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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

The following is not canon:


"Sounds risky?" Ya think, Gene?

Not canon... yet. :wink:

In all actuality, though, I think it's fairly likely that Kuzzter will satisfy at least 2 of the goals. For now, at least, Kerbfleet is a peaceful organization, and there is no good scientific reason not to explore Kerbulus and its moons. We know that Intrepid has a lot of ∆V- in fact, potentially limitless, because it has ISRU. Depending on the encounter with the Kerbulans at Jool, it doesn't seem that farfetched to explore the new planet.

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So an update that is not an update: I am getting a computer replaced this week and that unfortunately means I won't be able to make new pages until it's done and I have saves, crafts, textures and mods all re-installed. So don't worry, I'm still here, and enjoying 1.1 very much. Just ask Tedus!



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Now I'm going to have to go and design a Kerbin lander for a Kerbulan Space Program to explore Kerbin with :) At least we know jet engines work there. Maybe they'll discover an abandoned Munbase on the way :D

Edited by FlyingPete
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I wonder if the next Kerbfleet comic might be Kerbfleet: This Means War. Kerbulans finally strike Kerbin, and the Kerbals are forced to resort to using a stolen bloaking device to send a low-tech spacecraft to go to Kerbulus and try to make a peace agreement. (after all, I can't see our intrepid Kerbal astronauts resorting to violence themselves!)


Heck, maybe even a Kerbulus-centric series. :P

Edited by GregroxMun
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36 minutes ago, GregroxMun said:

(after all, I can't see our intrepid Kerbal astronauts resorting to violence themselves!)

It may well be along the lines you describe--the Kerbin/Kerbulus saga will need some sort of resolution. Heck, what else am I going to do, go to Dres? :P

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On 5/10/2016 at 7:56 AM, Kuzzter said:

So an update that is not an update: I am getting a computer replaced this week and that unfortunately means I won't be able to make new pages until it's done and I have saves, crafts, textures and mods all re-installed. So don't worry, I'm still here, and enjoying 1.1 very much. Just ask Tedus!

Ohhhh, I just went thru that with mine.  I'm still picking thru my old computer making sure I didn't miss anything.

Is this replacement a faster computer?

Take your time, and best of luck!  :D

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19 hours ago, GregroxMun said:

Kerbfleet Planets v1.0 is released.

Ah, and here I was thinking all along it was going to look like Antichthon.  So, backwards textures...  Does that mean it rotate retrograde?  Are its "nooms" in retrograde orbits?  Is what Kerbals see as the near side of Mun tide-locked facing away from Kerbulus?  That would be cool :wink:


9 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

It may well be along the lines you describe--the Kerbin/Kerbulus saga will need some sort of resolution. Heck, what else am I going to do, go to Dres? :P

Well, you have a chance to play a reverse trope, which surely is worth extra points.  See, your Kerbals are hardwired to obey kerbal analogs of Asimov's Laws of Robotics.  Which means they're perfectly equipped to make killer warbots that don't follow those rules and turn them loose.  Sic transit Kerbulia.  But a few warbots go rogue and start obeying the Laws, and somehow stop the rest from turning around and exterminating the Kerbals as well.  And then the 2 civilizations live happily ever after, Kerbals on Kerbin and peacenik ex-warbots on Kerbulus :)



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I just finished the ENTIRE Story! But, still Kuzzter, 9 chapters, half a year, 107 pages, and the Intrepid has still not reached Jool?

But still, it's your best comic Graphic Novel ever! Don't call it a comic!

Edited by KerbalOmmex
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Just now, KerbalOmmex said:

I just finished the ENTIRE Story! But, still Kuzzter, 9 chapters, half a year, 107 pages, and the Intrepid has still not reached Jool?

But still, it's your best comic Graphic Novel ever!

It's all about the journey, man! (And also Kerbulans.)

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3 hours ago, KerbalOmmex said:

I just finished the ENTIRE Story! But, still Kuzzter, 9 chapters, half a year, 107 pages, and the Intrepid has still not reached Jool?

But still, it's your best comic Graphic Novel ever! Don't call it a comic!

half a year, I take it you've never been to jool before.

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5 hours ago, KerbalOmmex said:

I just finished the ENTIRE Story! But, still Kuzzter, 9 chapters, half a year, 107 pages, and the Intrepid has still not reached Jool?

I know! I have an intercept though, so it's the next thing after next, really! 

But still facing the twin black holes of being really busy and replacing a computer, so we'll all have to wait just a biiiiiit longer :)

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1 hour ago, insert_name said:

half a year, I take it you've never been to jool before.

I believe that he means half a year IRL.  But a lot has happened in that time including the design and construction of Intrepid and all of its boats.

Happy Concerned landings!

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I personally rather enjoy the fact that the story takes a little time to unfold. It almost gives me a sense of experiencing the story in real time. From designing and building a carrier, to testing it and fuelling it, to getting the crew and support craft in place, and just a little drama on the long journey to the outer solar system - it's been quite a ride, and we've been travelling along with them out there.

Edited by Deddly
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26 minutes ago, Deddly said:

I personally rather enjoy the fact that the story takes a little time to unfold. It almost gives me a sense of experiencing the story in real time. From designing and building a carrier, to testing it and fuelling it, to getting the crew and support craft in place, and just a little drama on the long journey to the outer solar system - it's been quite a ride, and we've been travelling along with them out there.

I think one good 'feature' of the long time taken that readers have more time to reflect, and i suspect re-read. I'm noticing that peoples' recollections in the comments are much more accurate these days... for example people recalling very specific details about Wernher when he told Gene maybe it'd be better not to go to Kerbulus. 

So will I scale back the posting schedule on purpose? Probably not. Life has a way of making you take breaks from things, so if it isn't my philosophy is to keep going. I guess I'm a bit like Kenlie; the story has to get out of me, I don't really have a choice. :) 

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1 hour ago, something said:

Oh Dres is the planet of galactic peace? That's explains where they found such desolated boring sets in The Final Frontier...

DRES IS THE BEST PLANET EVER!!! And one of my space program sayings is "loves Dres or get kicked in the face." 

And anyone who comes to attack Dres will regret it. Even the Kerbulans will... 

I have ballistic missiles! 

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