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(STAR WARS SPOILERS) Was anyone else a bit disappointed with Star Wars?


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First, if you haven't seen the movie yet, leave now.  There are complete spoilers and it will ruin the movie for you.



Anyways, I was honestly a bit disappointed in the movie.  It was done very well but there are a few things I didn't like.  


First, that all it was was A New Hope all over again, with "Death Star 3.0", now 8 times bigger! And it can destroy multiple planets!  But most of all that the Rebellion was still a Rebellion, even 30 years after the Empire was defeated.  The Rebellion had plenty of time after defeating the Empire to start up the New Republic.  And yes, it did, but they were still such a small minority.  It was still the baby New Republic that couldn't keep everything together, instead of now being two equal factions like the Clone Wars were.  Something more should've happened in the 20 years of silence they got before the First Order got up and running as well as it did.

Second, Kylo Ren was pretty disappointing to me.  The trailers and the hype made him cooler than Darth Vader, but when he took off that mask, I was super disappointed to see that he was just a whiny teenager, just like Anakin, and he was trying to be as cool as his grandpa, when, if the Empire is in such a majority over the Rebellion, they need someone who knows what they're doing more than him.  Plus the Snoke dude is stupid too.

Second-and-a-half, because this isn't anything deserving a whole paragraph, Captain Phasma was way overhyped for the screen time she got, but I'm sure we'll see more of her in VIII.

What do you think?

Edited by SlabGizor117
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14 hours ago, tater said:

Agreed. How many time do they have to keep trying "death star" designs? 

They don't.
They honestly try to build a classic dreadnought. But every time Gravity squishes it to a sphere.
As nobody wants to admit an error, they say that this round shape is by-design.

Btw in accordance with IAU definition of "planet", Death Star:
1. "is in orbit around the Sun"
2. "has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape)"
3. "has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit" - by gun, of course, but the definition doesn't forbid that.

Edited by kerbiloid
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A sphere is a good spacecraft design assuming your fantasy universe doesn't need radiators. The "Death Star" concept is making it HUGE. Putting all your eggs in one basket, and it's a bad idea (as 3 movies have shown). The death stars are like Yamato and her sisters. The IJN would have been better served to use those 68,000 tons (each) to build fleet 6 CVs, or 100+ DDs instead of 2 mega-BBs and a mega-CV, all of which were sunk by smaller assets.

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I really do enjoy the movie a great deal but....


I can't get over how much like A New Hope this was (then again a similar storyline setup one of the greatest movie series of all time).

Kylo Ren sucked. 

Except for the immediate physical area surrounding the main characters, did we get ANYTHING regarding how the heck things were going on throughout the galaxy?

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58 minutes ago, Glaran K'erman said:

Except for the immediate physical area surrounding the main characters, did we get ANYTHING regarding how the heck things were going on throughout the galaxy?

No, we didn't. Not really. Other than the "business as usual; that's so far away; what's a Republic/Empire?" vibe we've felt from EVERY planet in the movie series except Coruscant and that place that shall not be named. Which might be the story anyway: both the Old Republic and the Empire are gone (as is the New Republic apparently), so most systems might've achieved a high level of autonomy and home-rule. 

It even took me a few minutes to realize the planet that got hyper-blasted wasn't Coruscant. Once the plot made it clear it was some _other_ Trantor-like planet the New Republic had set up shop on, well, I didn't particularly care. (And I guess we explain away JJ Abrams' complete misunderstanding of the immense "big"ness of space by saying whazername's bar was on a planet in the same star system as the New Republic capitol?) 

I'm not unconvinced this Star Wars story didn't take place in a toy-sized galaxy. It was fun, but.... 

Edited by Cydonian Monk
I'm on mobile and have no idea why the font sizes in my post are different. Wasn't something I did deliberately.
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24 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

It even took me a few minutes to realize the planet that got hyper-blasted wasn't Coruscant. Once the plot made it clear it was some _other_ Trantor-like planet the New Republic had set up shop on, well, I didn't particularly care. 

Yea I was like....ok so some planets that I don't even know how populated are got destroyed. I get the movie has to demonstrate the power of the weapon to the audience and I understand doing so in a way that doesn't directly affect the main characters, but geez at least make me feel bad for whatever got 'ploded.

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On ‎22‎/‎12‎/‎2015 at 0:48 PM, SlabGizor117 said:

Second, Kylo Ren was pretty disappointing to me.  The trailers and the hype made him cooler than Darth Vader

Really? For me it was the opposite: the trailers made him a Darth Vader fanboy wannabe, and in the movie he is an acutual human being, with an actual motivation, and even more, a conflict!

Opinions are just that, and I don't think you're wrong to be disappointed. But, personally, I think the original 3 movies are, yes, very entertaining, but really not a big deal, and comparing the new movie with some idealized memory of them is what gets people disappointed (I saw the same reaction on some friends, with TRON Legacy. I mean, come on, the original was just a movie about Neon Warriors)

Back on topic, I don't believe the original movies would have ever become legend back then, if it weren't for the special effects, which is not to say they're bad movies. Plot-wise, character-wise, drama-wise, in my opinion Force Awakens is the second best of the whole saga, second only to Empire Strikes Back.

59 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

It even took me a few minutes to realize the planet that got hyper-blasted wasn't Coruscant. Once the plot made it clear it was some _other_ Trantor-like planet.

It wasnt??? Which other plot point made that clear, cause I just found out!

59 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

I'm not unconvinced this Star Wars story didn't take place in a toy-sized galaxy. It was fun, but.... 

Is it any larger in the other movies? I always had the impression someone was using the word "galaxy" wrong. The whole saga hapens "In a cluster far, far away, in maybe our own galaxy".

Edited by monstah
wrong movie title in a post about movies, oh my!
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3 minutes ago, Gojira1000 said:

They got the last money off me for Episode I. Since then, and forever more, nothing.

You only get to #$%@ in my corn flakes like that once. 

Pssst: I agree with the feeling, but it's a whole new "they" now!  ;)

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I feel that with literally anything that gets a hype train going, someone, somewhere is going to be disappointed.  You put something up on a pedestal: "a new Star Wars!  It must be the best movie to ever exist in any conceivable universe!  The fact that everyone is excited about it must mean it's true!" will leave some folks disappointed, no matter how good it is.


Can't please everyone.

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4 hours ago, monstah said:

It wasnt??? Which other plot point made that clear, cause I just found out!


They mentioned the system by name (Hosnian) and then later the capitol planet (Hosnian Prime). I think. Definitely mentioned the system name. WookiePedia has the details on it, but it wasn't well covered by the movie. (Though the whole "how did Han et al see that when they're halfway out in the middle of nowhere" thing badly broke my immersion during that part of the movie, so....)

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13 hours ago, Cydonian Monk said:

Though the whole "how did Han et al see that when they're halfway out in the middle of nowhere" thing badly broke my immersion during that part of the movie, so....

Oh, yes, my wife by my side telling me to "just don't think about it" helped a bit, but...

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It's basically a copy of a new hope. Probably to appeal to the old audience and the new. Now that they've bridged the old with the new, and introduced the characters, i think (and hope) the next movies will be more... original.

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I like spaghetti and I got spaghetti. Except with new pasta. It was fresh and new but still the same spaghetti. And I enjoyed it.

I loved all those puppets and the characters and the fact the film had some actual funny moments, but I didn't like the Even-Newer-Death-Star plot thingie. And I hope the next film will be Even-Newer-Newer-New-Death-Star (and gluten) free.

Edited by Veeltch
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The movie was fine, but I'm really disappointed that their plot was "the bad guys built ANOTHER Death Star, except that this one's even bigger than the last two." And I don't know anything about those planets that got destroyed. Their destruction just felt like an excuse to fire their giant cannon. At least give me some context as to why they targeted those particular planets. Were they just convenient test-fire targets? Did they house an opposing faction? Why? The movie suggested a little bit that they were a seat of the New Republic, but it really doesn't tell the audience anything about what is going on.

Those were my only really big complaints, though. Most everything else major about the movie met or exceeded my expectations (and the Darth Darth Binks fan theory is still not confirmed/denied, so I can still have fun theorizing about that).

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