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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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@Just Jim

That's my problem with the previous chapter and the upcoming chapter in my story. The issue is the story itself. For example, my last chapter covered a pretty serious topic - Jebediah's recent conduct - and the fact an investigation has been ordered. I also introduced some of the way the Kerin government functions in my Kerbiverse. For many people, I know it probably is boring but for me, I want to do more than tell a flashy or trendy story. I want to explain why Kerbals act the way they act.

So, with that said - go for it! I enjoy your story... :D

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34 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

I also introduced some of the way the Kerbin government functions in my Kerbiverse. For many people, I know it probably is boring.....

Not at all! Books like Dune were based quite heavily on government and politics, but 14,000 years from now (more or less), and it was fascinating reading how Herbert envisioned the underbelly of the universe, so to speak, that far in the future. I look forward to your Kerbal take on it....

And I'm just about done sorting... as long as Imgur is cooperating today, we're still on schedule. :)


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Chapter 80
Annabel Lee

Dedicated to the master: Edger Allan Poe


The morning after her homecoming, Valentine Kerman stood in front of the astronaut complex and tried her best to shake off the previous nights festivities. But she was failing miserably, and just wanted to get inside the waiting rover so she could sit back down before everything began spinning again.



Waiting for her in the cockpit was Werhner von Kerman, who would be driving them out onto the airstrip. But knowing how Val must feel, he waited patiently for her to get strapped in before he drove out to the airstrip, as slowly and gently as he could.



"I... I am so sorry, professor," Val tried to smile meekly. 

"For what?" von Kerman asked gently. "There is nothing to be sorry about."

"But... I... oh... I'm so embarrassed!" Val stammered.

"Valentina, dear, everyone knows you don't drink, and I remember at least 7... or was it 8... toasts just to you alone, not to mention all the other toasts to Jeb, Bob, Bill, your mission... your ship... and later anything else they could think of. Truth be told, you did nothing to be embarrassed about, and actually stayed on your feet a lot longer than some.... who's names won't be mentioned," von Kerman smiled. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember being driven down to the beach by some nice cadet... can't remember his name, but really professional."

"That would be Obney."

"Yes... Obney. You need to keep that one," val smiled. "I remember he dropped me off near... what was it? Oh, a flag! Yes, a really weird warning flag... and next to it was... that ghost... the one everyone told me about.... then everything started spinning... I don't remember anything else."


"That was Sanny," von Kerman explained. "We were just a couple minutes behind her, but she can be incredibly quick when she wants to. Luckily she decided she likes you, most likely because of your grandmother, and made herself corporal just enough to catch you and keep you from hurting yourself when you passed out."

"So she is real.... Oh... wow... what is THAT?" Val gasped as they neared the runway and she saw what was waiting for them on it.



"That, my dear, is the Annabel lee," von Kerman said with a smile. "And this morning we're going for a ride."


"Annabel Lee?" Valentina whispered as Werhner positioned the rover directly in front of the huge airship and began to inch her forward. 

"Emiko named her that," von Kerman answered. "She's on board already, you can ask her later when you see her. Now, check this out!"

In front of them a section of the airship opened up, and a cargo ramp large enough to accommodate the small rover lowered itself down onto the runway.




"Oh, that is cool," Val smiled as Werhner retracted the rovers antennas and slowly moved her forward under the massive airship and onto the waiting cargo elevator. "But when did you have time to build all this?"




"Well, we didn't... actually," von Kerman admitted as the rover was lifted up and into a huge cargo area. "The airship itself was built by Wild Blue Industries years ago, we just refitted it with a new gondola and crew section.



"But why an airship?" Val asked, awed by the sheer size of the thing.

"Quite simply," von Kerman reached over and began switching off the rover monitors. "We are attempting to reach the top of a mountain, somewhere we've not been able to reach by aircraft or lander. Then Angelo, who I believe you've met, suggested trying to reach it by balloon instead, which was both simple and brilliant, I have to admit. And here we are."



"This is amaz... uufff!" Val gasped in surprise as von Kerman extended a set of stabilizer legs from the rover.


"Oh, I'm sorry, dear." von Kerman apologized. "I should have warned you. I just need to tie this down and I promise you can sit and relax the rest of the day."

"Thank you." Val said softly as she followed von Kerman out onto the cargo deck and watched as he secured the rover for their journey.



Then the voice of Angelo Kerman echoed from across the hanger.

"Might I lend a hand, professor?"

"No, I believe I have it all secure," von Kerman called back. "But it may be wise if you double check, just in case."




"Gladly, sir," Angelo smiled. "Best safe than sorry. The Buffalloon is secure, we should be able to depart at your pleasure."

"Thank you, Angelo," von Kerman smiled. I just want to show Val... upstairs, then we can be off."

"I understand," Angelo smiled, then turned to double check the rover's tie downs.


"Upstairs?" Val asked, her fascination rapidly gaining the upper hand on her hangover. "And what is a Buffalloon, this thing?"

"Yes," von Kerman answered, pointing at the really odd looking... lander???... tied down on the other side of the cargo deck. Val wasn't sure what exactly it was.


But before she could inquire more about the strange Buffalloon, the sound of heavy motors filled the hold, and Val watched another, much larger elevator, lower itself down to them.




"Wow," Val smiled as she followed von Kerman onto the elevator, and felt herself lifted up and onto a massive flight deck spanning the length of the airship.





"Oh my... this is... amazing!" Val was overwhelmed, and drank in the view.

"Yes, it truly is," von Kerman smiled back, "I could sit up here all day. But alas, we must be on our way. Come, the easiest way down is thru the conning tower and down the lift to the gondola. You can sit up front with your grandmother if you wish."

Oh, yes, please," Val smiled as she followed von Kerman up and into the conning tower. "I wish that very much!"



Just a few minutes later Valentina found herself in a spacious viewing deck, and snuggled herself into a wonderfully comfortable chair next to her grandmother Emiko.


"Tina feel better?" Emiko asked with a smile.

"Yes... a little," Val answered, then laughed. "Tina? Gramiko... no-one has called me Tina in years."

"Always be Emiko's little Tina." Emiko laughed back.

Before Val could respond, she was pleasantly surprised to hear none other than Gem Kerman's voice ring out over the intercom.

"Everyone buckle up, we'll be lifting off in 60 seconds."


In the cockpit Angelo Kerman looked over at his protegee, Gem Kerman, and smiled.

"Compressors online, bring her up to 50% and hold... make sure all sections are evenly inflated before proceeding. That's it, you're doing great!"



Angelo couldn't help but smile thinking back to the uproar he had caused when he chose Gem for this mission, over several older and more experienced pilots. Oh, he knew how jealous some already were of her, and his decision would just be tossing explodium onto a campfire. But during her training, it was crystal clear to Angelo that young Gem, who had been born and raised on an asteroid in near zero gravity, had not just an understanding, but an instinct for gravity and buoyancy that far, far surpassed her classmates. In the end there was no other choice, and Angelo insisted the Annabel Lee be given to her.

"Engaging generators... prepare to jettison ballast... lifting to 2000 meters... on my mark... three... two... one... jettison ballast!" Gem called out, while back in the gondola briefing room, Jandolin Kerman looked over at her husband Harfield and grinned as only a proud parent can.

"That's our girl!"






Once she had reached 2000 meters, Gem leveled out the mighty airship and turned to a heading of 115 degrees, then called out to the back again.

"Engaging fans... throttling up to 2/3rds.... all indicators green.... And we're off everyone!"




"Oh, this is sooooo cool!" Val squealed as they sailed out over the beach and towards the old island airstrip.




Once they had passed the island, Gem adjusted their course to 125 degrees, and headed out over the great eastern ocean, while up in the observation deck, Val looked over at Emiko and asked.

"Gramiko, if you don't mind me asking, who is Annabel Lee?"

For a couple minutes Emiko said nothing, and Val realized she was softly crying... then she said ever so softly.

"For the mun never beams without bringing Emiko dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee...
And the stars never rise, but Emiko see the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee...

"Oh my..." Val said softly. "That's lovely! Did... did you learn that... you know, there?"

"Yes," Emiko said sadly. "On Earth planet. Emiko made a friend... her bestest friend ever, named Chibi. And when Emiko was scared, and wanted to come home so very bad, Chibi would read Annabel Lee, and other beautiful Earth things, and help Emiko fall asleep."

"You must miss her terribly."

"Emiko does," Emiko sighed. "Earth planet very weird, and more than anything Emiko just wanted to come home. Only one regret... Emiko had to say goodbye to Chibi..."

"I... I think I understand, "Val said softly. "Do... do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes...." Emiko smiled, "Emiko will tell little Tina what happened. Werhner and Angelo not heard yet either, so Emiko should start at beginning."


And as the Annabel Lee crossed over the great Eastern Ocean, Emiko told Val and the rest of her abduction, and arrival on the weird planet called Earth, and how she was taken in and befriended by a kindly old alien named Leod, and then another named Mortimer, who helped her to communicate with the aliens by means of a bizarre helmet like device. And finally, Emiko told of her befriending a remarkably bright alien named Tara, who preferred to be called Chibi, and how she had invited Emiko to stay with her until they could find her a way home.

But it was about then that Val looked up and was surprised to see a couple great islands stretching out before them, and realized a couple hours had passed, and they were nearly across the ocean.



Up in the cockpit Angelo looked over at the sun, then down to his GPS, and finally over to Gem.

"I'm thinking it might be best not to push it. Let's set her down on that next island."

"Agreed," Gem replied, and steered the airship slightly to the west, and the large island a few dozen kilometers ahead of them.




And just as Angelo had predicted, they lost the sun right as they reached the island. But there was still enough light for Gem to spot a promising stretch of beach, and brought the airship to a stop before lowering the landing gear and slowly descending to the beach below.





"300 meters," Gem called out as they descended. "250... 200... 150... 100... slowing decent... 40 meters... 30... 20... 10... and... wheels down!"


As she began to power down the great ship, Angelo looked over at Gem with an almost fatherly pride.

"Bravo, little one... bravo!"


Once everything was secure, Gem and Angelo set out to inspect the ship, and prepare her for the next days journey, while Werhner called everyone else to the briefing room for a quick meeting.


On the main monitor was Gene, who waited until everyone was seated, then got right to the point.

"Until now most of you have been kept somewhat in the dark as to the details of your mission. I apologize, but in light of recent... events... we felt it necessary to maintain a high level of security on this one." Gene paused a second to collect his thoughts. "Several days ago one of our newest surveillance satellites picked up a new and very strong signal from a previously discovered, but so far unexplored anomaly."


"Unfortunately, this anomaly appears to be atop the highest peak of the wild Salvager mountain range, and until now was considered unreachable. But Angelo Kerman's idea of taking a page from history and using a balloon instead of trying to design some new mountain climbing rover that would never work, could get a small science crew in close enough to make some excellent observations. This is where you all come in."

Gene paused again, and looked off to a side monitor before continuing.

"I'll let.... Thompberry... continue from here."


"Greetings, my friends." Thompberry's weird voice filled the room. "It is good to see you all, but I must be brief. For the last several days my most beautiful Piper has....."

But for a couple seconds Thompberry was cut off as Piper was heard screaming a rather choice obscenity at him in the background.

"Yes... if I may continue, darrrrrrrllllling...." Thompberry chuckled. "For the last several days we have passed over the anomaly, and I believe it to be another monolith... But we have also made a somewhat.... remarkable.... discovery."


"While most readings remain in normal parameters for that area," Thompberry continued. "The gravioli readings are fluctuating wildly, in an almost wavelike pattern. But even in the lowest orbit, the Pandora can only get a close approximation. This is why a balloon is an inspired choice for your mission. I do not believe it necessary for you to land, unless you feel it safe, just get in close enough to visually confirm if it is another monolith, and get an accurate reading of the surrounding gravioli particle count, preferable over a period of several days."


"Lastly," Gene cut back in. "I don't want anyone playing hero, understood? We really need this data, but not at the cost of anyone getting hurt. If these mountains turn out to be unreachable with a Buffalloon, we can always find another way. Understood?"

"Understood, sir." the room replied, and with that Gene signed off.


After the meeting Harfield and Jandolin went back to the science section and checked on their pet Goo, which seemed to be doing quite well, and was currently changing into polygon shapes that indicated it was somewhat amused with the current situation.


Theo didn't join his parents, and instead crawled back to the small hydroponics lab to check on his crops.


As scientists, his parents were overjoyed to see him take such an avid interest in hydroponics recently, but they were also a little puzzled by it. What they didn't know was his interest was really sparked when his "Aunt" Emiko made something she said was from Earth called ranch dressing... and began dipping a bunch of fresh, raw vegetables into the stuff, and wolfing them down as fast as she could.

Admittedly, the stuff did look a little weird, but Theo was a Kerbal of science, and always willing to try something... once. And so he picked up a small karrot, dipped it into the weird ranch stuff, and without hesitation popped it into his mouth...

... and it was like his head had exploded with yummy karroty goodness... only so much better!!! Never had he imagined a raw veggie could be so transformed by something so odd looking... These Earthaniods must be a truly enlightened species to have invented something so good! 

Later, after they had worked themselves halfway into a snack coma, Emiko suggested that Theo try and start his own garden on Emiko Station, and in that instant, Theo had a new purpose in life... he would be the first Kerbal to successfully build an orbital hydroponics garden, and he would live on veggies with ranch stuff for the rest of his life!


Meanwhile, up on the flight-deck, Valentina had just climbed down from the coning tower to find Werhner already there. But when she got close, she let out a startled gasp!


"Professor??? What.... it is you, isn't it?"

"Yes, dear," Werhner turned and smiled at Val. "Before you ask, I only need them at night. Since the Mun... accident... I can't see the stars without them."

"I'm so sorry..." Val whispered.

"Don't be," von Kerman smiled. "It is a small price to pay for having one's life saved by a Magic Boulder. But..."

"But... what?" Val asked gently.

"I am sincerly grateful to that boulder... thing... for saving all of us.... I truly am. So I know it might seem somewhat.... petty... to say. But as a Kerbal of science, there is one thing I regret...."

Knowing von Kerman as well as she did, it only took Val a second to know why he was really sad.

"I think I understand.... when the boulder saved you, and you were carried thru that wormhole... you were unconscious, weren't you?"

"Yes..." von Kerman shook his head sadly. "And I don't remember a thing."

But before they could go any further, Val was almost knocked off her feet when Sanny the Ghost suddenly materialized out of no-where and yelled at Werhner.

"This place is SOOOOOOOOOO boring!"


Seemingly unphased, Werhner looked around before responding.

"Nothing out there?"

"Nothing!" Sanny grumbled. "No birds... no kitten fish... no platypus's.... Not one platypus nest anywhere. I hate this place. Let's leave."

"I'm sorry, Sanny, but we can't leave until morning," Werhner said to the irate spirit. "I wish we could, but if we floated around in the dark, we could run into a mountain and then Emiko could get hurt."


Val was fascinated by this bizarre exchange, and astounded to see Sanny grumble and growl before grudgingly conceding to Werhner.

"Ohhhh..... fine! I'm going down and bounce around the cargo hold... at least THAT's fun!"

"OK, enjoy yourself," von Kerman answered in a surprisingly even voice. "Just try not to break anything, please."

"No promises!" was the last Valentina heard Sanny scream back before she sank thru the flight deck into the hanger below.


For several seconds val stood in stunned silence, not quite sure what to say. And knowing how weird it all must have seemed, von Kerman waited patiently for her to decide what to ask first. But he was somewhat surprised when she finally did speak.

"Soooo... Platypus's?"


"Yes, Sanny loves them," Werhner laughed, "She says they're the most sacred of all the universe's creatures, because they combine a little of all the other animals into one magical being, and they radiate really positive energy, especially when they're near their nests..."

"Ahhhhh.... what?" Val didn't quite know how to respond, until Werhner began to laugh even louder.

"It's alright dear... we think she made that one up."

"Wait, she's making stuff up?"

"Some things, yes... but not everything," Werhner paused a second. "For instance, Harfield and your grandmother did encounter her near a floating monolith on Ovok. But no other Kerbal has ever visited Ovok.... at least in this universe..."

"What do you mean, in this universe?

Werhner looked out at the stars for several seconds before continuing.

"Do you know what a many-verse is?"

"No," Val laughed. "I'm a pilot, not a physicist. What is a many-verse?""

"It's a newer, somewhat controversial theory floating around the physics community. A theory that suggests the universe we live in is just one of countless other universes, all stacked together likes layers of sliced cheese... existing in the same place, but at the same time all slightly different."

"Many universes," Val rolled the idea around in her head. "Many-verse. OK... that's a little bizarre... but assuming this is true, are you suggesting Sanny is not from our... 'verse?"

"It's possible. Ever since she arrived, Sanny has never strayed far from your grandmother, and recently we learned it's, and I'm quoting her 'because Sparkles is the only positive thing on this whole kraken forsaken planet'...  But this has given your grandmother, and our good friend Geschosskoph, a chance to calm her down enough long enough to befriend her. And since that time the two have been spending a lot of time with Sanny, and the more Geschosskoph talks to her, the more he's convinced she's not from our universe at all."

"And if she's not from this universe, then the monolith she was with?"

"Might not be either!" von Kerman smiled at Val's insight. "We don't know, but it could explain a lot, especially how these new, greenish ones seem to be appearing out of no-where."

"And that's why we need to investigate the one we're after... I see it now."

"Yes, exactly," von Kerman looked out into the night again.


But before either could say anything more, from somewhere down in the gondola a Kiano started to play, and Val froze at the majesty of it... the beautiful sadness... it was like nothing she had ever heard, and all she could do to not start weeping.

"Ahhh, I see your grandmother found the Kiano we brought along for her," Werhner said over the music. "I believe this one is by an Earthanoid named Kozart, or something like that."



For several minutes Val stood entranced, until the music finally faded off into silence, and tears streamed down her cheeks...

"That was... incredible," was all she could whisper before Emiko slammed her fingers down onto the keys once again....

Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnn.....

"Oh, excellent. This is an Earthanoid named Keethovan... I love this one..." Werhner smiled, then cocked his head in a somewhat puzzled look. "Wait..... she's playing it differently this time...."

Below them Emiko grinned mischievously, reached behind her and spun the gondola's master volume to 11, then screamed on the top of her lungs smashed back down onto the keys, and ripped into a blindingly fast Kiano solo, rattling the entire airship and scaring the cheese out of everyone. And before anyone could catch their breath, Emiko began to sing on the top of her lungs:

Emik-O write a letter
Gonna send it to her local D.J.
Yeah and it's a jumpin' little record
Emik-O want her jockey to play
Roll over Keethoven
Emik-O gotta hear you today....



And on thru the night Emiko played, song after amazing Earth song, until at last the sun began to rise, and they could once again continue on their journey.




Back once again in the observation deck, Val looked over at her grandmother.

"Gramiko, aren't you tired?"

"What? No, Emiko not tired.... Kiano was really fun."

"And you learned to play on this... Earth planet?" Val looked over and almost pleaded. "Please tell me more!"

"Yes, of course" Emiko laughed, "Where was Emiko? Oh yes! Weird party! Emiko had moved in with Chibi, but was still really homesick and sad. So Chibi threw Emiko really fun, weird party to make her feel better!"


For the next couple hours Emiko told of the strange Halloween party, and the other humans that she met, and how they had come to accept her, despite her being from another planet, and before they knew it, they were coming up on the mainland, and Gem was turning to follow the coast until the mountains come into view.




As the mountains came into view, it appeared their intended target was a large plateau, and Angelo was about to breath a sigh of relief. But just then Gem switched the automatic tracker online, and they both say their target was not the plateau at all, but somewhere further beyond it.



Angelo looked over at Gem and grinned sarcastically.

"I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. Alright, let's swing around west of the plateau and see how close we can get."

But as they came around the plateau, they saw before them the Salvager mountains, and their target on top of the highest peak, and Angelo knew they could go no further.



Looking in front of them, Gem spotted a nice flat area and brought the mighty airship down to another gentle landing.



Once down and secure, Angelo went up and immediately began prepping the Buffalloon, hoping to do a quick recon of the mountain before sunset.



Because this was just a quick scouting flight, Gem and Angelo would be piloting, while Emiko and Werhner rode in back and monitored the on-board science equipment. Harfield, Jandolin and Theo wanted to go as well, but they knew their place was in the lab, analyzing the data sent back from the Buffalloon. 

The bigger problem was Sanny also wanting to follow along. But luckily the moment they began to lower the flight deck elevator, a platypus chittered loudly nearby, and Emiko seized the moment.

"Sanny ghost," Emiko called out as she boarded the Buffalloon. "Listen, I hear a platypus! Why don't Sanny go find platy-nest while Emiko goes and looks at boring mountain, then both Emiko and Sanny can go platy-spotting when Emiko gets back?"

"OK, Sparkles!" Sanny laughed, and floated off to find into the nearby trees, while Val shook her head in amazement and watched as Gem brought the Buffalloon out onto the flight deck and began to inflate it.






Once aloft, Gem brought the Buffalloon up to an altitude of 6,000 meters, leveled off, and headed toward the distant peaks.





The Buffalloon was much lighter and faster than the Annabel Lee, and it took only minutes to reach the mountain peak, and their intended target, and when they did, everyone aboard let out a loud gasp!




"Am I seeing this right?" Angelo asked, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. "Is... is that monolith... floating???"

"Yes, yes it is," Gem answered softly. "And look, there's a huge boulder near it... It's not a magic one... so how did a boulder get on top of a mountain? I'm going in for a closer look."

But when she moved the Buffalloon in far enough to pick up the boulder on her front camera, Gem gasped, brought the ship to a quick stop, and hovered in place.

"Is that... what is that? I see something in front of the boulder! Can you guys back there make it out?"



In the back Emiko, who had the larger monitor, looked at the image closely for a couple seconds, then snapped back and yelled out.

"Emiko sees Kerbal!!! Is Kerbal standing down there!!!"




"Is it safe to land?" Werhner asked, trying to make out the figure on his screen. For some reason this reminded him strangely of what Harfield had said of Emiko's sudden appearance on Eve. But that was just a coincidence.... wasn't it??? 

"It looks reasonably flat near the boulder," Angelo called back. "I'm not sure it's the wisest decision, but if we stay close to it, I believe we can land safely, yes..... safe being a relative term, that is. And professor, the sun is setting fast. If we stay for more than a few minutes, well be stuck up here for the night."

"Understood." von Kerman didn't hesitate now. "But if someone is in need of assistance down there, we have to chance it."

"Agreed," Angelo replied. "Gem, take us down slowly."

And like a downy feather, Gem landed the Buffalloon just yards from the figure standing in front of the huge boulder, and the now quite obviously floating monolith in the sky just behind them. 





Werhner ordered Gem and Angelo to stay back and keep the Buffalloon ready, should they need to make a hasty retreat, while he and Emiko climbed out slowly and looked at the strange figure standing motionless in front of the boulder.




As the drew closer, it became apparent the figure was that of a young, almost staggeringly beautiful young kerbal. Her skin was like pure emerald, and she had the most impossibly huge eyes. But she stood motionless like a statue, and didn't seem to notice either Emiko or Werhner standing just a couple yards in front of her.

Then Werhner had an idea, and radioed back to the Buffalloon softly.

"Can you turn the headlights on? Slowly, please..."

 And as the light began to shine in the strange kerbals big, beautiful eyes, she shook her head, looked at Emiko and Werhner, and smiled.

"She..... she said you would come...."


Then the young kerbal turned and looked directly at Emiko.

"Is it... is it really you?"

Werhner watched, but kept silent for the moment.

But Emiko... Emiko was frozen where she stood.... there was something about this girl... something that Emiko knew... but what??

Then the stranger walked over and held out her arms to Emiko and smiled again. 

"You don't recognize me... do you?" she whispered, "But I know it's you... she said you would come... Emiko?"


But Emiko did recognize... something... something so very, very familiar.... and it was ripping her heart into shreds! 

And then it hit her... that voice... she knew that voice! 


But no... it couldn't be... Impossible!!!

Wasn't it??? Or was it.. could it be... after what they had done to Emiko... how they had altered her... changed her into a near human and then back again.... was anything really impossible for them?

But no, Emiko still couldn't believe it was actually... it can't be... her???

Then the strangely beautiful kerbal looked up at Emiko and whispered slowly....

"It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee..."

And Emiko felt her heart melt... and knew it was true... by some impossible dream... perhaps within a dream... it really was her..... and she whispered back thru her her tears...

"And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by.... by.... ohhhhhhh...."

Now Emiko began to sob uncontrollably,, and she reached out and wrapped her arms around the young kerbal and hugged her as tight as she could, and whispered thru her tears...

"It is you, isn't it... Chibi.... Kerman??? Chibi.... a kerbal???"

"Yes, it's me sweetheart," Chibi whispered back softly. "I told you we'd meet again someday...."



The Saga of Emiko Station, and the Tale of Emiko Kerman, are far, far from over....

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Edited by Just Jim
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Emiko smiles like Ray Charles! Wow, now how cool is that! :D

GaIaOzv.png Ray-Charles_Quitting-Cold-Turkey_HD_768x432-16x9.jpg

A question - why is the ceiling of the Annabel Lee so low? I've managed to get my blimp up to 5,000 meters - but I've not pressed it above that. I'm not picking apart your story line, just curious why it cannot go above the mountains.

So, in your Kerbiverse, the Platypus is the "holy and sacred" animal - or is that just the opinion of Emiko? I did see where Wernher thinks its a made up animal - but it could be fun to have one discovered... hehehe

Love the "hovering monoliths" and I've found one on the Mun and two on Kerbin. Oh, what fun we should be able to have with physics! I cannot wait to see how you explain the hovering monoliths in the next chapter... it could be a fun story rabbit trail!

Wow, another good chapter. I'm blown away by the story line... a lot of pleasant surprises and a whole new direction (or three) you can go with your story. Keep it up, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

And it seems like poor @obney kerman is pulling double duty... :D

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7 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

A question - why is the ceiling of the Annabel Lee so low? I've managed to get my blimp up to 5,000 meters - but I've not pressed it above that.

She tops out at around 5,000 meters with the rover and Buffalloon loaded. But that mountain peak is just under 6,000 meters.  :wink:

7 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

I did see where Wernher thinks its a made up animal - but it could be fun to have one discovered... hehehe

No, the platypus's are real... It's Sanny's somewhat bizarre metaphysical description of them that Werhner questions.

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Just now, Just Jim said:

She tops out at around 5,000 meters with the rover and Buffalloon loaded. But that mountain peak is just under 6,000 meters.  :wink:

Ah, ok... inquiring minds wanted to know! Thanks for the answer.  So it seems the highest operational altitude for any dirigible is about 5,000 meters... That's good to know!

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1 minute ago, adsii1970 said:

Ah, ok... inquiring minds wanted to know! Thanks for the answer.  So it seems the highest operational altitude for any dirigible is about 5,000 meters... That's good to know!

I think it depends on the weight... without the flight deck and cargo hold I'm betting I could hit 10,000 meters. But then I would have no reason for a Buffalloon... lol... :D

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9 hours ago, GDJ said:

Great chapter. The longest chapter in the history of Kerbal Space Program's fan fiction base, but a good one. :)

Yeah, that one was just over 5,000 words. I don't know if it's the longest chapter I've written, but it has to be in the top 3.

But I just couldn't justify splitting it in half. It started with Annabel Lee, and ended with Annabel Lee, and splitting it would have ruined the effect.


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Sorry to contradict you, but the correct term for 'many-verses' is actually multi-verses. Though might know that and is seperating that idea from the multi-verses.

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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On 5/2/2017 at 7:30 PM, adsii1970 said:

Emiko smiles like Ray Charles! Wow, now how cool is that! :D


21 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

hahaha she does! Gotta love the kerbals body motions sometimes :D

I was actually thinking of the ELO version of Roll Over Beethoven when I wrote this. I know there are older versions, but ELO's is my favorite. Anyway, I have to agree, the resemblance to Ray Charles immortal smile is amazing!

Oh, and for those that don't know what Emiko was singing, I don't think it would be going too off topic to include this:




21 hours ago, Alpha 360 said:

Sorry to contradict you, but the correct term for 'many-verses' is actually multi-verses. Though might know that and is seperating that idea from the multi-verses.

No, that's fine. It's the same theory, but I meant to say many instead of multi because I imagine while the Kerbal physicists are thinking of the same thing, they might come with entirely different, and slightly more kerbal, names for the theory.  :)

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Wow, what a great chapter! Love the Annabel Lee, she looks like a fine airship. I also think your use of the stabilizers is a great way to avoid the issues with wheels when undocking your craft.

Airships do inded have a maximum height based on their total mass and total lift capacity. The more airship hulls you add, the higher your maximum altitude. The more mass you add, the lower the maximum altitude. So if you had a nuclear powered airship and drained all the LiquidFuel, you could go higher than the same hull design with all the LiquidFuel aboard.

The latest Heisenberg also fixes issues with the lights. :)

Anyway, love how you set up the story; using a balloon to reach heights that the airship could not is a great idea. It was definitely a nice twist to see Chibi show up as well! Can't wait to see what happens next.

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Thank you, I couldn't have done it without your help.

Everyone else, without @Angel-125's help, this chapter might not have happened. For a few days I had quite an issue trying to store the smaller Buffalloon onto the Annabel lee and not have both inflate at the same time. But @Angel-125 was nice enough to take the time and modify a couple part files for me so I was able to store the balloon part itself into one of the cargo sections inventory, and avoid the issue all together.

24 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

 I also think your use of the stabilizers is a great way to avoid the issues with wheels when undocking your craft.

The wheels are still a little squirrelly when you unhook it, but not nearly so bad as before. Best part is you do't have to worry about lining up with a docking port.

24 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Airships do inded have a maximum height based on their total mass and total lift capacity. The more airship hulls you add, the higher your maximum altitude. The more mass you add, the lower the maximum altitude. So if you had a nuclear powered airship and drained all the LiquidFuel, you could go higher than the same hull design with all the LiquidFuel aboard

That's what I thought... I just tested Annabel and unloaded she can reach nearly 9,000 meters... load both the Buffalloon and rover and she only reaches about 5,500.... so the added mass definitely made a difference. I am also working on an osprey style for her, but it's not quite ready for flying yet... :wink:

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Oh, one other note about the airship altitude... I watched a couple videos of the Goodyear blimp before I wrote this, to see if I could get the feel of being inside a gondola cockpit... and one thing I caught is they only fly the Goodyear at 1000 feet. Now, granted, they admitted this is mostly for the folks on the ground, because it's pretty spectacular when it's flying over so low... but I still thought it was in interesting fact to toss out there.

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Who wants to bet that at some point Chibi will be possessed by the Kraken lord?

I give that 5/3 odds.

Chibi IS a Kraken-inspired impostor?

5-1 odds.

Emiko is secretly the reincarnation of Ray Charles?


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Well, perhaps it was best to leave out GWAR from her song set. Wouldn't want the poor innocent Kerbals dying from Heart attacks. :wink:

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