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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Maybe it's called the Longerboat. :)

I did consider that.

1 hour ago, Parkaboy said:

Now I'm hoping it ends up being called the Daschund.

That's... not bad! *runs off to consider various Kerbalized spellings*

22 minutes ago, Scotius said:

Earthworm. Wait...Kerbworm? It's long, tubular, undoubtly (is that a word? My english fails me. So is my brain. Too much Christmas food this week.) bendy. And it...y'know...digs.

And people ride on it, so it's like a spice worm--the ore must flow!

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

So yes, I decided that with all the mining I'm likely to be doing, I could use a third engineer on the mission. Enzin Nimzo Kerman is fresh out of the Academy, where he was captin of the cheks team. And no, his name wasn't auto-generated; it's an homage. :D 

Poor bastid.  But soon he will be assimilated given all the certified psychos he's shipping with :D 

Somehow, on the long trip to Jool playing cheks with Nimzo, I see Clauselle and Melbe becoming BFFs and developing a shared patois unintelligible to everybody but me :)





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2 hours ago, Scotius said:

Nah. They will hibernate through most of the trip. At the worst, they'll start snoring in foreign manner :D

Well, Kuzzter's added USI-LS.  So either the Kerbals will be awake the whole trip eating NOMS or they really will be hibernating with the DeepFreeze mod.  I don't see a DeepFreeze on that ship

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8 minutes ago, smjjames said:

Given that he is a homage to a Russian guy, maybe he should have a bit of a Russian accent? Though it would be a little odd to suddenly break into an accent when he has been in two pages without one.

Well, that's the interesting thing about Nimzowitsch. He was a German-speaking Latvian subject of the Russian Empire who escaped the 1917 revolution and became a Danish citizen. So I suppose I could throw in any or all of those accents--if I knew how to do any of them properly, and if we didn't already have a major German character. 

But as for Enzin Nimzo, I do intend him to be kinda-Russian.I almost called him 'Garry' instead, for Kasparov, but in the end decided I liked the sound of Nimzo better, and tying him to Nimzowitsch lets him represent a bunch of other Eastern European countries all at once. Also,I'm pretty sure I've played 1. ...Nf6 as Black in every Queen's Pawn game for going on 20 years now :). However, since I'm not comfortable with doing Russian or other Slavic languages other than throwing in "da" and "nyet" and "wessel" and dropping all the definite articles, I decided to make Nimzo accent-less in Standard Kerblish. 

Maybe Nimzo is the Slavic version of Mr. Sulu: he represents a general ethnicity spread across a whole region of countries, and speaks the standard language as well or better than any of the 'non-ethnic' characters. :) 

34 minutes ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

because of the four drills? Sad face. ;(

And the four aerospikes. And the quadraphonic sound system stuck on a heavy metal channel ever since Sarge 'accidentally' broke off the tuner knob.

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40 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I just could't call it the 'Oreworm'.

I like Quadhammer for it. The 4 drill placement is a very neat look I think, and a nice flourish to the look that the Longboat and the Munhopper from the first duna ore bust panels share.

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

And the four aerospikes. And the quadraphonic sound system stuck on a heavy metal channel ever since Sarge 'accidentally' broke off the tuner knob.

Just as long as somebody doesn't go all ....


.... and drive it off a cliff :).

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Transcription time! 

Nizmo: Well, I think it looks more like a sausage.
Melbe: Yeah!  Or one 'a them cute 'lil weenie dogs!
Kenlie: I dunno.  Maybe something a bit more... awesome?!
Sarge: Ventral port aligned, range two.  Aft port acquiring.  And if I may, sirs and ma'ams...
Sarge:  ...it's traditionally the pilot's prerogative to name the boat.
Kenlie:  Really?  Cool!  In that case we're calling it... The QUADHAMMER!

As usual, Kuzzter's stuff, my transcription.

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33 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Nimzo (or any of my Kerbals) would look at that picture and ask "Who would ever need such an enormous cake knife?" But as a collegiate sabre fencer and fan of these guys, I approve :) 

I could see kerbals using it for Sabrage: https://youtu.be/innf--l5s9E?t=2m52s

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12 hours ago, Sanic said:

Kenlie should've called it the Kenlistar Awesum.

It's awesum, but not awesum enough to be Awesum. Good thing he doesn't get to name the [REDACTED].

10 hours ago, waterlubber said:

Why not the 4th Drill? For breaking the forth wall, of.course!

:D What wall do you break when you meta-reference breaking a wall? Whoa...

So, moving right along:



Following the USI-LS thread I can see there are still some issues with time warp etc, so I am going to hold out installing the mod until the last minute so it's as stable as possible.

And regarding the mission itself, I realize this book is a bit more haphazard than the last one; I do not have a central narrative  (yet) other than "test all the things". But as I mentioned before, if I didn't do this then there would be no Kerbfleet comic at all until I finished all the ships! 

Am planning to close this chapter soon--we finally have the two hardest 'boats' done. Still to go are the probes, scansats and I think I'll re-do the Longboat to be more of a pure ore miner now that we have the Quadhammer for heavy duty mining and surface ops. Kuzz Jr. is eating cereal and looking over my shoulder--he says "I think this is going to be your finest armada EVER." I hope you all will agree :) Next chapter will cover the adventures of the Quadhammer Six on their tour of Kerbin's moons. Have played ahead a bit and...it's not as uneventful a cruise as I thought it would be :) 

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