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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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15 hours ago, Nimzo Kerman said:

Hey Angelo! Nimzo here (Kuzzter's son, currently cannot get back into the @Nimzo Kerman account as it requires an old email I don't have on this computer), and I will be seeing Kuzz on Wednesday for thanksgiving. I'll let him know about the ideas you guys all have and I am sure that he will love them. Sadly our Kerbfleet adventures are mostly over as the hard drive that had Kerbfleet on it is gone, but I do still try and get as many funds as Mortimer could ever hope for while I am not working on homework at university.  (He will more than likely be perfectly fine with you using the designs just we do not have them anymore ourselves).

Thanks for the update! It's unfortunate that the Kerbfleet save is lost, but it was still a wild ride while it lasted. Granted, I wasn't there when this thread was still active, since I joined the forums only a few months ago, but still. :)

The amazing Kerbfleet trilogy is one of the things that inspired me to make my own works on the KSP forums. I wish that more people could discover gems like these on the KSP forums, like this, Plan Kappa, Emiko Station...

I'd give your post a like, but the Daily Rep Limit has found another victim from these threads. ;)

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21 minutes ago, TwoCalories said:

Thanks for the update! It's unfortunate that the Kerbfleet save is lost, but it was still a wild ride while it lasted. Granted, I wasn't there when this thread was still active, since I joined the forums only a few months ago, but still. :)

The amazing Kerbfleet trilogy is one of the things that inspired me to make my own works on the KSP forums. I wish that more people could discover gems like these on the KSP forums, like this, Plan Kappa, Emiko Station...

I'd give your post a like, but the Daily Rep Limit has found another victim from these threads. ;)

Glad to hear it! It always makes me super happy and proud to see what people think of my dads work, I've still got those Kerbfleet tunes stuck in my head after all these years. Also, while that save is indeed long gone and buried under the sands of Duna, 
Kerbfleet may yet live on... (Just as long as I have free time after this semester and  Kuzzter approves :) ).

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47 minutes ago, Nimzo Kerman said:

Glad to hear it! It always makes me super happy and proud to see what people think of my dads work, I've still got those Kerbfleet tunes stuck in my head after all these years. Also, while that save is indeed long gone and buried under the sands of Duna, 
Kerbfleet may yet live on... (Just as long as I have free time after this semester and  Kuzzter approves :) ).

Don’t stop believing… Kerbfleet launching…


Still remember that strip - probably because of the music. :)

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Kuzzter was one of the greatest storytellers on the Internet. I have read published books which are far less well-written than Kerbfleet. & he created some of the best and most inventive spacecraft on the forums.
I am so unbelievably happy that you can tell him how much we love his writing - I thought I'd joined the forums too late for that.

And I sing the Kerbulan Christmas songs every year.

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29 minutes ago, KSK said:

Don’t stop believing… Kerbfleet launching…


Still remember that strip - probably because of the music. :)

My favorite is tied between Launch Clamps Aweigh and some good old murderous Kerbulan Christmas tunes

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It pains me to admit that I don’t remember ‘Launch Clamps Aweigh’

Not to worry. It’s two hours to lights out, I have 25% charge on my phone, a KSP forum to search, it’s dark, and I’m wearing sunglasses have a cat on my lap.

Hit it.


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K.S.S Intrepid small craft flight testing to hopefully be conducted this weekend back at Kerbfleet with Kuzzter presiding over them, fingers crossed that I can get image url to work by then as currently it just lags out when I try to post an image. 
For Science! For Kerbfleet!

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On 11/19/2023 at 10:59 PM, Nimzo Kerman said:

Hey Angelo! Nimzo here (Kuzzter's son, currently cannot get back into the @Nimzo Kerman account as it requires an old email I don't have on this computer), and I will be seeing Kuzz on Wednesday for thanksgiving. I'll let him know about the ideas you guys all have and I am sure that he will love them. Sadly our Kerbfleet adventures are mostly over as the hard drive that had Kerbfleet on it is gone, but I do still try and get as many funds as Mortimer could ever hope for while I am not working on homework at university.  (He will more than likely be perfectly fine with you using the designs just we do not have them anymore ourselves).

Please tell him we said Hi, and we miss him.  :valhappy: :happy:

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27 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Please tell him we said Hi, and we miss him.  :valhappy: :happy:

With pleasure! Might need to get him to come up with some new Kerbfleet tunes over the winter, after the traditional singing of the Kerbulan version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen over course.

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And so begins the rebuilding of all of the craft of Kerbfleet



Also if anyone would happen to know where I could find a mod for Star Trek uniforms that would be greatly appreciated as the one I did find doesn't seem to match up to the previous one used

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@Nimzo Kerman:








This recreation is as faithful as I can get while adhering to modernized KSP and mods. Some parts of the ship had to change due to limited screenshot coverage and updates to the game and mods. Hopefully Bill can explain the differences...

At a minimum you'll need:

Wild Blue Tools: https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/releases/tag/v1.89.2

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems: https://spacedock.info/mod/173/Kerbal Planetary Base Systems#

Kerbfleet Flags (with the craft file, minus life support parts): See DM.

I highly recommend Restock and Restock Plus if you haven't seen those already.

I also found the Counter-Kerbin: by @GregroxMun: https://spacedock.info/mod/502/Kerbfleet Planet Pack: The Kerbulus System

One more teaser image and a theme song:


Happy Holidays! :)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone. This is a new account, but I suppose I'm not exactly new here. I'm the human person who used to post as @Kuzzter.

Where have I been? Great question! The basic answer is, on changing jobs some years ago I found myself with much less time to sneak off, build and fly really really complicated ships, take screenshots from multiple angles, hyperedit suitless kerbals into Minmus orbit to use it as a green screen for interior shots, paste into Powerpoint, add word balloons, etc etc etc. Maybe I never had that time at all, but that was how I used it. 

Then of course I lost the drive that had the Kerbfleet save on it, as well as all of the mods and skins and uniforms that made Kerbfleet Kerbfleet. So even if i did want to finish the Jool 5 mission and, just as important, give readers an ending to this story.... it might not have been possible.

But... I have a secret. Despite the fact that I lost access to the Kuzzter account some time ago, I do check in here from time to time. Especially when I'm feeling low. I remember the great moments and read the old posts and think about what Kerbfleet meant to people. It meant a lot to me too. And of course my son, who posts here as @Nimzo Kerman, has told me about coming back to the Forum and re-connecting with the readers.

So on to your next inevitable question: am I going to finish this? Well, I can't -- at least not in the same format I've written in up to this point. 

But I can at least tell the story. I can at least tell how it ends. 

What finally made me create a new account and post here today was scrolling through the old posts and seeing that @Starhawk is back, and is now a moderator. And I realized I haven't given him a landing, happy, redacted or otherwise.

So there it is--a first post from a new Forum member who can't even have a profile picture yet, on a really really old thread that I'm sure the Forum will warn me I'd better think twice before resurrecting. I'm going to continue posting as Dilsby. I'd like to get access to the Kuzzter account again (because I know there are a few PMs in it I'd like to see again) but I think I'd rather not use that identity. A lot has happened in the past several years and I don't wish to use that name any more. 

But yeah... it's me. And I'm going to finish this story for you, one way or another.

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@Angelo Kerman that is AMAZING, I'm touched by the faithful re-creation and absolutely LOVE that you went to the correct name that would indeed go with hull number KCC-012. You've given me a fantastic post-J5 vision of a future Kerbfleet operating multiple Intrepid (or is it Kessex?) class weltraumfahrzeug--  spacecraft carriers! 

Of course, carriers in this class are designed to land and refuel on low-gravity worlds (Intrepid did so on Minmus and Pol) but need a docked Qwammer to do so (both for the extra engines and the extra drills) -- you've already gone well above and beyond here, but curious if your model includes the Qwammer "L-docked" in Q-bay as mine did

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On 2/22/2024 at 8:00 AM, Mister Dilsby said:
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@Angelo Kerman that is AMAZING, I'm touched by the faithful re-creation and absolutely LOVE that you went to the correct name that would indeed go with hull number KCC-012. You've given me a fantastic post-J5 vision of a future Kerbfleet operating multiple Intrepid (or is it Kessex?) class weltraumfahrzeug--  spacecraft carriers! 

Of course, carriers in this class are designed to land and refuel on low-gravity worlds (Intrepid did so on Minmus and Pol) but need a docked Qwammer to do so (both for the extra engines and the extra drills) -- you've already gone well above and beyond here, but curious if your model includes the Qwammer "L-docked" in Q-bay as mine did

I currently don't have the auxiliary craft built but I can do so if desired. I carefully preserved the Kerbfleet save- with backups heh- so I can continue developing the replica ship. A couple of posts back I also recreated the suits, updated to the latest version of KSP:


... and of course I had to make a TMP version...


Anyway, welcome back! :)

P.S. I'm also a moderator and am making an inquiry about recovering your Kuzzter account - and see that it's already done... heh!

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