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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

It's almost like some weird KSP version of the Matrix.... :rolleyes:

Except one where Neo and Agent Elrond are the same person... just mirrored.

I'm honestly curious how this all works out. Surely Shirley won't just wake up from a bad Holodeck Halucination. 

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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14 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Maybe or maybe not--but in Kerbfleet we say "strutty-eyed booster kerb" :wink:

Missile kerb.  Gene was only thinking it at the time, but it was definitely missile kerb.  Duna, Ore Bust! Chapter 2, Page 5:  Jeb was throttling the LFB manually to avoid a flip when Hummlebee launched.  Honestly, I'm a little less concerned that I looked it up and a little more concerned that I knew exactly where to look and got it in one try.

Of course, if the author would care to retcon, it is a comic.

@Soda Popinski:

missile man is someone who operates (or builds, I suppose) guided missiles, which are in the direct ancestry of the Apollo program (Saturn came out of Jupiter, which came out of Redstone, which was a suborbital ICBM (that also carried some Mercury capsules)).  Unfortunately, aside from the space program, there is no non-weapon reference to guided missiles, and since the space program itself derives from the weapons, that doesn't count as a non-weapon reference either (the Titan II that launched Gemini was developed as an ICBM, as well, and carried several launch profiles in its guidance computer--it could just as easily take astronauts to Moscow as to orbit).  On the other hand, rockets before the twentieth century were weapon systems, too, but Kerbfleet doesn't have a problem with using the word rocket.  On the gripping hand, remember that for all the similarities, the Kerbal Space Program can have arrived at the same concepts of peaceful rocketry without needing to have coursed through warfare to do it--and the Kerbals themselves may not know how it was done.  Remember Nimzo not knowing how it was possible for a pod to rescue another even though it, itself, needed to be rescued.

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2 hours ago, rlin said:

What are they going to do with the baby Kracken?

I think the question is more "what is the baby kraken going to do with THEM?"

Edited by Kuzzter
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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

All in favor say "Aye!," all opposed say "Nay!," all abstentions remain silent.

Hey! That's incitement to spam the thread, that is! I'm gonna report you! I'm-- I'm--

--I'm Thread of the Month! Wow, thanks everyone! I don't know what to say, except... have some more pages!





Once again, I really appreciate the honor. Thanks @sal_vager, thanks @Dman979, and thank YOU for reading :) 

Edited by Kuzzter
dammit nimzo get off World of Warships so I can post this!
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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

(the part where it says KA-BLAM!)

What the heck did that missile hit? Also, IN YOUR FACE, KERBULANS!

Both of Bill's faces: ....UH OH. That made me laugh so hard! Though I was expecting "ITS A TRAP!"

P.S: Man, I can't type today, I accidentally typed KERBULABS!

Edited by Wildcat111
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6 minutes ago, Wildcat111 said:

What the heck did that missile hit? 

Well, let's just say that there aren't quite as many Kenlies at the end of this update as there were at the beginning...

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, let's just say that there aren't quite as many Kenlies at the end of this update as there were at the beginning...

And what kind of impact is that going to have on the not-so-evil Kenlie? Is experiencing the death of his counterpart going to drive him into some deep space madness, or will it free him to lead a 'normal' life?

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