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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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9 hours ago, Starhawk said:

Well, Wernher may be out of the reach of Gene's agonizer, but how will he fare in the Kerbal version of Area 51?


6 hours ago, Willbl3pic said:

Guys, you know the north pole flying saucer?

Hm, I wonder if I should have had him escape in some sort of flying ziggurat instead?


ETA: teaser.


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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Kellong Kerman

Kerman? With a beard? dun dun duuuuun!


Then again, what you say isn't canon anymore. You're dead. :P

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5 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Hm, I wonder if I should have had him escape in some sort of flying ziggurat instead?

If that's not a major hint, then you just love to pull the wool over our eyes!

The statue in front of the desert temple has a goatee. To me, this means that Kerbals and Kermulans have a common origin and have been separated somewhere along the way. How and why is yet to be revealed but some individuals on both planets seem to have conserved the knowledge about the other planet. How else could Wernher have known where he was going?
What I still don't understand is why Kerbals and Kermulans are not only identical except for the facial hear, but seem to be linked almost like some macroscale effect of quantum entanglement, with individuals having an alter ego on the other world.

So many questions...


Don't tell me the flying saucer was just a scam, and you actually managed to fit the desert pyramids inside the fairing! Or (and this takes me way back) that Wernher has mastered the technology that Eega Beeva uses for his pants and put the ziggurat in there! :D

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Obviously a stunt double. Also pictured, an ME-262 replica with Kerbulan markings taking off from what is clearly Runway 09 on Kerbin. :) 

Hold on, you *checks Time Traveler's Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations*  fore-wioll haven been dead.  How are you posting from beyonden fore-when the grave?

Or: Time Travel Tense Trouble

Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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1 hour ago, Chemp said:

How else could Wernher have known where he was going?
What I still don't understand is why Kerbals and Kermulans are not only identical except for the facial hear, but seem to be linked almost like some macroscale effect of quantum entanglement, with individuals having an alter ego on the other world.

Yeah, there's definitely something cosmological going on. You're on the right track regarding the Desert Temple--in fact, if I weren't dead I could tell you that every easter egg in the game fits into my grand plot somehow. But anyway--

55 minutes ago, spacebrick3 said:

Maybe he looked at gravitational perturbations in the orbits of the other planets.

Nope, impossible because there aren't any! Kerbulus and Kerbin exist in the same one-body, limited SOI, Mister Blocko universe. :) But anyway, let's have a couple more pages...



Surprisingly, the Stormbird worked perfectly the first time out, and I don't think I spent more than 15 minutes building it. It's by no means a high performance fighter but it is fun and easy to fly! I'll release it, the W-2 missile and Wernher's "Fliegenstrudel" to the Spacecraft Exchange at some point in the future.

Edited by Kuzzter
lyrics change, apologies to Schiller
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7 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

A singing feint???  Outstanding!  Go Werhner!!!!!  :cool:

:D:D Sorry if I'm patting myself on the back here, but I can't resist pointing this out: No, I didn't have any of this in mind back when I wrote Eve: Order Zero--but doesn't it put how cooly Wernher handled Mort in a whole new perspective? 

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Still looking good, @Kuzzter.

Question: Do you ever borrow ideas from readers? Have you ever looked at a comment or PM and said "Hmm, that's an interesting thought, I think it adds something that I might not have come up with on my own" and then re-appropriate it into your story? Or, conversely, do you look at ideas and say "No, that's never going to work, and I rule  it out forever"?

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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

Question: Do you ever borrow ideas from readers? 

No, not really. I have my arcs and plotlines prepared long in advance--in some cases months ahead--so by the time readers are commenting, what they're commenting on is usually already decided.

But in any case, what makes this fun for me is the act of creating my own stuff and seeing if people like it. If it wasn't my story and mine alone I'd have no reason to do it. So, I guess you could say the author is as much 'deaf' as he is 'dead'. :)

1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

Love the whole "Kuzzter is dead" subplot/discussion/strudel/thingy.

I really hope people understand the whole "the author is dead" thing as it pertains to literary criticism and not, you know, dead dead. But yeah, I love it too. You guys are the best readers ever :) 

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10 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I really hope people understand the whole "the author is dead" thing as it pertains to literary criticism and not, you know, dead dead. But yeah, I love it too. You guys are the best readers ever :) 

So are you or are you not the Walrus?

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1 minute ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, last time I crossed the street with three of my friends I was wearing shoes, if that's what you're getting at.

Can you help me work out what you guys are saying? I'm sure I'll get by, with a little help from my friends.

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6 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

But were you in step with them?

And, @Kuzzter, may I ask if your friends are named John, George, and Ringo?  Also, is your name Paul by any chance?

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On ‎7‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 7:07 AM, Kuzzter said:

:D:D Sorry if I'm patting myself on the back here, but I can't resist pointing this out: No, I didn't have any of this in mind back when I wrote Eve: Order Zero--but doesn't it put how cooly Wernher handled Mort in a whole new perspective? 

Yes it does, in fact it adds to the depth of Wherner, a slight cloudcookoolander designer living in peace after escaping a dark past but if sufficiently motivated becomes a conniving schemer, brilliant.

Another thing I have to say, it looks like not all Kerbulans (other than Wherner) aren't evil, it's just a rougher place with a madman at the helm of the dominant power currently.

Also, something I have wanted to say: I really appreciate that we have been able to see your creations. This series has been a major inspiration for me with the whole idea of the Kerbals having roleplayed ranks and the like, as well as concepts such as the Gliido series, one of the major inspiration for the capabilities of some of my hardware (they're very different but there's a strong inspiration in their designation scheme).

Looking forward to seeing how Wherner came to Kerbin and also how the growing chess match unfolds (Even more literal than normal with Kenlie's current plan).

Speaking of such, it looks like Kenlie's plan won't help, From what I saw of the start of the emergency drill and K. Kermulan's narration of it (an event Kenlie wasn't present for), it looks like one doesn't have to know of the "link" to be accessed so, Kenlie (Kerman and speaking of him, he's grown a lot from a one-shot fanboy prone to spoonerisms) is just making things harder. As far as I can tell, the "link" basically allows Kenlie to see what is depicted in comic panels so whoever is involved in the events he accesses, why it seems from his perspective that one has to know of it to be accessed I would put down to being that so far only those who know are actually participating in events.
Another 2c worth, sorry if it's a bit clumsy, in a hurry again.

Edited by AkuAerospace
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