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Make a fake KSP mod.


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Kerbal Space-Cities Redux (KSCR)

Adds cities in space! They have the same gravity and atmosphere as Kerbin, but the gravity only kicks in once you enter it's atmosphere. If you land on one you will be able to use it to boost Commnet, launch things from it and recover vessels from it. It also adds cities on Kerbin. All city buildings are destructible (unless you turn on indestructible facilities) and if you break one, you will need to pay to rebuild it. Destroying a building will cost you reputation and rebuilding them will give you some.

Edited by probe137
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  • 2 months later...

I'm sorry if someone already had these ideas, if they have, it is unintentional

Krakenwarp - Summons the kraken whenever you timewarp

RealisticComs- Makes is to where distance and strength of com equipment can influence the time to send and receive commands to equipment and occasionally sends the wrong command.

ImperialSystem - Mod that adds support for the US Customary/Imperial Measurement System.

ConversionErrors - Requires ImperialSystem, makes spacecraft and mission control mix up Metric and Imperial sometimes, causing really big errors.

SleepyKerbals - Makes it to were Kerbals can't do really anything for 1/3 of the KST Day (Kerblin Standard Time)

PolarKSC - Makes the KSC at the North Pole, so you can only launch to polar orbits.

BoaredKerbals - Makes it to were Kerbals must play board games for a bit of they day or else they get bored and can't do work on the  spacecraft. Works great with SleepyKerbals.

OnlyJeb - Makes Jeb the only one who can be on a craft. Spawns clones if Jeb is unavailable.

BadFactoryWorkers - There is a small chance a part will be faulty and explode. There is a person at the KSC who puts these failures in it. Your job is to find and fire them.

Riots - Kerbals show up at the KSC to riot if your rockets are too expensive or bad.

Monopoly - Makes all part manufacters become one company and charge more and more money for parts if you don't do everything they want.

DresCrash - Makes the game crash if you attempt to go near Dres.

RealLifeSync - If a craft crashes on Kerblin, a plane in real life will crash at that same location on Earth.

TerribleTextures - Makes the textures in the game look very bad.

BugFixes - Fixes all bugs in the game, but adds new ones in place of the fixed ones.

BudgetSpaceProgram  - Sends extra Funds and Science to the military, and only allows you to use the cheap parts.

StolenRep - The military steals your reputation by claiming they were behind your rockets. Works great with BudgetSpaceProgram.

WeatherLib - Adds weather to the game.

LaunchScrubs - Requires WeatherLib. Makes yo unable to launch anything due to weather and other factors.

HiddenEggs - Adds lots of easter eggs to the game that are pretty cool

MicrotransactionsAPI - Adds support for microtransations to the game.

PayForParts - Sorry this part can be unlocked by purchasing the "Ion Pack" for $9.99.

P2W - Lets you pay to have stuff done for you in KSP.

SensitiveKerbals - Kerbals can't survive if the G force goes above 2.0

FakeSolarSystem - Makes the Kerbal system slightly off from what it normally is.

LessLandingSpots - Makes most of Kerblin off-limits to land crafts on. Can fine you lots of money if you don't land in the correct spot.

I'll add more to this comment as I get more stupid ideas

Edited by DarkBrave_
added more ideas
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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Explosions On Demand!

Purpose: The title should be adequate but anyways, it adds a small button which blows up all the parts in your craft with the force of however heavy the part is, in TNT. So, a part weighing 15 Kilograms would have an explosive power of 15 Kilograms of TNT. However this does not work on Debris or Flag classed objects so good luck manually blowing those up from the Tracking Station.


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The Use Mods mod: this mod recognizes the actions you take  in-game and recommends a related mod for you that you don't have installed. Like if you don't have Scatterer installed, it will remind every five minutes. Or every time you add an engine, it reminds you of all the other mods that add engines to the game. Or every time you launch that you could be using MechJeb.

Edited by 55delta
I thought of one more.
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Klassical Kosmology

Every celestial body orbits Kerbin in perfectly circular orbits that are manifested as solid orbs. Planets don't have gravity, Kerbin is stationary. Going beyond LKO is impossible without wormholes or Kraken attacks as there is a collideable barrier between the "kerbinly" and "heavenly" realms at an altitude of 800 KM.  Outside of this barrier, gravity doesn't exist. All krakens happen when you are outside of the Orb of Jool. The Tracking Station is a giant sextant, R&D is now the Library of Kermandria, other Space Center buildings are remodeled in a classical style.

Download:  https://fakedock.info/mod/04340/Klassical%20Kosmology

Pics: https://ermgur.com/a/ntrl

EDIT: Turns out that this exists, kind of: https://spacedock.info/mod/29/Ktolemy

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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