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Squadcast Summary for 2015/12/05 - Scrum Meetings

Superfluous J

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Special thanks to @Endersmens for showing me the way with colors. Note: It's still not perfect but at least I don't have to use the mouse to highlight all the portions I want to be green.

Every 15 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Descriptions of gameplay are in green. "Something in quotes means it was directly said." If you want to watch the episode yourself, you can find it at http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts

Squadcast was just under an hour.
Ted and Kasper are in the "Studio"
He loads the game, and looks at his contracts. He accepts a "test parachute" one, to go with his "test a BACC" contract.
It straps 2 BACCs to a tiny tiny ship.
The launch pad can't support it.
Instead of taking one BACC off, he upgrades the launchpad.
This can only go well.

He realizes he killed Jeb, so has no SAS. He puts Phoicca in the chair, his new pilot.
The rocket does not flip, even once over mach 1.
He ejects the BACCs a bit before they run out, to a great explosion. This his rocket flips around.
Which is good because he can brake with it if he needs to.
Or he can just hit space and eject it away.
He missed the contract, but would have gotten it if he had hit it right away when it became safe.
They were discussing the red/yellow/white parachute icon. Red=you will lose the parachute. Yellow=You may be okay. White=You're good to go. Green=Deployed. Then red again=it's been cut. Mr_Turkey posits that maybe that's not a great color to use in 2 totally different situations.
He did test the BACC though, so he accepts a "test a decoupler splashed down" contract.
They discuss Mr_Turkey's comment in the devnotes about meetings. They're not long meetings. They're quick meetings to touch base. "Scrum meeting"
His rocket falls over on the pad. "This is Kasper's fault"
Back in the VAB, he adds makeshift truss legs, has too many parts, doesn't remove the un-decouplered heat shield that is directly between his capsule and science bay and instead buys the next tier of VAB. Did I mention that he put 2 parachutes on that science Jr that will - if exposed to any heating at all will explode? Because he did.
He doesn't know how to put things on the ship at an angle. But they get it.
His legs don't touch the ground, though, so when he launches the ship still falls over. It is still, apparently, Kasper's fault.

He uses the offset tool to move his "legs" down a bit. They're still not touching the ground, but they're better.
The ship doesn't fall down!
He launches!
He then reads the contract. The ship must be splashed down.
He tries to go to the water, but his rocket is stable backwards.
So he fires the rocket, while theship is heading for the water, and accelerates away from it. (I'm only describing what's happening, not judging).
He comments about this afterward, so he did at least realize it.
He gets some science at least on the way down, but can test neither contract.
He teasies he will show "RoverDude's super thingy."
He makes a simpler rocket, that still looks prone to flipping, and launches.
It flips.
He recovers.
He fails the contract because he didn't deploy the chute in staging. Mr_Turkey, you should mention THAT part in the next scrum meeting too. ;)
He splashes down, tests the decoupler, and at least has a half-successful mission.
Then he mentions they'll discuss the parachute testing in the next meeting. :D

He goes to R&D and must decide between launch clamps
and basic science, so he can be stable or get science points without having to go so far as to Mun.
They ask the chat. Personally I say science. And then go Mun with it :D
He puts the image up early and accidentally, but it's not the full image; it looks like just the upper left corner. All it shows is an antenna that we've seen before.
The chat goes with Science. I win!
He puts the picture up, and it is off center.
But apparently that dish IS the important part.
It's nice but isn't it exactly the antenna we saw like a month ago or more?
The texture inside is apparently new.
It will "cover the Kerbin system."
So it'll allow you to control a Minmus probe, but not a Duna one.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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11 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

They record on Thursday now, but I still can't really hope to recap them until Friday night or Saturday. Their schedule changed, but mine hasn't! :D

Yeah, I was busy on Thursday and missed it.  Is Dr. Turkey getting more comfortable with streaming yet?

The first couple of new Squadcasts were a bit 'tough'.  I'm afraid I miss Max's 'mad skillz'.

Happy landings!

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25 minutes ago, stibbons said:

Thanks for posting a link to the 'cast.

Wait that isn't a link to the 'cast. OK. :(

What do you mean? I just tested the link and it goes to the "recent ksptv" page.

15 minutes ago, Caelib said:

Thanks.  Anyone have the image of the new antennae?

There's a slightly differently textured one in the Squadcast Summary I did back in September


Edited by 5thHorseman
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