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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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13 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Writing is easy. Editing is hard. Deleting and starting over, no matter how much time you've sunk into something you just know isn't right...well, that's called being an author.

That happens when writing code as well as with 3D modeling. Sometimes I just have to toss out what I did and start over. If I didn't, you'd have a docking port on the Bison that looked like a door knob... :)

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14 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Writing is easy. Editing is hard. Deleting and starting over, no matter how much time you've sunk into something you just know isn't right...well, that's called being an author.


1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

That happens when writing code as well as with 3D modeling. Sometimes I just have to toss out what I did and start over. If I didn't, you'd have a docking port on the Bison that looked like a door knob... :)

Actually at this point I don't really mind deleting a section, or chapter, if I have to. If it's wrong, it's wrong, so be it.

What was so much more frustrating was not being able to pin down just what was wrong with it. There was no glaring mistake, or contradiction, or anything I could just correct. It just felt... well, not right. So I finally just scrapped the whole thing, went and re-read @Geschosskopf's OPM Traveling Circus, and thought of a different way to come at this that felt a lot more comfortable, so to speak.


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At this point you could randomize the entire series and it would still probably be a good read. If I tried to actually write characters it would probably seem like a hybrid between Twilight and Dr Seuss, with none of the positive aspects of either. 

The first KSP related link in my browser autofill is for KSP fan works, for checking on this series and KSKs First Flight.

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33 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

What was so much more frustrating was not being able to pin down just what was wrong with it. There was no glaring mistake, or contradiction, or anything I could just correct. It just felt... well, not right. 

Oh, I know THAT feeling well! And this is why you #DontPokeTheAuthor, or if you're the author you #DontRespondToPokes. Can't tell you how many times I've sat on an update for a few days because I knew I could do better. Have always been glad I did :) 

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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Oh, I know THAT feeling well! And this is why you #DontPokeTheAuthor, or if you're the author you #DontRespondToPokes. Can't tell you how many times I've sat on an update for a few days because I knew I could do better. Have always been glad I did :) 

Yes, exactly! I know people want the chapters ASAP... and I'm flattered.. I really am. But there have been a lot of times I've also held off a day or three, re-working little details over and over in my head until it felt right. Thankfully, people have been really cool about not poking lately, and I really appreciate that. Please understand both @Kuzzter and I, and all the rest, want these to be as perfect as possible.

But being a perfectionist also goes for screenshots, which is why I spent pretty much all day working on them, and I'm just getting them uploaded now.

Normally I spend 6-8 hours writing a chapter out, so there's no way I can get it done tonight. But everything is all set so I can start it first thing tomorrow morning, as soon as I've had enough coffee.  :rolleyes:

Until then, here's a teaser screenshot to ponder:





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1 minute ago, Just Jim said:

Yes, exactly! I know people want the chapters ASAP... and I'm flattered.. I really am. But there have been a lot of times I've also held off a day or three, re-working little details over and over in my head until it felt right. Thankfully, people have been really cool about not poking lately, and I really appreciate that.

I'm going to predict a lot of that in the Kerbfleet thread...

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15 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Yes, exactly! I know people want the chapters ASAP... and I'm flattered.. I really am. But there have been a lot of times I've also held off a day or three, re-working little details over and over in my head until it felt right. Thankfully, people have been really cool about not poking lately, and I really appreciate that. Please understand both @Kuzzter and I, and all the rest, want these to be as perfect as possible.

But being a perfectionist also goes for screenshots, which is why I spent pretty much all day working on them, and I'm just getting them uploaded now.

Normally I spend 6-8 hours writing a chapter out, so there's no way I can get it done tonight. But everything is all set so I can start it first thing tomorrow morning, as soon as I've had enough coffee.  :rolleyes:

[Edited by adsii1970 for content I want to comment on]

Exactly. Right now, I am doing the scaffolding for a few screen shots for the THIRD time. I want the pictures to be perfect and I want them to add to the story that I am trying to tell. I want the "wow, I can see this happening in my mind's eye" reaction. I also want to give the reader my best - few errors and blatant plot gaps or mistakes. You're right; it does take time to get the chapter just the way I want it.

And often, there's more than just writing the chapter. There's the creation of appropriate vehicles (where technological progression must be followed), there's playing the game to capture the screen shots (which at times can be a lot different than just messing around for fun), there's reverts, Hyperedit, and a whole host of other things that go into getting the perfect scene. Sometimes, you have to revert and go back and start the mission all over because during your screen shot process, the old "what would be really neat..." pops into the mind. Then there are times you just have to sit down and do some honest to goodness research in order to make your story line even seem plausible - and this is where good science-fiction beats out everything else. @Just Jim, you write real science-fiction!

Then if all that isn't enough, you have to contend with real life. Today was a snow day - and that meant I could not sit down and have three minutes to think about what I had to do next; for those of you with children, you understand this well. For those of you who are children, cut us parents some slack!

Take your time....

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2 hours ago, RA3236 said:

I'm going to predict a lot of that in the Kerbfleet thread...

I hope not. It's pretty obvious @Kuzzter is building towards something really big, and I know him well enough to say this is probably the worst time to be poking him. Right now, think of him like a crazy artist, or mad scientist, on a roll... It's best not to interrupt him, lest the lab explode...  :wink:


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28 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

I hope not. It's pretty obvious @Kuzzter is building towards something really big, and I know him well enough to say this is probably the worst time to be poking him. Right now, think of him like a crazy artist, or mad scientist, on a roll... It's best not to interrupt him, lest the lab explode...  :wink:


"Urist Kuzzter is in a strange mood."

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But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
                                                                                    Blind Faith, "Can't Find My Way Home"


Chapter 73
Can't Find My Way Home


It wasn't until late the next evening before Geschosskoph Kerman told Emiko of the strange vision her Magic Boulder had shown him. So far he had spoken to no-one besides Kuzzter, who was now privately explaining the situation to Gene back at the KSC.

But Geschosskoph wasn't at the space center. Instead he asked Emiko to take a walk with him down to the beach so that he might speak to her alone first. He also disconnected his wrist communicator, concerned that Thompberry might be listening in, and asked Emiko to do the same. Then, as they watched the Mun rise over the eastern sea, Geo explained to Emiko just what the Magic Boulder had shown him. 


As he spoke of the strange happenings on Minmus, Emiko remained silent. And after he had finished, she just stood and watched the Mun rise, until at last she whispered softy.

"Does... does Geo-cough really believe it was Thompy and Bru?"

"Yes, Emiko," Geo replied softly. "I... I don't know how, or why... but my instincts tell me it was them... or what is left of them..."

"Possessed..." Emiko hissed... "Emiko should have known.... Krakens are nasty.... devious.... wrong. Yes... this begins to stink of Krakens. And the Magic Boulder, it wants you to hide Emiko?"

"To make you, and Emiko Station, literally disappear. Yes, I believe that is what it was asking of me...." Geo drifted off, his mind reeling at the very notion of hiding a 4000 ton asteroid..... madness... simply madness!!!


"But is this possible?" Emiko asked. "Can Geo-cough do something like this? Make Emiko and Emiko disappear?"

"Yes... maybe... I'm not sure." Geo sounded frustrated. "In theory, perhaps. "You see, Emiko, several years ago, in our pirating days, the captain and I came up with a device that we used to hide ourselves from other ships. Simply put, it can trick another ships sensors and computers into thinking nothing is there... that our ship literally disappeared. It's based on a device Thompberry Kerman came up with a year earlier, but was never actually used. A device that could turn a ships sensor beam back upon itself and blow out it's electrical systems. Our "blanketing system" works in a similar fashion, but instead of re-directing a ships sensor beams, it alters them and send back a blank signal... hence "blanket system".... to fool the ship into seeing nothing."

"Ingenious," Emiko whispered in awe. "But there is a problem?"

"Yes... yes, there is a big problem," Geo sighed. "I can hide a ship... perhaps even a space station... but Emiko asteroid itself? The power requirements are staggering!  And I... I just don't know how to generate that kind of power."

"Ahhh, Emiko understands now. Perhaps..."

But just then Emiko stopped and turned...

"Did Geo-cough hear something?"


At first there was no sound except the gentle lapping of the waves, and some moonkrickets off in the distance. But them Emiko heard it again, and this time so did Geo.... just down a beach a little ways... a soft sort of... sobbing??? Geo turned to Emiko, but before he could speak, the sobbing turned to a scream!

"Help me!!! Damn you... why won't you help me... please???"

Before he could stop her, Emiko began running towards the screaming, but stopped again just a few meters further down the beach.


When Geo caught up to Emiko, he saw something fuzzy and hard to make out a few yards ahead, and wasn't sure what it was until Emiko whispered softly.

"Sanny ghost is crying."


Geo watched, now quite fascinated, as Sanny lifted her head towards the Mun again and cried out in despair.

"Why??? Why am I forsaken? Munestra, please... have I not cherished and protected your sacred monolith all these millennia? Please... answer me."

"Munestra?" Geo whispered to Emiko. "The Mun goddess?"

"And Minimusaea... little runaway.... are you not the protector of the lost?" Sanny began to weep again. "Please... help me... I am so lost! I don't know... this is not my planet! I checked.... there was never a Travelling Circus... the space center is only 15 years old!!!  How??? How can this be? Where are the Boffins? And my... my friends... Lizula... Jaysef... there is no record of their existence!... How???  Please...please Minimusaea, help me.... I... I can't find my way home."

Sanny began to sob again, while Emiko and Geo looked at each other with a sudden feeling of empathy for the lost spirit. 

"Sanny..." Emiko finally called out, "Sanny ghost... Emiko will help you."


"What??? WHO DARES???" Sanny screamed, turning and floating up to Emiko and Geo. "Whaaa... Oh, it's you Sparkles.... but wait... who is he???"

Sanny screamed again, turning towards Geschosskoph. "You were listening, weren't you?"

"You were shouting," Geo answered calmly.


"Is OK," Emiko smiled. "Sanny ghost can trust Geo-cough Kerman."

Pffft..." Geo shorted, "Not if she's smart..."

Emiko laughed and smacked Geo lightly on the shoulder. "Geo-cough is good man... Emiko knows."

No, no. I'm not, Emiko. No sense lying to the ghost, is there?" Geo laughed, then turned back to Sanny. "Spirit, the truth is I am not one to be trusted... I have lied, cheated.. stolen from those that deserve it... in short, I am a pirate, and you would be wise indeed to watch your back around me."


For several seconds Sanny just floated and looked Geschosskopf over. Then, to both Emiko and Geo's surprise, she began to chuckle a little.

"So, you're a troublemaker..."

"Absolutely," Geo chuckled back. "The worst kind of troublemaker!!!"

"Ha," Sanny laughed. "Been to prison?"

"Once," Geo answered. "And you?"

"Once... I think..." Sanny seemed to drift off a bit... "Yes... Yes. It was so long ago... before Sarnus... before I went mad. Yes, I remember... I was also a troublemaker... and a convict!"

For a moment no-one spoke until Emiko softly whispered.

"Emiko cheated on math test once"

There was a brief, awkward pause, and then Geo and Sanny simultaneously burst out laughing!


"Oh... Oh, Sparkles...." Sanny tried to catch her breath, which seemed a little weird for a ghost. "Sparkles, you are beautiful. If I were still alive..." 

"Emiko already has boyfriend, sorry." Emiko giggled.

"Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttt..." Sanny blew up laughing again! "Oh.... Oh... stop... you are too much!!!!

For a few minutes more Emiko and Geo stood, and Sanny floated... and laughed and laughed. Then as they quieted down, Sanny turned back to Geo.

"Thank you... thank you. I don't remember how many centuries it's been since I laughed that hard." Then she turned and faced Emiko once again.

"Sparkles, did you mean it? Will you really help me get back to Ovok, and save my beautiful monolith?"

"Emiko will try," Emiko replied carefully. "Sanny must understand, Magic Boulder may not listen... but Emiko will try, yes. Also, Sanny must make promise to stop trying to hurt Emiko's friends. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Sanny answered without hesitation. "Anything... anything to get back to my lovely monolith."

Then the three of them turned and looked back at the rising Mun, and for quite a while said nothing, until Sanny finally whispered over to Geschosskoph.

"So, what exactly is a pirate?"



*          *          *


Later that same morning, having just finished a glorious cheese breakfast with his new fiancee, Gene Kerman exited the Admin building and headed off to what could be their most important meeting in years. Normally he would have several key members of his staff accompanying him, but at the request of the visiting representative for a more private meeting first, he had with him just his 2 most senior pilots: Kerenna and Piper.


But before Gene climbed aboard his small rover, he turned towards the magic Boulder, sitting motionless by the flagpole.

"I don't know if you can hear me," he whispered at the Magic Boulder. "But thank you, again."



Then he and Kerenna climbed aboard the rover... but Piper just stood there looking confused for a second.

"Is something wrong, dear?" Kerenna asked.

"I.... it's just... I've never sat in the back seat before." Piper replied meekly. "It feels a little weird.

"Ahhh.... hahahaha..." Kerenna laughed. "Boss's girlfriend gets the front seat... naaa naaa..."


Piper stuck her tongue at Kerenna, then climbed in the back of the rover.

"OK... are you both satisfied?"

"I'm good," Gene said, looking over at Kerenna with a grin. "My dear?"

"I'm good," Kerenna grinned back.

"OK, enough, both of you!" Piper sighed. "I swear... it hasn't even been 2 days and you're both becoming insufferable!"

And with a hearty laugh Gene pulled the rover out and headed towards the back of the hanger, where the sales rep was supposed to be waiting for them.



But as Gene pulled around the hanger, and saw the array of vehicles there on display, he slowed down and whistled softly.

"Wow... oh, wow," Kerenna whispered.

What?" Piper cried from the back. "I can't see anything!"


As they drew near, Gene and Kerenna could make out a pleasant enough looking Kerbal standing in front of the display, and trying his best to ignore Piper, he pulled up and stopped a couple meters in front of the sales rep.



"OK," Piper yelled as she climbed from her seat. "What is all... the.... oh.... oh, wow..."


As Kerenna and Piper stood staring, Gene walked up to the visiting representative.

"Gene, Gene Kerman," the visitor said with a smile. "Angelo Kerman, Wild Blue Industries. It is so good to finally meet you in person. Shall we get to right to business?"

"Yes, please." Gene replied with a smile. "May I introduce my senior pilots, Kerenna and Piper... who are apparently too busy gawking to introduce themselves..."


"Ladies," Angelo laughed, "I see you've noticed the Bison. May I show her to you?"



"This is our prototype Bison heavy exploration vehicle," Angelo began. "Designed to hold as many as 24 crew members, she will be a complete base on wheels. Unfortunately this version is still in the design phase, but I still wanted to bring it along to show you."

"Now over here," Angelo turned towards two smaller utility rovers. "Over here we have our Buffalo line of rovers. The first two are standard cargo vehicles, in both flatbed and panel-truck varieties."



"All of the Buffalo vehicles are modular, requiring very little assembly time, while offering a multitude of variations." Angelo beamed. "Next is a standard passenger rover, designed to hold 8 personal, as well as pilot, co-pilot and engineer if need be. Excellent for shuffling crew or passengers around the facility."


"And finally," Angelo said as he turned towards a much more elaborate rover with a small trailer attached. "This is our pride and joy, and what I really wanted to show you today. What we at WBI like to call the Buffalo Explorer System."



"This rover is designed for off planet exploration, can hold a crew of 4 or 5, and is as self-reliant as your present Chariot rovers, while being less than half the weight and costing tens of thousands less to assemble. And there are many new features as well."

"Half the weight?" Gene asked, trying not to show his excitement. "Is that including this trailer?" 

"And just what is the for trailer anyway?" Piper asked, also quite intrigued.

"Ahhh, Commander Piper, I'm glad you asked." Angelo smiled. "In order to show you, we need to be somewhere more open. Shall we take the Buffalo for a test drive, so that I might show you some more of what we have to offer?"

"Awesome," Piper grinned, then turned to Gene and Kerenna. "But I get to sit up front!"




Once they were aboard, Angelo hit the intercom and called into the back area where Gene and Kerenna were strapping themselves in.

"I have prepared a short presentation for you of what we like to call project Pathfinder, which I will be demonstrating to you shortly. Please, sit back, relax and enjoy the show."




In front, Angelo switched off the intercom and turned to Piper.

"As you can see, commander, the cockpit is a totally new concept, designed to be much more intuitive and use friendly. And we also now feature a rear-view camera, so you can monitor the trailer at any time."




"Nice," Piper said. looking around in approval. "So... how fast can she go?"

Angelo looked over at her with an evil grin. "Wanna find out?"

"Let's," Piper grinned back. "Yes... let's!"

"Hold on," Angelo laughed as he released the parking brakes. "Here goes nothing!"

And like a shot Angelo pulled the little rover out, turned down the runway and headed out toward the western hills.




"Woooohoooo," Piper screamed as they took off into the hills. "30 meters per.... Are these instruments accurate?"

"Yes, ma'am," Angelo beamed back. "We've clocked her at over 34 mps on level ground."

"Amazing," Piper whistled. "And hills?"

"She can maintain half that at a 30 degree incline."

"No..." Piper whispered. "Seriously? Without thrusters? Wow..."




In just a couple minutes they were in the western forest, and Piper was amazed to read they had already traveled over a dozen kilometers from the space center. The handling was phenomenal, and Piper couldn't wait to try a rover like this on the Mun!

"This looks like a pleasant enough spot," Angelo said as he began to slow back down. "And I believe Gene and Kerenna should be just about done with their presentation. Let's stop here, shall we?"


On everyone had climbed out, Angelo continued his demonstration.

"My friends, I would like to quickly show you our gold-digger drill system. Based on current drilling technology, the gold-digger doesn't just dig up ore, but is also capable of retrieving core samples for scientific analysis. Also please note out Buffalo ISRU unit, which we've modified to be half the size of most commercial converters, but with a wider range of available end products, such as liquid hydrogen, or even clean drinking water."





"And finally..." Angelo began again. "Hold on, let me retract the radiator panel to be on the safe side.... Finally, I am proud to present project pathfinder, our temporary colony base system."



"Commander Piper, the others have already watched a presentation about Pathfinder, but for your sake, I will quickly explain again. Earlier you asked what the trailer is for." Angelo turned and began opening the side of one of the trailer containers and pulling stuff out onto the ground. "Inside these containers are everything required to assemble a temporary colony habitat for a crew of 4, as well as a portable science laboratory."

"No..." Piper gasped.

"Yes," Angelo grunted as he pulled a heavy slab of concrete out and began dragging it to the side of the rover.


"You must excuse me, some of the pieces are a bit heavy. But everything is designed so one Kerbal can move and assemble an entire base by him or herself... well, unless you are on Eve. We may have to tweak a few things for Eve..." Angelo seemed lost in thought at the idea, but quickly shook his head and came back to the present, and began dragging a second slab and then a large lighting fixture over to the first slab, and then connecting everything together.




Once he had finished, Angelo went back to the trailer, pulled out a smaller container from inside the larger, and strapped it to his back.

"Now, my friends, the real fun begins. This is a Ponderosa."

Then he walked over, bolted the box on his back to the 2nd concrete slab, and motioned for the others to come join him.




"Observe," Angelo said as he turned a switch on the box, and to Gene, Piper and Kerenna's amazement, the box's contents began to unpack itself and inflate into a small habitat dome!





"No way..." Kerenna whispered.

"Oh wait, I'm not finished," Angelo smiled, walking back to the trailer and returning with what looked like another deflated dome on his back. "Allow me to show you our DOC science lab." 





"Remarkable," Gene said, now completely impressed. 

"One more item and I think we will be finished." Angelo grinned. "To make it easier to move from the rover to the habitat on those long Munar nights, we have what we call our mineshaft tubes."





"One final touch," Angelo finished. "A small solar panel can be placed on top of the colony so that the rover can be disconnected without the colony losing power."



Once he had bolted the solar panel in place, Angelo climbed back down and motioned to the others.

"Shall we step inside before it gets dark?"


Angelo climbed in first, and spent a couple minutes setting up a table and some chairs, and a few other items neither Gene nor the girls could imagine fitting to the original container. Then he reached into a cabinet and pulled out snack boxes for everyone.



"All this..." Piper said looking around in awe. "All this, and snacks, too? Gene... do I have to say it?"

"No, Piper," Gene smiled back. "I believe I am also quite satisfied..."

"Oh, wait," Angelo interrupted. "You haven't seen the lab yet. Ladies, I must apologize, the lab was only designed for two at a time, and there are a couple features I must show Gene first. Afterwards please feel free to explore yourselves if you like."

"Oh, very well," Piper said as she stuffed a handful of cheese snacks in her mouth. "If wou mussshhh"


So Gene followed Angelo Kerman into the DOC science lab, sat down in an empty chair, and enjoyed the view for several seconds before he spoke.



"My friend, that was quite a presentation." Gene began. "And you have gone to extraordinary lengths to get me here, alone, with you... So what is it you really want?"

Angelo sat and collected his thoughts before replying.

"You are quite astute, Gene Kerman, I understand how you came to be the head of an organization like KASA." Angelo paused again. "There is one more thing I wish to discuss with you, alone, in absolute privacy."



"Gene.... I have been authorized to not just negotiate a contract, but to also ask for your assistance in a rather... delicate matter."


"Well," Angelo hesitated again, and Gene wondered why he was so afraid, until he spoke again. "The simple truth is, WBI has engineered a... well... a working fusion reactor."

"Whaat did you just say?" Gene gasped in shock and a more than a little horror.

"We have a working magneto hydrodynamic fusion reactor... three actually."

"Three???" Gene could barely breath now... "Did you say... three?"

"Yes, Gene. Look down at you monitor, please." Angelo tried to smile and stay calm, afraid he was about to blow the whole deal.




"What you see on your left is our WB-1, WB-2 and WB-MF reactors. All are working and stable. And on the right hand monitor..." Angelo drifted off.

"Yes?" Gene prompted him, trying to hold his own voice steady.

"On the right is a design for our next prototype.... the WB-Hammerhead. A reactor of almost unspeakable power."

"But..." Gene stammered. "But the Grand Kerbal... you must know how she feels about atomics! Does she know about this?"

"Yes...." Angelo smiled sadly. "She does now. And this is why I must speak to you, alone. Wild Blue Industries has been given two options by her majesty. Either dismantle the project entirely, or..."

Gene really didn't like the sound of this... but he also began to see where this might be going, and realized this nightmare might have a very unexpected silver lining.


Angelo cleared his throat.

"Or we have to move the entire project off planet. Somewhere where innocent lives won't be endangered if something goes catastrophically wrong. And that is something we cannot do ourselves."


"I think I understand.." Gene replied... but inside, his mind was reeling... How???? Just a couple hours ago Kuzzter Kerman had informed him of Geschosskoph's mad plan to try and "blanket" Emiko Station, but they would need to come up with some insane new power source to make it work... now an absolutely insane power supply suddenly drops itself into Gene's lap? Fate??? Random chance??? Or did Emiko's Magic Boulder somehow know this would happen? The way things had been, he wouldn't be too terribly surprised if it did.

But whatever the case, how could he refuse such an opportunity?

"Yes, we can help you, Angelo." Gene shook his head and tried his best to fake a smile. "But it may be dangerous."

"Any more dangerous then creating a device that can poison half a continent?" Angelo countered.

"Possibly.... perhaps... I'm not sure." Gene faltered a second, watching the stars begin to appear in the night sky, then continued in a hushed whisper.

"I need you to build that new reactor on Emiko Station."



The Saga of Emiko Station, and the tale of Emiko Kerman, are far, far from over...

(My very special thanks to @Angel-125 for letting me use his Buffalo, Heisenburg, DSEV, and Pathfinder mods in the story, as well as all the assistance he gave me privately in helping to learn how to use them. Welcome to the story, Angelo! Also, it should be noted all the parts in this chapter are real except the WB-Hammerhead. That is not part of any mod pack, and written just for Emiko Station.)

(Also a special thanks to @adsii1970 for coming up with way better names for the Mun and MInmus goddesses than I had.)

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1 minute ago, Just Jim said:

A oversized, functional, sci-fi fusion reactor!  :wink:

Its just that fusion reactor designs are generally safer than fission, and are less likely to melt down. Neither are capable of exploding.  I guess I play too much Realism Overhaul KSP...

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9 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

Its just that fusion reactor designs are generally safer than fission, and are less likely to melt down. Neither are capable of exploding.  I guess I play too much Realism Overhaul KSP...

There... I changed it from explode to poison. :sticktongue:

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Wow, I wish I could make something so useful that I could even make an appearance in the story, but that's something I can't do with my tablet, so (directed towards a certain online shop I'm not gonna mention here) WHERE THE DUCK IS THE DAMN PC I ORDERED????


But should u need anything to fight some krakens off emiko station, I might just be the man to assist u with that... if I ever get the PC that I've already paid almost 600 Euros for!!! :P

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17 minutes ago, DualDesertEagle said:

Wow, I wish I could make something so useful that I could even make an appearance in the story, but that's something I can't do with my tablet, so (directed towards a certain online shop I'm not gonna mention here) WHERE THE DUCK IS THE DAMN PC I ORDERED????

But should u need anything to fight some krakens off emiko station, I might just be the man to assist u with that... if I ever get the PC that I've already paid almost 600 Euros for!!! :P

Oh, I feel you pain. Looking back, I'm not sure how I survived playing on my old computer. 

8 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

They also have less long-term radioactivity due to the lack of heavy, unstable elements... (lol). What are they fusing - Carborudnum?


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10 minutes ago, Just Jim said:
15 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

They also have less long-term radioactivity due to the lack of heavy, unstable elements... (lol). What are they fusing - Carborudnum?



great chapter! well worth the wait

Edited by StupidAndy
ahh livermorium!
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1 hour ago, StupidAndy said:

...great chapter! well worth the wait

Thanks. I didn't expect it to take quite so long, but besides for a minor writing block, I've never really used KIS or KAS before this, even though I've had them installed for a while. So I had to take a few days to learn how to assemble the Pathfinder base. :wink:

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4 hours ago, MaxL_1023 said:

They also have less long-term radioactivity due to the lack of heavy, unstable elements... (lol). What are they fusing - Carborudnum?

FusionPellets, technically. Abstracted deuterium-tritium pellets from NASA's Discovery II spacecraft.


"But..." Gene stammered. "But the Grand Kerbal... you must know how she feels about atomics! Does she know about this?"

Oops, my bad. :wink:

That was a fun read. :) Glad you're having fun with the mods too. And thanks for introducing Angelo, he sounds like an interesting character.

Now I just need to make some bigger wheels to fit the Bison, and finish the Buffalo Drill...

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11 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

Great chapter and well worth the wait. Can't wait to see what's next!

Thanks! I think it's fairly safe to say the focus will be back on Emiko Station really soon...  

8 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

FusionPellets, technically. Abstracted deuterium-tritium pellets from NASA's Discovery II spacecraft.

I'm writing this down for future reference... :wink:

8 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

And thanks for introducing Angelo, he sounds like an interesting character.

My pleasure. The more I thought about it, the more I felt building a mega-fusion reactor required it's own mad scientist... so to speak. I envision Angelo as a sort of mix between Dr. Frankenstein and Lt. Cmdr Montgomery Scott... :D


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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:


My pleasure. The more I thought about it, the more I felt building a mega-fusion reactor required it's own mad scientist... so to speak. I envision Angelo as a sort of mix between Dr. Frankenstein and Lt. Cmdr Montgomery Scott... :D


So, basically Tony Stark then, heh. :wink:

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