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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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1 minute ago, FyunchClick said:

Am I the only one that finds the non sequiters of the minmus four oddly soothing? Like some new age guru dribbling forth deepities they sort of set me in a meditative mood.

Yes... some were almost philosophical sounding in a weird way...
I'm out of likes, but this gets one tomorrow!

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Oo oo and plan kappa Jeb!

1 minute ago, insert_name said:

given the tidbits ive seen on the emiko station thread, it seems like the minimus four and maybe gregmore if they remember him, will be going to dres

Ooo ooo and the plan kappa Jeb!!!

There are like 4 things I want to like, but I'm out of likes! 7 hours, 14 more min... Come on...

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24 minutes ago, insert_name said:

given the tidbits ive seen on the emiko station thread, it seems like the minimus four and maybe gregmore if they remember him, will be going to dres


21 minutes ago, max_creative said:

Oo oo and plan kappa Jeb!

Ooo ooo and the plan kappa Jeb!!!

There are like 4 things I want to like, but I'm out of likes! 7 hours, 14 more min... Come on...

Wait, if you mean like a crossover, no, sorry. 
This idea came up a while ago, and it was discussed. But it was decided at this point our stories are just way too involved, and way too different, to make that really feasible.  Our worst fear is it would just end up a jumbled mess too confusing for anyone to follow.

Edited by Just Jim
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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Wait, if you mean like a crossover, no, sorry. 
This idea came up a while ago, and it was discussed. But it was decided at this point our stories are just way too involved, and way too different, to make that really feasible.  Our worst fear is it would just end up a jumbled mess too confusing for anyone to follow.

Good point. The kappa kerbfleet cross over was already kinda confusing

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16 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

The Minmus Four are nuts! They're perfect for a mission going straight to Moho! ;)


14 hours ago, GDJ said:

Yep. Those four are in for a long stay at the looney tunes motel.....and the desk clerk is going to throw away the room key.


14 hours ago, RocketSquid said:

Whatever do you mean? They are clearly sane enough to pilot spacecraft.

Well sure, there's crazy and then there's Kerbal crazy. Clearly Dongun is still a skilled pilot; he did manage to pick the lab up using the Hauler's claw, and he got to LKO all right.

13 hours ago, FyunchClick said:

Am I the only one that finds the non sequiters of the minmus four oddly soothing? Like some new age guru dribbling forth deepities they sort of set me in a meditative mood.


13 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Yes... some were almost philosophical sounding in a weird way...

Right, there's a surprising clarity in madness, isn't there? Well, it occurs to me that if @Geschosskopf's gang of freeze-addled conscripts can explore the Sarnus system with such success, maybe this group will be OK going to some closer planets. 

I played with Intrepid a little last night, got Sarge and Melbe back to the ship and docked the rover. After about 3 hours on the ground, the oxidant is full and we have 120,000 units (600 tons) of LF left to go. I think it'll take 30-36 more hours to do it, then I have to write and shoot the big musical number for when they lift off and burn for Jool (Think I'm kidding? Well I have to have something new to give @Crystal_Mace for her songs thread!) 

For now, I'll give you a briefly annotated album of Samantha landing that Gliido with the Four aboard. :) 




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I think this is my favourite set of pages yet.

(Although it may not be)

The "mmm, bread" *CHOMP* "Hehe, that tickles" completely cracked me up, but it was the buildup that gave it the perfect timing. Well done!

Edited by Deddly
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No new pages today but things are going well!

First, a fueling update. When the drills hit the ground at T +13D 05:12:39 the Intrepid massed 643 tons, and needed 137,000 units of LF, 5300 units OX and 2500 of mono. Now at T +14D 04:41:00 the OX and mono are full, as are the ore tanks with 30 tons total. There's about 110,000 units of LF left to go, or 550 tons. The ship masses about 850 now-- so yes, we're going to lift off massing about 1400t. I've shut down two of the ten drills, as with the ISRUs making only LF and the ore tanks filled I don't need their output. Algae tanks are also on line to convert mulch back to fertilizer: that's actually going extremely slowly. It occurs to me I might never have tweaked their output to be consistent with the latest consumption rates of USI-LS as I said I was going to.

At this rate (>200 tons a day before shutting down the two drills, probably 80% of that now) I guess we'll be filled up a little ahead of schedule--24 hours or so. Now that I've gotten the Minmus Four down on the ground and into a padded Hitchhiker container, and also finished the resupply mission to Micarooni, next time I play I'll fast forward to the end of fueling and attempt the liftoff.

So, here's the mission to Micarooni as an album. Pretty routine except it started to vibrate, including large pieces of the station clipping through the asteroid, when I made the mistake of time warping near it. I couldn't switch away from the station since it was 'under acceleration'. Solved the problem by letting Gregmore's craft get out of physics range, then having the two crew slated to go back to the surface with him EVA over. Once my active craft (the EVA kerbal) escaped the wonky physics bubble around Micarooni, the game stopped running physics on it and it returned to rails. Always a great day when you outsmart the Kraken!

So finally here's Gregmore's mission, with some glamour shots of Micarooni Station. Readers of Eve: Order Zero will recognize the craft still docked on the right-hand platform :) 


... and for those interested in the history of the station, here are the albums covering the installation of the Micarooni control tower, as well as the platforms and "dark side" panels.



Edited by Kuzzter
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All filled up in less than 24 hours on the surface. Go, Bill! 

I've decided the Big Musical Number isn't working out the way I wanted, so I'm doing the next bit a different way. That means that the next update may or may not be the end of chapter, and that it will come relatively SoonTM.

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11 minutes ago, Commander Zoom said:

Is that a TWR of just barely over 1 on Minmus?  Yikes.

I was wondering who'd notice that :) KER is only showing half the available ventral engines for some reason--probably because the last time they were fired, four had run out of fuel. But in fact we have eight available, so TWR will be twice that :) 

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:


*Awesome image*

All filled up in less than 24 hours on the surface. Go, Bill! 

I've decided the Big Musical Number isn't working out the way I wanted, so I'm doing the next bit a different way. That means that the next update may or may not be the end of chapter, and that it will come relatively SoonTM.

Look at that staging!  Yikes!  I can tell you're using action groups.

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49 minutes ago, CliftonM said:

Look at that staging!  Yikes!  I can tell you're using action groups.

Yes definitely :) There's a map somewhere in Bill's Engineering Updates for those who don't know. Was an interesting exercise to avoid interferences among docked craft, as well as keep some things common (drills=5 and aerospikes=4 everywhere, for example) But some things still don't work right. Group zero was supposed to toggle all craft RCS motors but it does not.  I might at some point do a little save file editing to fix it-- I could write a macro that finds every 4-way and place anywhere and adds AG0 to toggle them, for example.

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Just now, Kuzzter said:

Yes definitely :) There's a map somewhere in Bill's Engineering Updates for those who don't know. Was an interesting exercise to avoid interferences among docked craft, as well as keep some things common (drills=5 and aerospikes=4 everywhere, for example) But some things still don't work right. Group zero was supposed to toggle all craft RCS motors but it does not.  I might at some point do a little save file editing to fix it-- I could write a macro that finds every 4-way and place anywhere and adds AG0 to toggle them, for example.

I remember that!  The whole "I did what any engineer would do - I made a spreadsheet!"  Just make sure not to hit spacebar.  Break it or something.

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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I was wondering who'd notice that :) KER is only showing half the available ventral engines for some reason--probably because the last time they were fired, four had run out of fuel. But in fact we have eight available, so TWR will be twice that :) 

Best fire up the kettle.  You'll need a few cups of koffee to see out the transfer burn and I don't expect it would be productive to leave from an orbit lower than Minmus'.

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