *Aqua*
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Added @GoSlash27 and @*Aqua*'s laws to the OP.

Edited a few things to make them fit better in the post: noticeably titles (to avoid generalities or repetitions) and descriptions.

For the spaceplane Kraken paradox (or spaceplane collider paradox), I removed the factor of 2 to avoid a probability greater than 1. For the Hatch tensor equation, I changed the 1/r term to r, to get an increased agility with distance. Added a +1 to @Hcube's law to include the 0th term.

Edited by Gaarst
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The contract conundrum:

P(C) = (1 - f/f0)n


  • P(C) is the probability that you've included everything you need to complete the current contract
  • f is the financial reward for completing the contract
  • f0 is your total net worth in your current career
  • n is the number of criteria for the contract


"The more vital it is that you complete a contract, the higher the likelihood that you've forgotten something."

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yeah i have a few new laws-

The First law of Kraken Drives:

the probability of a kerbal to be killed on a craft that contains a kraken drives increases exponentially in proportion to the time since the mission has started and the time since the last kerbal was killed by the kraken, this took many experiments to confirm and sadly no one kerbal has survived to tell about their encounter with the kraken so far, may they rest in peace within the great void between dimensions.

Pk= 1-e-(Nk/(T+Tk))

Pk probably of a kerbal to be killed.

is the number of kraken drives on his vessel.

time since the start of the mission.

Tk time since the last kerbal was killed by the kraken.


The Second law of Kraken drives:

a special case of the first law for single drive on it's own, a Kraken drive that has been activated has a certain chance to fail on the next activation, the more times you activate it the more likely it is to fail,and this is also proportional to the acceleration that the drive produces and the time elapsed since the mission started.  This case was developed by schrodinger kerman after many "thought" experiments he conducted which involved a kerbal and a kraken drive inside a box.

P=1-e -1/((N+1)/Ifr   + (Ah *T))

where: Pf probably to fail.

is the number of times the device was activated.

Ifr the intrinsic failure rate of the drives which has universally been confirmed to be [deprecated].

Aacceleration in m/s2.

time since the start of the mission.


The Third law of Kraken Drives:

if a drive is active while it's orbital speed drops below 800 it will destroy the vessel. This was observes after the first few kerbals to not go insane from the kraken or just plainly die were blown to bits after they tried to land back at kerbin, they accelerated from orbital speeds back down and then blew off the radar and since weren't recovered, rumors say their bodies are still out there near the kraken's lair to fend off intruders and curious kerbals.

P= { O*(Ah/|Ah|) *(800-|V-Ah |)*((800- V)/|800- V|)<0 Pd=1

        Else                                 Pd=0


Pd the failure probability.

your current orbital speed.

Athe acceleration in relation to the direction of your current orbital speed.

a binary variable- if the drive is on then the value is 1, if not the value is 0.

Please note that |X| represents an absolute value of a variable

While the mathematical sentence looks very complex it's only to represent the data in the most accurate way, this can logically be broken down to a much simpler version as a chain of binary variables which correspond to different states. 

Edited by EladDv
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The Landing Fuel Usage Law:

Let a0 be the altitude of a ship S0 situated at the surface of a planet.

And let a1 be the altitude of of a ship S1 trying to land at the same location as S0.
Then the amount of Delta-V v needed to perform the landing maneuver depends on the altitude of both ships and a constant positive scalar ε > 0 which depends on the skill of the pilot:

v(a0, a1) := (abs(a1-a0) + ε * 1m) / 1s      (A)


Corollary: "You did not pack enough fuel to land safely"

Assumption 1: The ship you are trying to land has a finite amount of Delta-V available. (Proof by stating a fact ... or experimentation ... your choice. Please notify me if you found a way around this in real life or make a bugreport to Squad if you found a way around this in KSP without using cheats)

For the proof of the corollary we investigate the three cases a0 > a1, a0 = a1 and  a0 < a1. and prove that in each case the corollary is true.

Case a0 < a1: In this case the ship is not landed, so you will need more fuel for landing

Case a0 = a1: In this case the amount of Delta-V needed to land, is according to (A):
v(a0, a1) = ε m/s > 0 m/s
Let f be the amount of Delta-V the ship has left.
If f < ε m/s, then you don't have enough fuel to land.
If f >= ε m/s, then you will need need at least ε m/s for landing and you will need to repeat this step with (f - ε m/s) < f fuel left.
Since according to Assumption 1, f is finite, after f / (ε m/s) iterations you run into the case f < ε m/s, where you do not have enough fuel.

Case a0 > a1:
You crashed and did not land safely.


Edited by mhoram
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