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[1.3.1] Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) [v0.3.5] [2017-09-23]


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4 hours ago, Poodmund said:

Hi Enigma Star, do you have access to a copy of KSP version 1.3.1? This may be the easiest way to run the OPM-VO in its correct format with the relevant dependent mods at their correct versions for KSP 1.3.1.


I had tried running v1.3.1 through steam, but none of the mods would work when I did that, even if I used a compatible module manager.


Thankfully--your sample video was sufficient to get the visuals I was looking for, and I have enough mixed mod visuals to do some editing.  Thanks for your help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Pood, it's great seeing the OMP mod in your hands. I've used your SkyBox's.

I'm sure you're sick of Tekto questions and I know it got messed up but this has me stumped. I use AVP visuals and when I don't use them and use the standard mods I can't get any clouds etc even with your visuals.

I mean it looks beautiful, but why purple? :huh:


Any help would be appreciated!

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry for reviving, but this pack has been broken since quite a few scatterer versions came out, and I thought I'd try my best at fixing it. I've made new configs  for the new scatterer version at https://github.com/TakashiSenpai/PoodsOPMVO. I haven't had much experience with the previous scatterer, so setting some values was quite a shot in the dark, and I tried my best to recreate the atmospheres. Thatmo is quite a difficult one to get right. Some fine tuning on the values, and especially the config points is still necessary, but let me know what you think @Poodmund.  Here are tracking station views: ( I don't know what causes the ring texture in the center bottom though...)BnNY9IE.pngwyryBo2.pngozPlEfs.pnge9djikj.png2F5t5Wg.png


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  • 2 weeks later...

@KawaiiLucy I'm trying to download your fork to get back the nice clouds and everything when the original worked, but the github thing doesn't have the same UI/download menus as the main fork. Any way I can fix this or am I just doing something wrong? I'm on this menu here and none of the links open a download window. https://prnt.sc/42OiZ5TlXI5G

(I'd imbed it, but it won't let me drag and drop from my computer, and the insert image from URL doesn't work for it for some reason)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/20/2023 at 3:25 PM, KawaiiLucy said:

Sorry for reviving, but this pack has been broken since quite a few scatterer versions came out, and I thought I'd try my best at fixing it. I've made new configs  for the new scatterer version at https://github.com/TakashiSenpai/PoodsOPMVO.

Is this okay to distribute? the liscence says All Rights Reserved. If so, I may make some updates for it myself...

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12 hours ago, Iodyne said:

Is this okay to distribute? the liscence says All Rights Reserved. If so, I may make some updates for it myself...

I didn't touch the textures, only brought the scatterer configs up to date so that they work with the latest version (which I am not sure wouldn't infringe the license). @Poodmundwould be more suited to talk about the licensing of his work though. If you want to improve on the scatterer configs, it is fine by me.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/29/2023 at 4:52 PM, KawaiiLucy said:

I didn't touch the textures, only brought the scatterer configs up to date so that they work with the latest version (which I am not sure wouldn't infringe the license). @Poodmundwould be more suited to talk about the licensing of his work though. If you want to improve on the scatterer configs, it is fine by me.

I tried using this, but I seem to have an issue with the ring textures. I don't think the ring textures are missing? Otherwise I assume it would be bright pink, but all I am getting are these see through ones, and the Urlum one is also just equatorial. Do you know why this might be? 


I just want them to look as pretty as in your screenshots : (


Thanks for your help and for keeping this alive! Some of us don't have the specs for astronomer's visual pack :( 



Edited by edil
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On 5/5/2023 at 10:44 AM, edil said:

I tried using this, but I seem to have an issue with the ring textures. I don't think the ring textures are missing? Otherwise I assume it would be bright pink, but all I am getting are these see through ones, and the Urlum one is also just equatorial. Do you know why this might be? 

Having just determined the issue myself, using Pood's planetMaps.cfg from page 18 of this topic fixed the issue. The textures were trying to pull from a nonexistent folder (OPMVisualOverhaul/EVE/Textures/...), but the updated config changes to pulling from the correct folder (PoodsOPMVO/Textures/...).

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  • 3 months later...

Is anyone having luck running this with EVE Redux and Scatterer 0.0838? I've nearly gotten everything looking okay except Urlum is excessively white:



Anyone know of a quick way to fix this in the configs? 

Edited by mrlafle
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I managed to bring the brightness down by changing cloudSkyIrradianceMultiplier in Urlum's atmo.cfg from 10 to 0.25. I can see the texture much better but now I'm getting some funky colors:


I've experimented with some of the other variables, but nothing seems to have any effect. @KawaiiLucy , any idea how I could fix this? Or maybe some sort of learning materials somewhere I can look at?

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/5/2023 at 5:44 PM, edil said:

I tried using this, but I seem to have an issue with the ring textures. I don't think the ring textures are missing? Otherwise I assume it would be bright pink, but all I am getting are these see through ones, and the Urlum one is also just equatorial. Do you know why this might be? 


I just want them to look as pretty as in your screenshots : (


Thanks for your help and for keeping this alive! Some of us don't have the specs for astronomer's visual pack :( 

Quick testing seems to point towards the file "planetMaps.cfg" to produce the issue. I might look into it in the coming days, no promises.

Edit: It was actually just wrong file paths to the textures. Replace the context of that file with






        @cacheFile = PoodsOPMVO/Cache/Sarnus.bin





                @texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusRing

                %longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0







                @texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodSarnus.dds






        @cacheFile = PoodsOPMVO/Cache/Urlum.bin



            @rotationPeriod = 20000






                @texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/urlumRing

                %longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0







                @texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodUrlum.dds






        @cacheFile = PoodsOPMVO/Cache/Neidon.bin





                @texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodNeidon.dds














                @texture = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodUrlumTilt.dds





This should fix it.

Edited by KawaiiLucy
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Further investigating has led me to find another typo, which has been bugging me for a long time: in 'clouds.cfg', there is a reference to StockVisualEnhancements in Thatmo's cloud definition. This has the consequence that if you tried to use OPM with for example Spectra it wouldn't work. The fix is simple and the cloud definition for Thatmo can be replaced by


        name = Wisp
        body = Thatmo
        altitude = 5000
        speed = 0,50,0
            _Color = 255,255,255,15
                value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud
                type = AlphaCubeMap
                alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_B
                value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/detailCloud
                    value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/rgb

With this OPMVO works fine alongside Spectra :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Poodmund, so I made some OPM Volumetric configs (Blackracks new mod) for the clouds/layered flowmaps for the gas giants color-maped to your gas giant textures. Would you allow me to post my configs to SpaceDock? If not, it’s totally fine. I can give you full credit and even add you as author on the SpaceDock mod post. Your textures look amazing, and visualized in a volumetric manner makes them spectacular. I would be happy to send the files to you privately so you can see for yourself.

I love the lore-friendly mod you created so much, I also created a parallax surface scatters config too.  You can view that mod HERE

Edited by OneSaltyPringle
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On 11/2/2023 at 7:06 PM, OneSaltyPringle said:

Hey Poodmund, so I made some OPM Volumetric configs (Blackracks new mod) for the clouds/layered flowmaps for the gas giants color-maped to your gas giant textures. Would you allow me to post my configs to SpaceDock? If not, it’s totally fine. I can give you full credit and even add you as author on the SpaceDock mod post. Your textures look amazing, and visualized in a volumetric manner makes them spectacular. I would be happy to send the files to you privately so you can see for yourself.

I love the lore-friendly mod you created so much, I also created a parallax surface scatters config too.  You can view that mod HERE

BRO! YOU ARE A LEGEND! This is one of the best mods I've seen!

On 11/2/2023 at 7:06 PM, OneSaltyPringle said:

Hey Poodmund, so I made some OPM Volumetric configs (Blackracks new mod) for the clouds/layered flowmaps for the gas giants color-maped to your gas giant textures. Would you allow me to post my configs to SpaceDock? If not, it’s totally fine. I can give you full credit and even add you as author on the SpaceDock mod post. Your textures look amazing, and visualized in a volumetric manner makes them spectacular. I would be happy to send the files to you privately so you can see for yourself.

I love the lore-friendly mod you created so much, I also created a parallax surface scatters config too.  You can view that mod HERE

I can't wait till you release the Volumetric cloud configs!

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On 11/3/2023 at 2:06 AM, OneSaltyPringle said:

Hey Poodmund, so I made some OPM Volumetric configs (Blackracks new mod) for the clouds/layered flowmaps for the gas giants color-maped to your gas giant textures. Would you allow me to post my configs to SpaceDock? If not, it’s totally fine. I can give you full credit and even add you as author on the SpaceDock mod post. Your textures look amazing, and visualized in a volumetric manner makes them spectacular. I would be happy to send the files to you privately so you can see for yourself.

I love the lore-friendly mod you created so much, I also created a parallax surface scatters config too.  You can view that mod HERE

If your mod is just configs i.e. you install OPM-VO and then install your configs mod over the top... then absolutely go ahead. Its your work! :D I couldn't stop you from doing so even if I wanted to. For full disclosure, please do so! I'd love to see it.

In other news, my hard drive with all my OPM-VO work on it failed and its gonna cost a upwards of £400 to even attempt data recovery. This project may be officially a goner.

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1 hour ago, Poodmund said:

If your mod is just configs i.e. you install OPM-VO and then install your configs mod over the top... then absolutely go ahead. Its your work! :D I couldn't stop you from doing so even if I wanted to. For full disclosure, please do so! I'd love to see it.

In other news, my hard drive with all my OPM-VO work on it failed and its gonna cost a upwards of £400 to even attempt data recovery. This project may be officially a goner.

I had a few issues using the volumetric configs over your cloud configs (example: the new volumetric EVE cannot mix 2d and 3d layers). Also had to rewrite the  the scatterer configs as well for the particleFields on Tekto and Thatmo to work (for acid-rain on tekto and small passing blizzards on thatmo). So I've combined our mods together by using your poodsSarnus/Urlum/Neidon.dds textures for the planetMap and the Volumetric Color mapping (also using your sarnusRing and urlumRing textures). Is it okay for me to post these textures integrated with my configs?


Here is a video of me testing the flowing bands of all the gas-giants (also showing Tekto and Thatmo): 

(sorry for the lag this was recorded on my terrible laptop)


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6 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

I had a few issues using the volumetric configs over your cloud configs (example: the new volumetric EVE cannot mix 2d and 3d layers). Also had to rewrite the  the scatterer configs as well for the particleFields on Tekto and Thatmo to work (for acid-rain on tekto and small passing blizzards on thatmo). So I've combined our mods together by using your poodsSarnus/Urlum/Neidon.dds textures for the planetMap and the Volumetric Color mapping (also using your sarnusRing and urlumRing textures). Is it okay for me to post these textures integrated with my configs?


Here is a video of me testing the flowing bands of all the gas-giants (also showing Tekto and Thatmo): 

(sorry for the lag this was recorded on my terrible laptop)


You should post both mods on the forums so more people can see this!

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