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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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All right, at the risk of my sanity and perhaps my eternal soul, I am...shudder...soliciting reader input.

Calm your wild exuberance! The request is a specific one. I would like interested parties to participate by ranking the crew of the Intrepid according to two measures: (1) ability and (2) cuteness. You must rank all twelve of the crew, bottom to top, in each category separately. If you can't remember the whole crew, or worse yet didn't even realize there were twelve of them, then I'll have to ask for your ago-- fine, here's a list:

Captin Valentina Kerman (command pilot, commanding officer)
Comder Dilsby Kerman (command pilot, first officer)
Looty Kernel Jebediah Kerman (Air Service pilot, flight ops commander)
Looty Comder Bob Kerman (science officer, second officer)
Looty Comder Bill Kerman (chief engineer)
Looty Lisa Kerman (scientist, the one who gets spacesick and goes 'meep!')
Junior Looty Melbe Kerman (scientist, the drawlin' kattfishin' one y'all)
Kaptin Tedus Kerman (Air Service pilot, the one who crashed on Eve and walked away like a boss)
Junior Looty Kenlie Kerman (Fleet pilot, the one who writes stuff and wixes up his murds)
Sous-Leuti Clauselle Kerman (engineer, chef du cuisine)
Enzin Nimzo Kerman (engineer, chess tutor)
Rocketry Sarjint Sarge Kerman (KSMC pilot, NCO in charge of probes, the reason we have censor bars)

Two lists! Ranked! Twelve names on each, no more and no less fewer! Why? REASONS!

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Wow, that's a difficult one! While I feel I can compare Tedus' and Kenlies skills as pilots, Sarge and Lisa are a different cup of tea.

What kind of ability do you mean? Their expertise in their respective field or the ability drive the story?

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15 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

All right, at the risk of my sanity and perhaps my eternal soul, I am...shudder...soliciting reader input.

Calm your wild exuberance! The request is a specific one. I would like interested parties to participate by ranking the crew of the Intrepid according to two measures: (1) ability and (2) cuteness. You must rank all twelve of the crew, bottom to top, in each category separately. If you can't remember the whole crew, or worse yet didn't even realize there were twelve of them, then I'll have to ask for your ago-- fine, here's a list:

Captin Valentina Kerman (command pilot, commanding officer)
Comder Dilsby Kerman (command pilot, first officer)
Looty Kernel Jebediah Kerman (Air Service pilot, flight ops commander)
Looty Comder Bob Kerman (science officer, second officer)
Looty Comder Bill Kerman (chief engineer)
Looty Lisa Kerman (scientist, the one who gets spacesick and goes 'meep!')
Junior Looty Melbe Kerman (scientist, the drawlin' kattfishin' one y'all)
Kaptin Tedus Kerman (Air Service pilot, the one who crashed on Eve and walked away like a boss)
Junior Looty Kenlie Kerman (Fleet pilot, the one who writes stuff and wixes up his murds)
Sous-Leuti Clauselle Kerman (engineer, chef du cuisine)
Enzin Nimzo Kerman (engineer, chess tutor)
Rocketry Sarjint Sarge Kerman (KSMC pilot, NCO in charge of probes, the reason we have censor bars)

Two lists! Ranked! Twelve names on each, no more and no less fewer! Why? REASONS!

Paging Dr. R.R. Martin, paging Dr. R.R. Martin...


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17 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

All right, at the risk of my sanity and perhaps my eternal soul, I am...shudder...soliciting reader input.

Wow... I have to think about this... I have a couple favorites for most cute... it's not that easy. :)

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17 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

All right, at the risk of my sanity and perhaps my eternal soul, I am...shudder...soliciting reader input.

Two lists! Ranked! Twelve names on each, no more and no less fewer! Why? REASONS!


Nimzo (12), Clauselle, Sarge, Kenlie, Melbe, Lisa, Bob, Dilsby, Tedus, Jebediah, Valentina, Bill (1)


Sarge (12), Nimzo, Bill, Dilsby, Tedus, Bob, Valentina, Jebediah, Melbe, Clauselle, Kenlie, Lisa (1)


Edited by GregroxMun
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3 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Paging Dr. R.R. Martin, paging Dr. R.R. Martin...:/

Hmm, @Dman979 seems to sense a motive behind my innocent little request...no wonder very few people want to touch it. :/ indeed.

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8 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Paging Dr. R.R. Martin, paging Dr. R.R. Martin...

I must admit, I had no idea who he is. I think he was mentioned a few months back but at the time, the first result my quick search got was "Game of Thrones" and I looked no further - shame on me. Your post intrigued me, so this time I dug a little deeper, with two results: a) Next week, I'm going to buy a book published in 1977 b) I am very worried about those "reasons".

Nevertheless, here are my lists. I hope that my suspicions are unfounded.

Ability: Bill, Val, Jeb, Kenlie, Lisa, Dilsby, Bob, Sarge, Tedus, Nimzo, Melbe, Clauselle
Cuteness: Clauselle, Lisa, Kenlie, Nimzo, Melbe, Sarge (or maybe the probes), Val, Dilsby, Jeb, Bob, Bill, Tedus


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On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 8:26 PM, Kuzzter said:

Two lists! Ranked! Twelve names on each, no more and no less fewer! Why? REASONS!

ability: Valentina Dilsby Tedus Sarge Bob Jebediah Bill Clauselle Lisa Melbe Kenlie Nimzo
cuteness: Sarge Lisa Clauselle Melbe Kenlie Nimzo Valentina Tedus Jebediah Dilsby Bill Bob

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8 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:


Obviously, this is to decide which one meets a gruesome end the next chapter. Right?

Well, it could be a red herring, or to decide who gets a crowning moment ofawesome.  :wink:

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Ability - 12) Bill, Valentina, Tedus, Jebediah, Nimzo, Dilsby, Melbe, Clauselle, Sarge, Kernel, Lisa, Bob  (1

Cuteness - 12) Clauselle, Sarge, Melbe, Tedus, Lisa, Valentina, Nimzo,  Bill, Jebediah, Bob, Kenlie, Dilsby   (1

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Ok, this is a tough one but, here goes ...
Ability: for this one I'm ranking them in accordance with their demonstrated capability in Kerbfleet operations with a emphasis toward ability in situations such as the ongoing Kerbulan attack.
1. Valentina - This list has been mostly made from the bottom up but so far, Val has the best flight record of the gang.
2. Bill - Effectively a reality warper but now that "Mr Blocko" is jamming him, he may be lower, he did design the ship however.
3. Jebediah - Of course, flying the "Hummlebee" when its wings quit working puts him up there already and the other insane stuff he has managed, he is one of the best pilots. However his goofy manner detracts points.
4. Dilsby - A competent pilot, particularly in deep space, seems to cope with his issues.
5. Tedus - Yes he's crashed a few times but he's never lost a crew member when doing so and now can actually land a plane (I am a hopeless aircraft pilot in KSP).
6. Melbe - More guts than most of the crew together but hasn't done as much as the others but gets points particularly for her management of the first Kerbulan boarding party.
7. Kenlie - Gets up here mainly due to his knowledge of the Kerbulans and plotting but in terms of actual results, not a whole lot to show.
8. Clauselle - Has engineering knowledge, the first I recall of them to mention the "kick in the door" analogy but her significant culinary skills don't count here for my purposes.
9. Bob - He worries, a lot. Was going to be #10 but then I found the scene on Laythe and the "breeching" trick
10. Sarge - A pilot, what more is there to say, personality doesn't count here much.
11. Nimzo - Just a redshirt who forgot his seatbelt once, he does have "points" for his Cheks ability but they aren't much good in the here and now.
12. Lisa - Nerves and motion sickness don't help although her help with Kenlie's plans do give her some points, just not enough to outdo the others in my book.
I just noticed that this list seems to favour the pilots, probably due to the fact that their actions in such a position are more easily evaluated.

"Cuteness": Ok, for this I'm going to have to go for a slightly wider set of criteria but this will be mostly the appeal of their personality and other miscelaneous "character things", expect this to be a bit more subjective.
1. Lisa - Possibly mostly due to her long standing character arc, a hint of the "protective" Moe feel about her
2. Kenlie - Seriously, the guy just needs a break, always comming across as the doofus and having to put up with his mental link to the Kerbulans and more.
3. Jebediah - Entertaining bravado but hidden depths that come out from time to time
4. Clauselle
5. Bill
6. Dilsby
7. Tedus
8. Nimzo
9. Meble - A lot of bravado but just ... not a whole lot in the endearment side of things to me
10 . Bob
11. Valentina - A capable pilot and commander but not a whole lot of personality on display
12. Sarge - Easy one for once, a "sir-swears-a-lot" Drill Sergeant Nasty, colourful but not endearing
Well, I couldn't figure out much to say in the middle but those who had something stand out had that listed.
Hope this helps

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Thanks all this is really great. Hopefully it won't turn out like:

KUZZTER: ...and you shall choose the means of your own destruction!!

FORUM: Empty your minds! Nobody think of anything!!

KUZZTER: Too late! 

[Intrepid destroyed by Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man]

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

[Intrepid destroyed by Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man]

You know, that anomaly near Jool in the Kerbahashi Maru did look a bit like a marshmallow....

'There is no Duna; there is only Jool!'

Then in the sequel, Our Heroes tap into the good feelings of the Positive Forum Movement to defeat the Big Bad!  Where's @Deddly for this?

It works on so many levels!

Edited by Zhetaan
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8 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

[Intrepid destroyed by Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man]


5 hours ago, Zhetaan said:

'There is no Duna; there is only Jool!'


5 hours ago, Zhetaan said:

Our Heroes tap into the good feelings of the Positive Forum Movement to defeat the Big Bad!  Where's @Deddly for this?

It works on so many levels!

Wait, how did we get from Kerbfleet to Ghostbusters? This is going equatorial orbit anti-normal very quickly.

8 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

FORUM: Empty your minds! Nobody think of anything!!

This is true, though. I'd suggest not Voting in order to protest the killing off of some character.

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I just caught up on this, and am really excited for the next panels. I don't agree with Kenlie on the 'unreliable narrator' concept, but at least we will know for sure what is going on. But at this point, I'm expecting a downer ending, or at best, a bittersweet ending, because it seems that we are about to have a case of the bad guys win. I'm afraid we may be at the point of only the author can save them.

Here's hoping for a crowning moment of awesome!

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On 7/17/2017 at 10:30 AM, Zhetaan said:

You know, that anomaly near Jool in the Kerbahashi Maru did look a bit like a marshmallow....

You know players of Star Trek Online actually got a chance to try their hands at the infamous Kobayashi Maru scenario starting on the June 29th thru July 3rd. Highest wave I got to was wave 6, I heard some got fairly high but it was honestly a nightmare of a scenario to run.

I see why the Cadets at Starfleet Academy dread that test....

Edited by Railgunner2160
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Hey just an update that there will be no update for at least a couple of weeks: prepping for family vacation, and then taking it.

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19 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Hey just an update that there will be no update for at least a couple of weeks: prepping for family vacation, and then taking it.

No problem, have fun and be safe... and dream up lots of fun new stuff to write about while your relaxing... :D

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