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The MOD Docket


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This is a place where the KSP community can gather to share, discuss and promote their Favorite MOD lists, a place where new players can come to find sets of MODs that work well together.   This place is in other words, a place where experienced players and the new players can come together to help each other and to teach each other.


What is the MOD docket?

It is a list of lists.  Below you will find a list of all the add-on lists in the MOD docket.  (Or at least you will if users contribute)  Each category contains (or will contain soon) several links that will take you to a user recommended list of MODs that both work well together and share a common theme.


So I want to contribute to Lists what do I need to do?

  1. (Optional), I recommend that you give your MOD list a Name.  No rules for this outside the general Forum rules for good behavior.
  2. List the most recent version of KSP that you have used this list on.  This is very important so that players do not try and use these add-ons on incompatible KSP versions.  This is especially necessary if your list contains add-ons that have not been updated to the version of KSP listed for your list.  We are all trusting that you have used it in the KSP version  you listed so please make sure you have verified functionality before you list a non update add-ons.
  3.  When sharing your add-ons it is required that you list the version of KSP that the MOD is updated for.   If you choose to share an older version of a MOD you must ensure doing so does not violate licensing of the MOD.  You must provide a link to the add-on.  Either to an official download site provided by the MOD creator or to the release thread.  Preferably you would provide both.  Keep in mind that any forum of sharing must be in line with the licensing of the add-on creator.
  4. (Optional) let us all know why you think each add-on belongs in your list and how you feel this list is tied together. Significant artistic licence is not only allowed but encouraged in the regard.
  5. if you choose to contribute more than one list please maintain only one post for all of your lists that you may share.


What role do you play in all of this? 

I will be maintaining the OP.  My job is to keep the user generated lists organized and user friendly.  When I share your list I will share your user name, a link to your MOD list, and the name of your mod list if provided.

So I want to have a discussion about the list, is that OK?

Oh yes! I so very much hope we have many, many discussions here.  Please discuss, as long as it is on topic and does not violate forum rules or the rule below:

On 12/3/2015 at 6:51 PM, Red Iron Crown said:

Absolutely no discussion of cheating or MechJeb pros/cons.


Without further ado:



The Busy Father’s Essential MOD’s by mcirish3. "Some career mode enhancements with utilities and some VFX mods."
Stockalike Mods for Sandbox Space Explorers by Red Iron Crown. "A tiered list of mods for the space-focused sandbox player."
non Realism Overhaul Real Solar System Mod list by Gaarst.  "An alternative to the Realism Overhaul MOD list, for realistic game play."
Avera9e's Visual Ultimatum by Avera9eJoe. "49 non-part mods to enhance stock visual sound and veteran career gameplay."

Realistic Progression Zero (RP-0) by NathanKell and
pjf and Many others.   "Lightweight career add-on and associated Mods for Kerbal Space Program's Realism Overhaul" 
Realism Overhaul by NathanKell and
pjf and Many others.  "Realism Overhaul is a mod that makes Kerbal Space Program behave more like real life.  contains a very RORealism Overhaul does this by modifying other mods and stock parts to perform as their real-life equivalents."  large  coherent list of mods and as such I feel it should be right at home here in the MOD docket.
Community Career Framework (CCF) by CCF.  "A Standards Cooperative for Career Games (Standard Career Progression and Part Balance Recommendations for Mod Authors and Players) Tech Trees | Contract Packs | Stock-alike Recommended Standards for Part Mods"

Eloquent Spacecraft Systems 1.2.x Modpack  byeloquentJane.  "This is the collection of mods that I use in my long-term 1.2.x career. They are required to make all of my 1.2.x vehicles function, or give them a location to function, or simply make them look better."
Low end Macbook Modpack [1.2.2](WIP) by MaxZhao "I play KSP on a low-end Macbook Air with 1.4GHz Intel i5 and 4G RAM so performance is essential to me. I hope this modpack can help people who wants a range of parts while still keeping their game from becoming a slideshow. Note that not all mods are up to date but they all function relatively well in 1.2.2. "




Special Thanks To:
Red Iron Crown for helping me set this up and giving 
thoughtful advice and idea's for the opening page.
My Wife Christine for all she does and for giving me the time to do what I do :)

Edited by mcirish3
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The Busy Father’s Essential MOD’s
KSP Version: 1.0.5

Crowd Sourced Science for 1.0.5 Download -Improves the diversity of the feedback from your science experiments giving a big quality of life boost.

X Science for 1.0.5 Download -A better way to see what science you have collected and what science you have not collected.

Mech Jeb 2 for 1.0.5 Download -So many tools, so much info.  Completely up to you on how much you want to use it.  As a Busy Father this MOD is absolutely essential.  Since it lets me focus on mission planning and craft design while letting me automate the time consuming or boring stuff so I can change diapers, stop arguments and wipe noses. (I have 4 young children with 1 on the way :)  This MOD seems to work just fine in 1.0.5

Auto Asparagus for 1.0.5 Download -Another "why is this not stock" MOD that really save you a lot of time and headache when designing your next ship.

TomTom for 1.0.5 Download In thread -This is a small quality of life improvement for MechJeb.  This is a smaller sleeker MechJeb module.

Universal Storage for 1.0.5 Download -Another quality of life mod.  I do not use the life support components of this mod.  The enhancement comes from allowing me to have sleeker more compressed ship designs.  Something I find essential.

Waypoint Manager for 1.0.5 Download -This one fall under "why is this not stock" Essential.  Without this MOD I find the game almost unplayable.  Don’t leave home without it.

Kerbal Alarm Clock for 1.0.5 Download -This MOD opens up the ability to do multiple missions at the same time with relative safety to the Kerbals involved.  Essential for the Busy Father.

Wider Contracts for 1.0.5 Download -Small but nice quality of life improvement making the contracts more readable.

KSP-AVC for 1.0.4 works with 1.0.5 Download -Helps you keep your addons up to date.  Really save you the trouble of looking for and watching for Add-On updates.

Stock Bug Fix Plus for 1.0.5 Download -This MOD is a band aid for some bugs still in the game, as well as some quality of life improvements.

Distant Object Enhancement for 1.0.5 Download -More of a "Oh that is so cool" Add-On and as such is a big quality of life improvement making this MOD absolutely essential.

Dynamic Texture Loader for 1.0.5 Download - well to quote the mod creator rbray89 

On 12/26/2015 at 2:45 AM, rbray89 said:

this mod unloads and loads textures on the fly! Increase texture resolution to max again!

Tentative~ For Science Continued -It is mostly incompatible with 1.0.5.(only collects some science and not others and only stores some science not others)  However since it saves me revisiting locations many times, auto collects the science and stores it for me if I have a scientist on board I find it absolutely essential.  I do hope it gets updated soon. I will link the Download as soon as there is a compatible version.

Edited by mcirish3
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Gonna sticky this one as the place to post your mod lists, rather than have a new thread every month or two. :)

Stockalike Mods for Sandbox Space Explorers:
for KSP 1.0.5


  • Stock Bug Fix Modules. Fixes some bugs in stock and adds some useful functionality.
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux. Essential information in the editor and in flight, highly customizable.
  • Editor Extensions. Additional symmetry modes and angle snap, vertical snap, and other enhancements for building.
  • RCS Build Aid. Helps with balancing RCS, as well as showing wet and dry CoM without tweaking tanks.
  • AeroGUI. Shows useful summary aerodynamic data while in flight.
  • Enhanced Navball. Allows resizing and repositioning of the navball for better legibility.
  • Hyperedit: A "cheat" mod, very useful for testing by instantly moving ships to desired orbits and editing resources and heat.
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator. Better instrumentation for docking maneuvers.
  • No Offset Limits. Removes constraints on offsetting parts, for greater flexibility in design.
  • Part Angle Display. Allows precise rotation of parts.
  • PreciseNode. Allows precision adjustment of maneuver nodes, even when the node itself is not visible.
  • Transfer Window Planner. Computes interplanetary transfer windows, complete with porkchop plots.
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock. Set alarms and manage timewarp automatically.
  • Vessel Mover. Another "cheat" mod, allow repositioning of vessels. Handy for launching boats and base building.
  • Pilot Assistant. Essentially a more fully featured SAS for atmospheric flying.
  • MapShowNavball. Makes the navball enabled by default in map mode.




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Realistish non Realism Overhaul Real Solar System Modlist (for real), for KSP 1.1.3 (not updated)


Mods that make other mods work:

  1. Module Manager v2.6.25 - Basically allows every single mod out there to work. Every. Single. One.
  2. Kopernicus v1.1.3.1 - Allows mods to edit the solar system. Makes RSS work
  3. Community Resource Pack v0.5.4 - Defines new resources configs for other mods to use
  4. Smoke Screen v2.6.17 - Allows Real Plume to work
  5. Solver Engines v2.3 - Allows mods to edit engines configs
  6. Modular Flight Integrator v1.1.6 - No idea what that one does, I just know I need it

  7. Add-on Version Checker v1.1.6.1 - Check for mod updates on KSP startup
  8. Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.7.1.0 - Adds custom alarms in game
  9. Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.1.0 - Adds all sorts of useful essential readouts to the game
  10. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.2 - Uncooks your spaghetti rocket (stiffens links between parts)
  11. Stock Bug Fix Modules v1.1.3b.1 and StockPlus - Fixes bugs and adds things...
  12. Interstellar Fuel Switch v2.1.4 - Allow to change the content of tanks, works with SpaceY
  13. Trajectories v1.6.3 - Shows atmospheric trajectories predictions and landing point
  14. Transfer Window Planner v1.5.1.0 - Allows to plan the next interplanetary transfer window
  15. RCS Build Aid v0.8.1 - Shows torque and RCS balance
  16. Hangar Extender v3.4.8 - Makes the VAB and SPH bigger, for even bigger rockets
  17. Variable Thrust Limiter v0.1.2 - Allows to set non-constant thrust for SRBs
  18. Kerbal Renamer v0.6 - Allows custom name generation for Kerbals (if you're bored go read the ReadMe)
  19. TweakScale v2.2.13 - Resize parts, because that Mammoth is definitely too small

  20. Alternate Resource Panel v2.8.1.0 - Redesigns KSP's resource panel
  21. Blizzy's Toolbar v1.7.12 - Alternate toolbar for mod settings in game
  22. In-Game Notes v0.13 - Adds a notepad to the game so that you can remember important stuff
  23. All Y'All v0.5 - Deploy all your solar panels/radiators/stuff in one click !
  24. ABookCase Orbital Reference System v0.3.0.0 - Display altitude on orbit lines, instead of being lost whenever you're not at apo or peri
  25. CorrectCoL v1.4.1 - Put that CoL back where it belongs !
  26. NASA CountDown v1.1b - Adds a launch countdown with a customisable launch sequence
  27. NavHud v1.3.1 - Navball markers now show on the screen for better and more intuitive control when docking

  28. Real Solar System v11.4.0 - Replaces the Kerbol system by the Sol system (+ 4096 textures)
  29. Real Fuels v11.3.0 with Stockalike configs v3.2.1 - Adds real fuels (duh) to the game
  30. Real Heat v4.3 - Changes the heat behaviour to a more realistic model
  31. KSC Switcher v0.6 - Allows to move the KSC position around
  32. TAC Life Support v0.12.4 - Adds life support for Kerbals
  33. Pilot Assistant v1.12.5 - Adds a lot more options to SAS, useful for piloting planes/shuttles/birds/frisbees/anything-that-flies
  34. Kerbal Lauch Failure v1.0.0 - Adds a small percentage that your rocket EXPLODES during ascent... fun times ! Seems unsupported, will maybe use DangIt
  35. RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.1.1 - Realisticer parachutes
  36. Deadly Reentry v7.4.7.1 - Makes atmospheric reentry actually dangerous
  37. Semi-Saturable Reaction Wheels v1.11.0 - Makes reaction wheels (a little bit) less overpowered by accounting for the fact that they can't spin faster than light and that kind of stuff

  38. Lithobrake Exploration Technologies v0.3.6 - Adds all sorts of lander parts
  39. Procedural Fairings v3.17 - Custom fairings that auto-shape around your payload
  40. Procedural Parts v1.2.5 - Allows to creats custom parts for specific designs
  41. SpaceY Lifters v1.13.1 - Adds bigger rockets and more engines
  42. SpaceY Expanded v1.1.11 - Adds bigger bigger rockets and more more engines
  43. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion v0.4 - Adds station parts
  44. Stock Revamp v1.9.5 - Redesigns most stock parts and adds a few new ones
  45. Fuel Tanks Plus v1.10 - Adds taller tanks for all stock diameters, with different textures possible
  46. Color Coded Canisters v1.5.1 - Enables different textures for stock tanks, similar to FTP's
  47. KW Rocketry Redux v3.0.12 - Adds a lot of various rocket parts, including 5m diameter parts
  48. B9 Procedural Parts v0.40.7 - Allows you to design procedural wings
  49. HabTech v0.1.7.5 - More station parts because more station parts
  50. SSTULabs v0.4.31.117 - Adds a lot of parts for a lot of uses
  51. Elephant Engine v0.2 - An engine that uses elephants as fuel. Elephants. Click on that link right now ! Why are you reading this, you should be downloading this mod
  52. Near Future Solar v0.6.2 - Adds new solar panels with various shapes and colours !

  53. Real Plume v10.5.1 with Stock Configs Continued v0.10.9 - Makes rocket exhausts more beautiful
  54. Hullcam VDS Continued v0.1.1 - Adds camera parts
  55. Chatterer v0.9.9 - Adds beeps, space sounds, beeps, comms, beeps and more beeps
  56. Texture Replacer v2.4.13 - Allows to use custom textures for Kerbals, skyboxes...
  57. Lights Out v0.1.5.1 - Allows to shut down the lights in the VAB
  58. Kronal Vessel Viewer v0.0.4 - Allows to make blueprint-style images of crafts
  59. Planet Shine v0.2.5 - Shiny planets !
  60. Distant Object Enhancement v1.7.2 - Vessels and planets are now visible, and stars are dimmed when looking at a body
  61. Ven's Style Textures for Procedural Parts v1.1 - Adds new textures to Procedural Parts that fit to the style used in Ven's Stock Revamp
  62. Camera Focus Changer v0.9.0.0 - Allows you to focus your camera on specific parts instead of that stupid CoM which is never where you want
  63. Engine Lighting v1.4.5 - All engines now generate light when running, not just these poshy afterburning jet engines

Note that I use this install only for Sandbox games, sometimes Science Mode.

I may keep this list updated, or not. It will depend if I forget about it or not.

Edited by Gaarst
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53 minutes ago, Gaarst said:

Realistic non Realism Overhaul Real Solar System Modlist (for real), for KSP 1.0.4


I may keep this list updated, or not. It will depend if I forget about it or not.

Thanks for the contribution.  It must have taken along time to work out that alternative Mod List.  I do hope you you don't forget about your list :)

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6 hours ago, CliftonM said:

I mod it until it crashes.  My biggest ones are all of the USI stuff, Mech Jeb, and KER.

WHy do you use Mechjeb and KER in the same install?  What info does KER have the Mech Jeb does not (I never use KER since mech Jeb give me more than enough info usually).  Also isn't KER only up to date in 1.0.4.

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11 hours ago, mcirish3 said:

WHy do you use Mechjeb and KER in the same install?  What info does KER have the Mech Jeb does not (I never use KER since mech Jeb give me more than enough info usually).  Also isn't KER only up to date in 1.0.4.

It works in 1.0.5.  I personally find KER better for info, etc, but I like some of the other features in MJ.

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I was just wondering where the name "docket" came from. Is it a spin-off of the name "rocket"? And why is "mod" in all caps? Is it an acronym for something I’m not aware of?

Anyways, here is my mod list, at least the one I plan to use for 1.1. I call it, "The Stockalike KSP Experience Enhancement"

Community Tech Tree
Environmental Visual Enhancements
Texture Replacer
Renaissance Compilation
Engine Lighting
Distant Object Enhancement
Raster Prop Monitor
Collision Effects
Destruction Effects
Stock Clamshell Fairings
Battery Indicator
Skytone Mapper
Water Sounds
Ship Effects
Stock Bug Fix Modules
Menu Stabilizer
Navball Docking Alignment Indicator
Modified Explosion Potential
EVA Fuel
WASD Camera Editor Continued
No Offset Limits
Crowd Sourced Science
Contract Configurator
Portrait Stats
Field Experience
Waypoint Manager
Coherent Contracts
Advanced Progression Contract Pack
Anomaly Surveyor Contract Pack
Kerbin Space Station Contract Pack
Unmanned Contracts
Time Control
Avg's Icons
USI Life Support
Ven's Stock Revamp
USI Alcubierre Drive
Cryogenic Engines
Near Future Solar
Ferram Aerospace Research
Near Future Construction
Near Future Propulsion
Kerbal Engineer Redux
Kerbal Alarm Clock
Dmagic Orbital Science
Saru Planet Pack
Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
Kerbal Inventory System
Kerbal Attachment System
Asteroid Day
Surface Lights
Near Future Tech LV-N Patch
Near Future Tech Decaying RTG Patch
Near Future Spacecraft
Procedural Parts
Atomic Age
Module Manager
Firespitter Core
Mission Based R&D Contract Pack
Rover Contracts
Texture Replacer
Tourism Plus Contract Pack
Base Construction Contract Pack
Field Research Contract Pack
Atmospheric Sound Enhancement
Mechjeb and Engineer For Everyone!
Astronaut Complex Overhaul
Munar Sciences Experiment Package
Procedural Parts Extended
RCS Build Aid
Procedural Fairings
Procedural Fairings Extended
Filter Extensions


Edited by Laythe Dweller
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Thanks for the contribution.

That is quite the list you have there, I will love adding it once the primary thread rules are fulfilled.  That is, they all have a link to the source thread and you have tested them in 1.1. (or at least it doesn't crash the game)

I am curious though how did you come up with your list?  None of these are redundant?

On 12/15/2015, 8:26:13, Laythe Dweller said:

I was just wondering where the name "docket" came from. Is it a spin-off of the name "rocket"? And why is "mod" in all caps? Is it an acronym for something I’m not aware of?

Anyways, here is my mod list, at least the one I plan to use for 1.1. I call it, "The Stockalike KSP Experience Enhancement"


Docket-  a document or label listing the contents of a package or delivery.

In this case the Docket is the opening page enumerating the user generated lists.  The Lists are in essence individual Packages.

Package- A package is a namespace that organizes a set of related classes and interfaces.  In short each mod listed is both a class and an interface.  (Hence the requirement for all mods listed to be linked to at the very minimum the official forum thread for that mod.)

As for mod in all caps, mod is actually an abbreviation for modification.  MOD is also an acronym for Management and Organization Division.

Thus the long name is The Management and Organization Division of Lists of Mod Classes and Interfaces or MODLMCI.   I think "The MOD Docket" sounds better though.


Edited by mcirish3
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/4/2016 at 0:43 AM, Erajasthan said:

Thank you for this discussion

You are welcome.  Feel free to contribute.  This discussion is not worth much without contributors.   I am working on a new list of mods to share but it may be some time befor I can.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/16/2015 at 11:24 PM, mcirish3 said:

Thus the long name is The Management and Organization Division of Lists of Mod Classes and Interfaces or MODLMCI.   I think "The MOD Docket" sounds better though.


It does sound better. Although I had to spend one second jumping my cultural background. In the UK the letters MOD commonly refer to Ministry of Defence. Then I though about warning about a rumble with the rockers. In early-1960s Britain, the two main youth subcultures were mods and rockers. Docket makes perfect sense here but can also be confused by a different meaning in the US. None of this matters of course. It is cool eye catching name to use right here. I just find cultural diversity interesting.  

So on with my MOD docket. Now if there was a record for the most number of KSP installs. I would be in the running. I must do about 3-4 complete wipes and rebuilds every before every playthrough. This due to having an ever changing mod lists. Which are all constantly under development. It also pretty important to do new builds prior to bug reporting. There are many flavours of KSP and I like them all.

So here is the current .CKAN on the default folder. There is other folders like RO, Soviet Overhaul, or other various career game modifications.  

The following is for is KSP 1.0.5 but please see notes below. It has experimental mods compiled for 1.0.4 but are included based on community feedback. This one does not have a name and if it did it probably be just another version number. 

	"kind": "metapackage",
	"abstract": "A list of modules installed on the default KSP instance",
	"name": "installed-default",
	"license": "unknown",
	"version": "2016.",
	"identifier": "installed-default",
	"spec_version": "v1.6",
	"depends": [
			"name": "StationScience",
			"version": "1.5"
			"name": "MechJeb2",
			"version": ""
			"name": "MechJebForAll",
			"version": ""
			"name": "ModuleManager",
			"version": "2.6.18"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator",
			"version": ""
			"name": "CommunityTechTree",
			"version": "2.3"
			"name": "KSP-AVC",
			"version": ""
			"name": "SETI-Contracts",
			"version": "0.9.6"
			"name": "SETI-Greenhouse",
			"version": "0.9.3"
			"name": "CustomBarnKit",
			"version": ""
			"name": "TakeCommand",
			"version": "1.3"
			"name": "VenStockRevamp",
			"version": "v1.9.1"
			"name": "GAP",
			"version": "1.1.2"
			"name": "CapCom",
			"version": "1.4"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor",
			"version": "1.4.2"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation",
			"version": "1:3.1.1"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech",
			"version": "2.0.1"
			"name": "RemoteTech",
			"version": "v1.6.9"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-Tourism",
			"version": "1.3.0"
			"name": "CrossFeedEnabler",
			"version": "v3.3"
			"name": "CrowdSourcedScience",
			"version": "v3.0.2"
			"name": "DMagicOrbitalScience",
			"version": "1.1"
			"name": "EnhancedNavBall",
			"version": ""
			"name": "FinalFrontier",
			"version": "0.9.8-1882"
			"name": "SETI-BalanceMod",
			"version": "0.9.6"
			"name": "KerbalAlarmClock",
			"version": "v3.5.0.0"
			"name": "KerbalJointReinforcement",
			"version": "v3.1.4"
			"name": "KAS",
			"version": "0.5.5"
			"name": "KIS",
			"version": "1.2.3"
			"name": "QuickSearch",
			"version": "v1.14"
			"name": "RCSBuildAid",
			"version": "0.7.6"
			"name": "RealChute",
			"version": ""
			"name": "ShipManifest",
			"version": ""
			"name": "StageRecovery",
			"version": "1.6.2"
			"name": "Toolbar",
			"version": "1.7.10"
			"name": "Trajectories",
			"version": "v1.4.5"
			"name": "USI-LS",
			"version": ""
			"name": "WaypointManager",
			"version": "2.4.4"
			"name": "Workshop",
			"version": "0.12.1"
			"name": "CommunityResourcePack",
			"version": ""
			"name": "FirespitterCore",
			"version": "v7.1.5"
			"name": "B9-PWings-Fork",
			"version": "2.1"
			"name": "CargoTransportationSolutions",
			"version": "0.4.2"
			"name": "ChopShop",
			"version": ""
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-RoverMissionsRedux",
			"version": "0.1.3"
			"name": "SpacetuxSA",
			"version": ""
			"name": "CryoEngines",
			"version": "1:0.2.0"
			"name": "CryoTanks",
			"version": "0.1.0"
			"name": "DeployableEngines",
			"version": "0.1.0"
			"name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core",
			"version": "1.18"
			"name": "BDAnimationModules",
			"version": "v0.6.2"
			"name": "DeadlyReentry",
			"version": "v7.3.1"
			"name": "EvaFuel",
			"version": "0.0.2"
			"name": "Karbonite",
			"version": "1:"
			"name": "USITools",
			"version": ""
			"name": "USI-Core",
			"version": ""
			"name": "KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems",
			"version": "v0.2.10"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch",
			"version": "1.1.5"
			"name": "MarkIVSpaceplaneSystem",
			"version": "2.1.1"
			"name": "NearFutureProps",
			"version": "0.4.4"
			"name": "Mk2Expansion",
			"version": "1.6.11"
			"name": "KlockheedMartian-Gimbal",
			"version": ""
			"name": "NearFutureConstruction",
			"version": "0.5.5"
			"name": "ProceduralParts",
			"version": "v1.1.11"
			"name": "SCANsat",
			"version": "v14.7"
			"name": "ScienceFunding",
			"version": "1.2.1"
			"name": "Service-Compartments-6S",
			"version": "1.3"
			"name": "StationPartsExpansion",
			"version": "0.3.4"
			"name": "UKS",
			"version": "1:"
			"name": "USI-Kolonization",
			"version": ""
			"name": "USI-SRV",
			"version": ""
			"name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig",
			"version": "v7.1.5"
			"name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch",
			"version": "1.18"
			"name": "TweakScale",
			"version": "v2.2.6"
			"name": "ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Aggressive",
			"version": "5-0"
			"name": "AsteroidDay",
			"version": "1.0.5"
			"name": "CameraFocusChanger",
			"version": "v0.8.1.1"
			"name": "Chatterer",
			"version": "0.9.7"
			"name": "ConnectedLivingSpace",
			"version": ""
			"name": "KSPInterstellarExtended",
			"version": "1.6.2"
			"name": "SETI-CommunityTechTree",
			"version": ""
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-KFiles",
			"version": "1.1"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-UnmannedContracts",
			"version": "0.3.18"
			"name": "FieldExperience",
			"version": "1.0.2"
			"name": "Fusebox",
			"version": "1.52"
			"name": "GCMonitor",
			"version": ""
			"name": "KarbonitePlus",
			"version": ""
			"name": "KDEX",
			"version": "v1.04"
			"name": "KeepFit",
			"version": ""
			"name": "MarkOneLaboratoryExtensions",
			"version": "0.4.1"
			"name": "WildBlueTools",
			"version": "1.0.28"
			"name": "Pathfinder",
			"version": "0.9.8.a"
			"name": "MkerbIncScienceInstruments",
			"version": "0.7"
			"name": "SemiSaturatableRW",
			"version": ""
			"name": "TestFlight",
			"version": ""
			"name": "TestFlightConfigStock",
			"version": ""
			"name": "ForScienceContinued",
			"version": "1.1.0"
			"name": "KerboKatzUtilities",
			"version": "1.2.11"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-AdvancedProgression",
			"version": "4.5.1"
			"name": "DockingcameraKURSstyle",
			"version": "1.4"
			"name": "DockingSounds",
			"version": "1.2"
			"name": "AutomatedScreenshots",
			"version": "0.7.0"
			"name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements",
			"version": "1:EVE-1.05-4"
			"name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR",
			"version": "1:EVE-1.05-4"
			"name": "RCSSounds",
			"version": "4.4"
			"name": "SoundingRockets",
			"version": ""
			"name": "SXT",
			"version": "24"
			"name": "TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies",
			"version": "1:5.8"
			"name": "UniversalStorage",
			"version": ""

Some notes.

System Tools 

KSP-AVC is version checker. Due to some technical shenanigans that we will not go into here. It normally gives a heads up on a pending CKAN database change. When any mod updates. This early warning is very useful. 

GCMonitor is background system memory tool. Which provides a very useful early warning of crashing. KSP is unfortunately restricted on a memory cap due it being a 32 bit application (roll on 1.1 :lol:). This will flag up low memory allowing progress to be saved.

Automated Screenshots and Saves. It does automatic saves to protect from the Kraken and can also provide timed screen shots on demand. Ever seen someone post a slide show of screen shots taken though a mission. This how it can be automated. Gives simple on off switches for both features.

Active Texture Management. Saves lots of memory for more mods. Provides a buffer against memory crashing. This is a simple mod to reduce texture memory use by compressing/resizing them to DXT1 & DXT5. This performs the compression to as many textures as possible on game load. This will include ALL textures, including mods.

Stock Bug Fix Modules. Fixes some bugs in stock.

Camera Focus Changer. Ever wished the camera wasn't anchored to your ship's center of mass? With "Camera Focus Changer" (CFC) you can now change the focus of the camera to any part of your ship you desire! Handy for looking in service bays or handling space stations.  

Career Mods

A lot of the mods are dependencies or recommendations as a result of using SETI Tech Tree and Balance mods. Which sets up a different career path from stock. Parts unlock in a more realistic way but it still feels very KSP.

Some Contracts packages (details here) are installed that don't go together but selection can be changed in Contract Configure config settings. I just like the ability to flip between packs as the mood takes me without doing a total rebuild. 

Mechjeb2 is modified by "Mechjeb for all" to be a software only upgrade to command pods. This is also modified to unlock in a particular format with in SETI tech tree. It will take quite a few launches before enough science can be collected to figure out basic functions. Plenty more to get anything to do with automation. Computer guidance is in it's infancy for a fair part of the early space program but grows up just in the nick of time to stop things getting too repetitive. It requires a heavy investment to get it working but is worth it in the long run.

Semi Saturation Reaction Wheels.  As reaction wheels exert torque, stored momentum increases saturating the wheel and decreasing torque output. Over time the stored momentum decays and torque slowly increases back to it's original level. Putting this on top of a nerfed max means everything needs RCS unless it is really small. If you run out of monoprop your in trouble.

Remote Tech. There is no other ground stations at all to help. However SETI allows a crew of two to act as a relay station if appropriate communication gear is carried. The Remote Tech contracts not only help with finances early on. They are essential to later unmanned missions. There is a SETI ground stations addon but I don't use it. It is old school RT for me

Final Frontier gives yours Kerbals medals and sort of provides a career history. It also contains a few easter eggs like special holiday medals for playing KSP at different time during the year. Always a fun addition to career mode.

Test Flight is in there because it can thrown in parts failure. The more the parts are tested the less chance they fail. However it is a worry. Added along with a life support mod things can go all Apollo 13 due to nothing more that dumb luck. Or on the surface it can suddenly go Mark Watney: If the oxygenator breaks down, I'll suffocate. If the water reclaimer breaks down, I'll die of thirst. If the hab breaches, I'll just kind of implode. If none of those things happen, I'll eventually run out of food and starve to death. So, yeah.... Normally it is not that dramatic but resources can leak, rockets do sometimes break.  

Gameplay Expansion

On top of that there is the experimental 1.0.4 build of Orbital Material Science. Which I am currently stabilizing for 1.0.5. Along with watching for a Station Science update. Right now there a massive gap in the stock game surrounding the use of space stations and these mods help fill that gap. 

USI LS is undergoing some massive changes just now. At least short term TAC LS might  be a better.  It will take a little while for everything to line up across the affected supporting mods. This might be top heavy on coloney parts as I am experimenting with different ideas right now. USI LS has very Kerbal way of looking at life support and now has quite a complicated resource network. Which of course ties in with MKS colony building. Which expands the endgame into space mining. As does the Karbonite mining mod.

KIS/KAS are there for the reason to go EVA. As is Pathfinder which requires base building by hand. So you Kerbals have to run about outside with electric drills. Awesome fun.

The rest of the mods are for personal comfort in balancing a slow tech tree climb against some of the more "grindy" elements in play. Eventually it goes to super technology amazing stuff near the top end of Interstellar Extended. However it does take a ridiculous amount of science points to complete every node to FTL drives. 

As always this will change and is definitely not an ideal list or even possibly up to date with current trends so every bit of feedback is useful.

Edited by nobodyhasthis2
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20 minutes ago, carlorizzante said:

This thread is awesome, thanks! Just what I was looking for.

But, since KSP 1.1 might break few mods or obsolete them, could we make a new thread for mods compatible with the new incoming release?

Or perhaps I'm just too worried about? :-/

No, you're just too early...
No point really discussing what mods will/will not work in 1.1, as no one knows exactly what will be changed in 1.1... And nothing can really be done with parts models & textures yet, as a new Part Tools is also not available yet...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just my starter plan for so far... really need to get through the mods full list to get everything together...

Must Have's

About Half of the USI suite... MKS, LifeSupport, Exploration and prolly Karbonite
Contract Configurator with a few packs
Infernal Robotics
Final Frontier
Universal Storage
Persistant Rotation

Try to get's

Camera Tools
Lack's Stock extention
EL (slightly modified)
Orbital Utility Vehicle

Thinking about's

B9 or KW rocketry

I think this is a good start, and lets me do what I love in KSP. I am still on the fence about kOS but if I get it learned well enough I may drap Remote Tech back into the fold.



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Thank You everyone who has contributed.

Just a reminder in you wish to be included in the OP list.  You will need to follow the rules of the OP.  I have made a couple exceptions for very exceptional works but in general the OP rules must be followed to have your list included in the OP.

Edited by mcirish3
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On 7 April 2016 at 7:23 AM, mcirish3 said:

Thank You everyone who has contributed.

Just a reminder in you wish to be included in the OP list.  You will need to follow the rules of the OP.  I have made a couple exceptions for very exceptional works but in general the OP rules must be followed to have your list included in the OP.

I'm going to make my own list, but does it need to be in Addon Discussions or Releases?

EDIT: if a mod moves the thread I'll suppose I'll know.

Edited by RA3236
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For 1.1.2

Featuring logic, stockalike parts, and a ████ ton of graphics mods.



Enviromental Visual Enhancements -1.1.2 -  Adds clouds, city lights, and auroras. 

Stock Visual Enhancements - A cloud pack for EVE.

Scatterer - 1.1.2 - Adds realistic waves, sunflares, and atmospheric scattering.

Astroniki Sunflare - A nice custom sunflare.

Engine Lighting - 1.1.2 - The clue is in the name.

DestructionFX - 1.1.2 - Adds sparks and biome-colored dust.

Real Plume Stock Configs - 1.1.2 - Makes engines look awesome.

Texture Replacer - 1.1 - Again, the name says it all.

Poodmund's Milky Way Skybox - Gee, these names are very descriptive, aren't they?

Endraxiel's Planet Textures - A set of HD textures for planets.

(WIP) Part Shaders Replacement - 1.1.2 - Makes parts look shiny.




Kerbalism - 1.1.2 - Adds detailed life support and new science experiments.

Research Bodies - 1.1.2 - Planets have to be 'discovered' before you can go to them.

Orbital Survey Plus - 1.1.2 - No more magical insta-scans! And you also get science for surveying planets.

Kerbal Attachment System - 1.1.2 - Adds pulleys and resource transfer pipes.

Kerbal Inventory System - 1.1.2 - Adds kerbal and part inventories and allows mid-flight assembly.

Ferram Aerospace Research - 1.1.2 - Makes pointy things go faster than flat things.




Kerbal Engineer - Ship informational display.

Stage Recovery - Allows you to recover spent stages instead of them de-spawning.




K2 Command Pod - 1.1.2 - A stockalike Gemini command pod.

USI Survivability Pack - 1.1.2 - Adds airbags, floaters and escape pods.


Edited by Osmium
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  • 2 months later...
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, I have this mod that I got when KSP 0.90 was out, and I haven't been able to find an update for 1.2.  The mod is called ISS Community and has almost all the ISS parts available for KSP, and is super fun.  It's just for 0.90 and doesn't work with 1.2.  If anyone knows how to update it for 1.2 or know someone who does, it would be really great! 

Here is a link to the mod folder through google drive: 


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