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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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...Fourth, the rover autopilot only works on flat featureless terrain. It gets confused and drives around in circles in hilly areas...

Let me guess ... command pod oriented up, navball pointing at sky. Go across a hill, navball thinks it's steering off-course. Solution - use (or fit) a probe core oriented forward, right-click it and and 'control from here'. Result - rover autopilot works perfectly in all the times I've tried it.

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Finally, I really like the Chatter mod beeps. It just seems like a space ship control terminal needs beeps. Would be really neat, if rather than having random beeps, something like MechJeb would integrate beeping into its various autopilots.

Quindar tones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quindar_tones Does the chatter mod use the same frequencies or is it just some beep?

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Let me guess ... command pod oriented up, navball pointing at sky. Go across a hill, navball thinks it's steering off-course. Solution - use (or fit) a probe core oriented forward, right-click it and and 'control from here'. Result - rover autopilot works perfectly in all the times I've tried it.

Excellent Guess! I have a rover mission coming up, I think I will integrate your ideas into my design. :) Lol, I knew it had something to do with orientation. I can be so thick. I figured it had something to do with the "front" of the probe rather than top.

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Quindar tones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quindar_tones Does the chatter mod use the same frequencies or is it just some beep?

The chatter mod has both Kerbalized speech, when there is a Kerbal in the vessel, and tones. It has a variety of tones to select from. They can be played randomly or at defined intervals. I have three different beeps marking off 30 seconds, 1 minute and ten minutes.

It also has a SSTV sound it plays from time to time, but I grew up in 90's and I can't stand modem sounds, so I shut that one off.

Also, I was thinking more science fiction sounds. For example, in the movie Aliens, they have a motion detector, that beeps faster as the Aliens get closer. That could be integrated into say the docking autopilot. So a beep tone plays, and gets faster as the ship approaches.

Or in the launch autopilot, right before it stages, play 5 warning beeps. Sort of a ... D D D A - staging. At least thats how I envision it in my head.

I would stay away from LCARs style beeps when you click on control surfaces. Those always make me think of the time Data sang the Scanning for Life Signs song, the one time he had emotions.

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Hi all, I'm still away in NYC but I see you manage fine without me so far. BARCLONE you'll have post a save so I can duplicate it easily after I am back

Just in time to see the Kerbals down on the VA coast having a hard time, too...

(Best quote from the news conference was by Orbital's Frank Culbertson: "... there was some, let's say, disassembly of the first stage...")

I think I'm going to try "disassembling" this installation down to bare bones, as was suggested, and see if I get the same trouble. There are quite a few mods included in my list.

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...Lol, I knew it had something to do with orientation...

It's caught most of us at one time or another, usually more than once. It's pretty specific to the lander-cans which face forward but are oriented up, the other command pods 'point' in the direction they're expected to go. Apart from rovers (make sure the navball is pointing more-or-less at the horizon) the big time to watch out is when building with a sub-assembly such that the default probe core, or whatever, is upside-down at launch and the navball is pointing at the ground - those launches tend not to go well ^^.

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I think I'm going to try "disassembling" this installation down to bare bones, as was suggested, and see if I get the same trouble. There are quite a few mods included in my list.

Keep me informed if you find the culprit so I can see if I can fix it in MJ anyway

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There is an issue with KW Rocketry SRBs: wrong delta-v and TWR readouts in MechJeb's delta-v windows after launch if SRBs are tweaked to have less than 50% of thrust; they're ok in VAB/SPH, but numbers are totally insane when in flight and they get back to normal only afterthose SRBs are dropped.

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Is anyone else experience a "leakage" of monoprop when the docking AP is active? I'm watching my resource panel and .02-.05 units a second just evaporate even when the vehicle is drifting and the RCS should not be firing at all.

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I ll have a look at the KW ting when I am back.

The monoprop usage comes from micro adjustment made by MJ. It's more or less severe depending on the ship size and the total RCS thurst available

And Hi to the MJ users I met on the Intrepid, if they read the thread :)

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The monoprop usage comes from micro adjustment made by MJ. It's more or less severe depending on the ship size and the total RCS thurst available

True, MJ uses more RCS then manual docking. Sometimes you can't see the thruster firing but they are.

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The monoprop usage comes from micro adjustment made by MJ. It's more or less severe depending on the ship size and the total RCS thurst available

Yuck. I'll just have to continue using my semi-automatic docking method then. (A combination of using MJ's docking AP and Navyfish's docking port alignment mod to determine when to turn the docking AP on and off.) It uses a fraction of the fuel with no loss in speed and accuracy.

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Found a bug! Easy to duplicate. Reported on Github https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/issues/468

Screenshot says it all. Easy to duplicate. I might be blind, but in my initial search for others who have reported this I am surprised no one else has reported this bug yet. KSP .25, MJ is the only mod. 32 bit.

Two octo cores, MJ for each, separated by a separator. On launch, separate. Instant dual MJ buttons in the toolbar at the top right. Also happens when loading from save, switching between multiple MJ vessels will keep duplicating an MJ button - one for each vessel but no more. But if you have 5 MJ vessels in the area and you switch between them all, eventually you will get 5 MJ buttons in the KSP toolbar.


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I have whats either a bug, operator error, or both:

In SVEL+/- mode, and with pitch at 90 degrees, and a low velocity, MJ gets 'confused' about roll, and begins constantly spinning on that axis.

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Yuck. I'll just have to continue using my semi-automatic docking method then. (A combination of using MJ's docking AP and Navyfish's docking port alignment mod to determine when to turn the docking AP on and off.) It uses a fraction of the fuel with no loss in speed and accuracy.

TGT -PAR orientation via Smart ASS, translate manually with RCS. You get the best of both worlds, precise automated heading (and optionally roll) guidance and effective RCS translations.

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TGT -PAR orientation via Smart ASS, translate manually with RCS. You get the best of both worlds, precise automated heading (and optionally roll) guidance and effective RCS translations.

...or just grab RPM and do it by eyeball.



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TGT -PAR orientation via Smart ASS, translate manually with RCS. You get the best of both worlds, precise automated heading (and optionally roll) guidance and effective RCS translations.

That only works in rather limited circumstances, and you can often end up in some complicated rolling/race conditions if you weren't perfectly aligned in plane in the first place. Much easier to let the docking AP do all the heavy lifting, modulating it on and off as needed.

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I don't know what contraptions you're daring to dock, but personally I've never had that procedure fail me. MJ will do a better job than any human at maintaining a constant heading and roll attitude, and the human can do a better job translating than MJ will.

Now MJ's autodocking on the other hand, I've had MJ literally ram my target after completely missing its mark entirely numerous times. I never trust autodocking for anything now. :\

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Hello to the MJ thread! I've a quick question regarding TWR whilst using MechJeb build 341. For testing I had an install using only ModuleManager, MJ, Toolbar and HyperEdit. Also, I did search the thread for relevant topics, but I didn't see anything that was recent.

Moving along: what I'm seeing is that my TWR values increase to very high values while in a SOI other than Kerbin's. dV numbers remain constant. Essentially, while in the VAB/SPH I can construct a craft and get its TWR values where I want them, but the second I enter another SOI (Mun, Minmus, Duna, etc), the TWR goes nuts. Immediately upon returning to Kerbin's SOI, the TWR numbers return to what they were in the VAB.

I expect TWR to change depending upon what body I'm landed on, but TWR should be constant when in space. No?

Is this a known behavior, or is something amiss?

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