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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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7 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

 Admittedly, he was cut off by Bad Bob, but that seemed to me to be where he was going when he said "But as a writer, I think you may be jumping to-".

Also true. Though that one was intended as a classic lampshade--I realized that I have had Bob get the analysis consistently wrong from the beginning, when he looked at the radiological scan--and I wanted to give the reader a signal that "yes, I know he's jumping wildly to conclusions".

But that is another key difference in the two societies, and a weakness of the Kerbulans. Kenlie Kerman is free to write his stories or not write his stories, with no one else even reading them until now. Kenlie Kermulan was nearly tortured to death once his stories were found out, and now he's being tortured to continue them. Meanwhile any insight he might have due to his special abilities is ignored, because Evil Bob values control even more highly than he values information.

It's almost as if I'm trying to make some kind of commentary on freedom, peace and the way the world should work--but of course I'm not, it's just a silly webcomic about a video game. :) 

Edited by Kuzzter
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1 minute ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

 If that's after they "test" the "weapon" on Laythe, then they'll either think that: It's not a weapon, or that that one was a dud.  

Or that they inexplicably missed the Watery Moon entirely, firing the missile into the Green Planet's atmosphere instead. :) 

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1 minute ago, Kuzzter said:

Or that they inexplicably missed the Watery Moon entirely, firing the missile into the Green Planet's atmosphere instead. :) 

Hmm, if the tracking on Kerbulus is good enough to see that, then they might be able to see it not explode in Jool's atmosphere.  Unless they think it has to be in an oxygen environment to work, which was hinted at...

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4 minutes ago, Alchemist said:

Or that they decided not to destroy any moons of the Green Planet, using them for testing dropships instead... meaning they are going (or at least considering) to assault the SPQK base!

Well, they can probably guess that the quammer won't reenter safely, as we've already learned.  However, the Skimmeroo on the other hand...

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3 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Well, they can probably guess that the quammer won't reenter safely, as we've already learned.  However, the Skimmeroo on the other hand...

A craft capable of tackling the Big Moon, should have enough TWR for powered landing on Kerbulus. And who knows how much firepower can be hidden among all the hardware it carries.

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3 hours ago, Starhawk said:

Hmmm. What makes you say that?  What am I missing?


3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I, too wonder why Deddly says this. I'm not saying he's wrong! Just wondering what differences he noticed. :) 

I think it has been touched upon already, but Kerbfleet Kenlie sees the Murder, death and destruction for what it really is. It's a world apart from his own and it shocks him, but he really does see it and understand it. He doesn't write that the pilot accidentally fired a probe that just happened to hit and destroy a helpless person in a capsule, and oh what a terrible accident that was. He writes what he sees.

Kerbulus Kenlie, on the other hand, appears to truly believe that Kerbfleet posesses and is ready to use a Nuclear Jewel Diver Missile. He doesn't see them as a peaceloving race that has no concept of violence, he sees them as cowardly and armed to the teeth - neither of which are true.

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1 hour ago, Alchemist said:

A craft capable of tackling the Big Moon, should have enough TWR for powered landing on Kerbulus. And who knows how much firepower can be hidden among all the hardware it carries.

I'm quite confident I could make a 'good' landing with it. Possibly even better. 

And now you've got me thinking, what would a Kerbulan call the rest of the Jool system?

Big Moon
Watery Moon
Icy Moon
???? (Potato Moon? Pathetic Moon? Weak Moon? Fourth Moon? Looking for something that's both descriptive and unimaginative)
Spiky Moon

3 minutes ago, Deddly said:

He doesn't write that the pilot accidentally fired a probe that just happened to hit and destroy a helpless person in a capsule, and oh what a terrible accident that was. He writes what he sees.

Yup, that's very important also. He's seen and felt things from Kenlie Kermulan's POV, so he knows the shootdowns are no accident. I suppose I haven't shown a parallel story by K. Kermulan featuring K. Kerman doing a rescue. Not saying whether Evil Kenlie has ever written such a story or not, but [waves hands] one might expect that the repressive tendencies of Kerbulan culture would push such complex thoughts to the back of the mind in favor of murderdeth. Again, I refer to the Spock quote :) 

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14 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

???? (Potato Moon? Pathetic Moon? Weak Moon? Fourth Moon? Looking for something that's both descriptive and unimaginative)

KRAKEN MOON! Or maybe Bumpy moon? Boppy moon? 

If the Kerbulans believe in the kraken, the have missiles, so maybe Giant Calamari Moon?

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Yup, that's very important also. He's seen and felt things from Kenlie Kermulan's POV, so he knows the shootdowns are no accident. I suppose I haven't shown a parallel story by K. Kermulan featuring K. Kerman doing a rescue. Not saying whether Evil Kenlie has ever written such a story or not, but [waves hands] one might expect that the repressive tendencies of Kerbulan culture would push such complex thoughts to the back of the mind in favor of murderdeth. Again, I refer to the Spock quote :) 

Or he could see it as a kidnapping for later torture and indoctrination/brain-washing.

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13 minutes ago, Deddly said:

@ParkaboyThey don't seem like the exploring type - maybe they don't know about the Kraken space beet there. I assume Kerbfleet doesn't know about it, either.

They might. I know the guys at emiko station definitely know it's real. The telescopes are probably not powerful enough to see it. They would have to be a bunch of big ones on a mountain, or a deep space telescope pointed at it for a long time. And even then, the kraken would probably turn up as a flickering pixel.

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