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[1.3.1] Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) [v0.3.5] [2017-09-23]


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@Poodmund Sorry for the late reply, here is the my full list of visual mods in KSP 1.3.1:

  1. CollisionFX
  2. DestructionEffects
  3. Distant Objects
  4. Engine Lighting
  5. Environmental Visual Enhancements 1.2.2-1
  6. Stock Visual Terrain
  7. Stock Visual Enhancements
  8. Planetshine
  9. Scatterer
  10. TextureReplacerReplaced
  11. WindowShine
  12. KS3P
  13. Kopernicus

I have included the KSP log here as well as the Kopernicus logs for Tekto and Sarnus.

Edit: KSP log added and module manager cache. I apologize, I misread the part of your replay about the module manager cache being neccesary.

Edited by Plum_Pudding
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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, Murdabenne said:

So... I'm restarting after a year or so away.  Fresh install of everything.  But no indication that this works with 1.4.5 and the latest OPM/Kopernicus, EVE, SVE+SVT, Scatterer, etc.  Is there any hope other than going back to 1.3.1?

The last composition where OPM, OPMVO, scatterer, and EVE all worked together as expected for me was on 1.3.0 (haven't tried 1.3.1). I've recently been testing a fresh install of 1.4.2 with no (complete) success so far. I think you can still get clouds onto gas giants if you tell scatterer to draw ontop of EVE clouds, as others pointed out, however the results I got this way are underwhelming compared to what I have with my 1.3.0 install. I can confirm a couple of other things mentioned in the thread:

  • Thatmo configs apparently don't load at all (maybe others too, I haven't bothered to systematically cross-examine each satellite, it's just the visual difference for Thatmo is most striking)
  • I observed a Sarnus satellite not going into its shadow in map view (might be broken even without OPMVO)
  • Outer gas giant clouds don't work with EVE + scatterer

Judging by the casual attitude of Poodmund, I'm guessing that it wouldn't be very hard to fix most of these, and it seems to me that "fixing" would mostly involve translating config files to the changed formats of the parent mods. If this is the case, I might take a shot at it myself, although I'm not very excited to load up KSP 15x in quick succession. :confused:

Edited by soarpotman
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Im just going to have to forgo Scatterer, since it looks to be the core of problems that I am seeing.  And I'll wait for OPM-VO to update before I put it on my game.  I'll have to just go for the joy of having them to explore even if they are a little more drab than they would be with all the nice visual mods.

Edited by Murdabenne
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On 10/14/2018 at 8:50 PM, Murdabenne said:

So... Im restarting after a year or so away.  Fresh install of everything.  But no indication that this works with 1.4.5 and the latest OPM/Kopernicus, EVE, SVE+SVT, Scatterer, etc.  Is there any hope other than going back to 1.3.1?

I'm restarting from scratch tonight, for the first time in, oh dear years. I had OPM and Astronomer's back a while ago early on around 2015, 2014, somewhere around there and I had the astronomer's pack addon for OPM back in the day. I'm going to try both actually. Hmm I wonder how difficult those configs are...

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  • 1 month later...

Tried and ran into the same issues most of you are facing.  In the alt f12 log I am seeing a constant spam with a typical line of something invalid and not loading.  Until this is fixed, our dreams of a clean outer planets mod is done for.  PLEASE FIX, as this is a most important feature for some of us.  Being able to be immersed into the higher fidelity of these beautiful planets and bodies are all that we can ignore.

Dren, from Beautiful Cascade Mountain Range in Oregon.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, woeller said:

SVE provides its own configs for OPM. You don‘t need OPM-VO.

Doesn't need OPM-VO, but--assuming OPM-VO will work with the version of EVE installed--can be used with SVE.  SVE's MM configs for OPM are set to only apply when OPM-VO isn't installed.

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  • 1 month later...

For some reason when I use this it takes away the visuals from the stock planets, but adds visuals to the modded ones.

I am using Spectra Visual Enhancements on KSP 1.4.5

If someone knows a fix to this please let me know, thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi - I have installed KSP again after....over a year and I am still a bit rusty with the mod quirks. I was already in the middle of a career game and remembered I never reached all planets of OPM, so I was happy to see @Poodmund made a new version, many thanks for that :)

I would love to use it in conjunction with the Spectra visual overhaul mod that I already use. Does anyone already have a ready to use OPM EVE config that works with Spectra, that I can shamelessly steal?


Thanks :D



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On 6/11/2019 at 2:11 PM, DaniDE said:

I would love to use it in conjunction with the Spectra visual overhaul mod that I already use. Does anyone already have a ready to use OPM EVE config that works with Spectra, that I can shamelessly steal?


I'm looking for the same thing

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/11/2019 at 7:11 AM, DaniDE said:

Does anyone already have a ready to use OPM EVE config that works with Spectra, that I can shamelessly steal?

Try opening the PoodsOPMVO/clouds.cfg and changing "EVE_CLOUDS" (the very first line of the file) to "@EVE_CLOUDS"

I'm not an expert, but I think what is happening is that OPMVO just overwrites EVE's cloud config, which has the side-effect of removing clouds from stock planets (as OPMVO does not contain configs for them) but the @ sign makes the game combine the files and use both instead of overwriting anything.

Edited by DigitalSoul247
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For anyone ( @Diddly Feelerino ) trying to hack this into working order on their 1.7.* installs, the following change to the planetMaps.cfg is required to get the Gas Giant base textures working again, as I know some have wondered how to resolve this:

		@cacheFile = PoodsOPMVO/Cache/Sarnus.bin
				@texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusRing
				%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
				@texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodSarnus.dds
		@cacheFile = PoodsOPMVO/Cache/Urlum.bin
			@rotationPeriod = 20000
				@texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/urlumRing
				%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
				@texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodUrlum.dds
		@cacheFile = PoodsOPMVO/Cache/Neidon.bin
				@texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodNeidon.dds

				@texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodUrlumTilt.dds

Basically replace the current planetMaps.cfg with that shown above.


Secondly, this mod is still not really in working order with all the latest versions of mods like Scatterer etc. Maybe at some point this mod will be updated but it is not in my current plans to update it in the near future. For reference, Stock Visual Enhancements has a 'visual' pack for OPM if you install that visual mod that may be of you liking.

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7 hours ago, Poodmund said:

it is not in my current plans to update it in the near future. For reference

bummer! Was really hoping this would come along with an update after you took over OPM. Still my fave. Also, kinda committed to keep using them for consistency sake in my role play :P

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Out of curiosity, anyone have any screenshots of how this looks with the patch above applied? Using AVP and wanting to use OPM, but I'm afraid that the new planets will look really out of place (disclaimer: haven't launched KSP with OPM & AVP yet), but I'm not sure how passible this will look at this time. (Also, I have both Scatterer and PlanetShine, so I'm not sure how that'll affect things)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/7/2019 at 6:54 PM, Alex33212 said:

Out of curiosity, anyone have any screenshots of how this looks with the patch above applied? Using AVP and wanting to use OPM, but I'm afraid that the new planets will look really out of place (disclaimer: haven't launched KSP with OPM & AVP yet), but I'm not sure how passible this will look at this time. (Also, I have both Scatterer and PlanetShine, so I'm not sure how that'll affect things)

Hey, it looks really good with Astronomer's and the patch code listed.

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