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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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1 hour ago, GregroxMun said:

I suppose the only reason Kerbals have them is their focus on exploration, leading them not just to patrol local space, but to go out to the depths of Jool and the other planets.

There's another reason--I gave a hint, but it's a very small one :) 

1 hour ago, Deddly said:

I guess I'll just head off to the agony booth.

See that you do, Sub-Sub-Legate. Hail the Empire!

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I'm sure someone has already mentioned the similarities to the Man - Kzin War series created by Larry Niven...but I couldn't resist:  " Once upon a time, in the earliest days of interplanetary exploration, an unarmed human vessel was set upon by a warship from the planet Kzin. But the Kzinti learned the hard way that the reason humanity had given up war was that they were so very, very good at it. Thus began the Man-Kzin Wars."

What a great intro.

Can't wait to see what happens next!!!

As for the question of IF ranks, I pulled out my copy of G.R. Watson's The Roman Soldier and found a couple to suggest:

Optio - "...was commonly deputed to take command of the century during the absence of the centurion." (p. 79)

and my personal favorite:

Speculatores - "had originally been scouts, but by the third century had been transformed into executioners" (p. 86)

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8 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

or is it that the Kerbulans think a little too much like us? ;) 

There's a trope for that, like Just Like Us but where the enemy highlights the hero's failings.  Does anyone know what it's called?

Got it!  It's Not So Different

Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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Was on a roll so I kept going. I think this ends the Evil Interlude. Might be a gap of a few days before I figure out the next bit. but I think we'll have plenty to talk about until then :) 




What, did you think Evil Bill wouldn't have a Tantalus field? :D 

Also, that panel of Bob Kermulan getting backhanded by Val is now officially my favorite ever.

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3 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Was on a roll so I kept going. I think this ends the Evil Interlude. Might be a gap of a few days before I figure out the next bit. but I think we'll have plenty to talk about until then :) 

<Awesome images>

What, did you think Evil Bill wouldn't have a Tantalus field? :D 

Also, that panel of Bob Kermulan getting backhanded by Val is now officially my favorite ever.

You keep referencing one of my favorite episodes!

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I just thought of something...

If your persistomancers are at all competent, how do they not know about one another? How does Kerbfleet Bill not know about any of the Kerbulan vessels, or the Kerbulan roster? Or vice versa, for that matter? Is the persistence that big?

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Yes!  We finally get to meet Val and Bill Kermulan.  She is such a BadS.  And Bill's bit was absolutely perfect.

I assume that Bob Kermulan is exactly as smart as his counterpart.  It should be very interesting to see exactly what he works out after talking to Kenlie.

Things look very dangerous for our heroes right now.

Thanks Kuzzter!

Happy Concerned Nervous Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

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2 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

Why has Bill Kermulan not taken over the universe yet?

Because he doesn't have Kopernicus installed.  :sticktongue:

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9 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

Okay, let me rephrase that: Why has he not become the god-emperor of Kerbulus? Or the entire kerbolar system?

Because Val backhanded him once before, and it caused a great disturbance in his abilities.

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42 minutes ago, Commander Zoom said:

Ha!  Oh, that's the perfect (evil!) application of access to the persistence file, yes.  Bravo, sir.

:D Thank you! But with great power....

34 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

If your persistomancers are at all competent, how do they not know about one another? How does Kerbfleet Bill not know about any of the Kerbulan vessels, or the Kerbulan roster? Or vice versa, for that matter? Is the persistence that big?

...must come great hand-waving.

2 minutes ago, CliftonM said:

Because he does;t have Kopernicus installed.  :sticktongue:

Ha! That's the real reason, isn't it? (though actually I do, or I will very soon. All of this happened on "sound stages" but the time will soon be right for... oh, I've said too much.)

Well, I can't let you pin me down on exactly what either Bill can or can't do. But let's just assume that they're somehow limited to what you see in the comic. Bill Kerman only goes in the file to fix something that's wrong--he's kind of like The Doctor in that respect. Really, he (or Clauselle) is my in-story explanation for whenever I have to do something to the file to fix a game problem. Bill Kermulan on the other hand... well, since I haven't actually played the Kerbulan space program "fixes" like that haven't come up. So let's just say for now that what Evil Bill can see and affect is just the roster of Imperial personnel. You'll notice that the file says KERBULANS not KERBALS, and there are some other subtle changes that would make those lines not actually work in a persistence file (and the part you can't read says "Traitor = FALSE")

10 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

I assume that Bob Kermulan is exactly as smart as his counterpart.  It should be very interesting to see exactly what he works out after talking to Kenlie.

Yes... Bob's got the blue uniform, so will he be a "kerb of honor in any universe"? We'll see. ;) Speaking of similar character roles, Val Kermulan really surprised me, in a good way. The only thing I really had planned was for her to level Jeb with a right cross. Then she "told" me Bob needed a whack too, just in fairness. And then... everyone settles down, and Team Evil stands together to plan their next move. I swear I didn't write that--it was all her idea. 

12 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

Okay, let me rephrase that: Why has he not become the god-emperor of Kerbulus? Or the entire kerbolar system?

Well for one thing, Leader Gene isn't in the file, he's hard-coded. And Val a Commander and not him? There's actually a very good reason for that--but you're going to have to wait :) 

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12 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Well for one thing, Leader Gene isn't in the file, he's hard-coded. And Val a Commander and not him? There's actually a very good reason for that--but you're going to have to wait :) 

Hmm... I supposed he could just change mission control to "destroyed"

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13 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Yes... Bob's got the blue uniform, so will he be a "kerb of honor in any universe"? We'll see. ;) Speaking of similar character roles, Val Kermulan really surprised me, in a good way. The only thing I really had planned was for her to level Jeb with a right cross. Then she "told" me Bob needed a whack too, just in fairness. And then... everyone settles down, and Team Evil stands together to plan their next move. I swear I didn't write that--it was all her idea.

"Fear will keep the junior officers in line.  Fear of me and my mighty green fist!"

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10 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Well folks, it looks like some of you think a lot like Kerbulans... or is it that the Kerbulans think a little too much like us? ;) 

Well, as Arthur C. Clarke said:  "Two possibilities exist:  Either we are alone in the universe or we are not.  Both are equally terrifying."  If you suddenly had undeniable proof that a technologically superior alien race existed, not just in the universe at large but in your own solar system, would you not go to red alert?  And be very careful backing down from that position, what with the fate of your world in your hands and knowing nothing of the aliens' motivations?

EDIT:  And the episode after this was even better, in ways others have already said.  My favorite Star Trek episode, Spock with a goatee ;)

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Yikes! So much violence. Small wonder Kermulans achieved so little in space exploration\conquest - they spend too much time decking each other. Or being decked. Or tortured. Or plotting...Eh, what a waste of time and energy :P Kerbal way is better.



Ooohhh! I just realised: Jeb Kermulan's persistence file is open on...Blue Screen Of Death :D Clever. Very clever, sir. :D

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4 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Kenlie Kermulan! You are the last line of defense before full scale war!



*Deep voice that is suspiciously from another game*
Stay Determined.......

Personally I'm rooting for Martystu to save the day... ;)

And it occurs to me that if the Kermulans have plasma screens... There must be an Evil Mitch!

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7 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Was on a roll so I kept going. 

Sending them out with empty racks to prevent them from following rule 0 was a nifty twist. I wonder if they feel their version of that rule as instinctively as Kerbfleet seems to feel it's version.

Do the other rules and regulations also have their mirror versions?

Most of the other rules seem to be common sense ones that would apply to either service. Obviously, rule 15 in the Kermulan empire exists so no-one can usurp your position and leave you marooned.

However, rule nr 13 (Ranking Command pilot can override any order for reasons of crew safety) seems like one waiting for a twist, as crew safety to them would be to succeed a mission at all costs lest they spend some quality time with the antagonizer or worse, and K'SP is possibly a more dangerous place than space for them.

And perhaps in rule 1 "the many" are your many superiors, and "the few" are you and the few under your command (which if the pyramid of command is sufficiently broad, would statistically tend to be true, but doesn't really work out for senior officers).

Of course we don't talk about rule 34.

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1 hour ago, Alchemist said:

If male Kerbulans have beards, I wonder what's the quirk with females. Brezhnev-style eyebrows?

Or Frida Kahlo. I haven't actually decided which yet :) I had considered giving them all beards, for a laugh--but decided that I didn't want you laughing at Valentina Kermulan. :)

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Or Frida Kahlo. I haven't actually decided which yet :) I had considered giving them all beards, for a laugh--but decided that I didn't want you laughing at Valentina Kermulan. :)

I'd never laugh at Valentina Kermulan. I don't want to get backhanded!

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