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(STAR WARS SPOILERS) Was anyone else a bit disappointed with Star Wars?


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Kylo felt undeveloped. Only Han and Leia talked about him, and Rey met him, but never heard of him before that. He was also unthreatening. Too much so. He also showed up a bit too much.

Rey had okay development.

The general dude wasn't threatening enough, and had like two scenes.

I'm disappointed with Finn's arc. I like the character, but he was kind of useless in the movie. If he wasn't even a character the movie wouldn't really change much.

The silver stormtrooper was completely unnecessary.

Poe just showed up near the end. Not much development.

I think they shouldn't have introduced so many planets. Jakku could've easily been Tatooine. And the planets destroyed weren't important to me at all. I didn't even know their names!

The Resistance should be The Army of The Republic.

This is more of a nit pick: The planet at the end should've been Dagobah, which would draw a comparison of Luke to Yoda.

And yeah, Death Star 3.0.

The new emperor dude wasn't threatening.

The comedy was good.

I still enjoyed the movie quite a bit though.

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  On 12/29/2015 at 4:05 AM, Bill Phil said:

Only Han and Leia talked about him, and Rey met him, but never heard of him before that. He was also unthreatening. Too much so.


That seems to be the whole point of the character.  He wants to be so much more than he is.  Hopefully, when he returns, the events of this movie will make him what we expect of him as a character.

  On 12/29/2015 at 4:05 AM, Bill Phil said:

I'm disappointed with Finn's arc. I like the character, but he was kind of useless in the movie.


Yeah, he was a bit pointless.  The character seemed almost tacked on to the story.

  On 12/29/2015 at 4:05 AM, Bill Phil said:

I think they shouldn't have introduced so many planets. Jakku could've easily been Tatooine. ... The planet at the end should've been Dagobah...


This I completely disagree with.  There was enough.  We don't need any more callbacks to the originals.  We know we're watching Star Wars.  We're not going to forget if we go two minutes without hearing about something from the OT.

  On 12/29/2015 at 4:05 AM, Bill Phil said:

The Resistance should be The Army of The Republic.


The politics in this movie were a bit too unexplained.  Are there three sides now?  How do the old Rebel Alliance and the new Resistance relate to the Republic?

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  On 12/29/2015 at 5:14 AM, razark said:

That seems to be the whole point of the character.  He wants to be so much more than he is.  Hopefully, when he returns, the events of this movie will make him what we expect of him as a character.

Yeah, he was a bit pointless.  The character seemed almost tacked on to the story.

This I completely disagree with.  There was enough.  We don't need any more callbacks to the originals.  We know we're watching Star Wars.  We're not going to forget if we go two minutes without hearing about something from the OT.

The politics in this movie were a bit too unexplained.  Are there three sides now?  How do the old Rebel Alliance and the new Resistance relate to the Republic?


On point 1: They still could've done a better job with his character. The casting wasn't nevessarily the best choice, but I'm willing to wait and see. Honestly I just think he wasn't a good villain. And I think his inner conflict could've been explored a lot more...

On point 3: What makes Jakku different than Tatooine? We don't know jack about Jakku, we don't care about Jakku, and there's only one sun. If it was Tatooine we'd have more emotional response to the planet, and it would be even more of an analog to Luke. And the planet at the end being Dagobah would make sense, since it would make Luke analogous to Yoda. Although I did get some Kenobi vibes from him. And I'm not saying that they shouldn't have new planets, but old ones need to show up, too. If Jakku wasn't a desert planet I wouldn't want to make it Tatooine, at this point Jakku is redundant and isn't necessary. Heck, if it was a binary planet with both planets being habitable that'd be awesome. And certainly memorable. But they pretty much just tacked on a new name.

Actually, if it was Tatooine there could've been scenes of Rey scavenging from Luke's old home, which would certainly make an emotional moment, with the right score being played.

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  On 12/29/2015 at 5:27 AM, Bill Phil said:

On point 3: What makes Jakku different than Tatooine? We don't know jack about Jakku, we don't care about Jakku, and there's only one sun. If it was Tatooine we'd have more emotional response to the planet, and it would be even more of an analog to Luke. And the planet at the end being Dagobah would make sense, since it would make Luke analogous to Yoda. Although I did get some Kenobi vibes from him. And I'm not saying that they shouldn't have new planets, but old ones need to show up, too. If Jakku wasn't a desert planet I wouldn't want to make it Tatooine, at this point Jakku is redundant and isn't necessary. Heck, if it was a binary planet with both planets being habitable that'd be awesome. And certainly memorable. But they pretty much just tacked on a new name.


Well, Dagobah wouldn't really make sense with the plot, though. Part of the plot is that Luke is hiding in an unexplored part of the galaxy, and Dagobah is obviously both known and explored (I'm not going to think about how the "map" supposedly worked, though). Plus, that's an obvious place for Luke to hide, as that's where he was trained. He wanted to be left alone, so he chose a place where nobody would guess.

But yeah. Jakku should really have just been Tatooine. Jakku is just random-desert-planet-that-I-don't-know-or-care-about. Tatooine has a history. Jakku does not. Of course, the filmmakers probably decided that it made no sense to have all three of their Jedi heroes come from Tatooine. A galaxy with thousands of habitable planets, and three significantly powerful Jedi come from the same place. What would be the odds? If that was their reasoning, then they should have found better ways to differentiate Jakku from Tatooine.

Edited by Vaporo
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  On 12/29/2015 at 3:21 PM, razark said:

I mean, we're supposed to have a whole galaxy to play in, why should we continuously visit the same tiny parts of it?


Hm, picking this thought up for a bit - most people stay in the general area ... ignoring vacations and maybe defining the US as a general area (although I somehow doubt that a significant number of USAers actually move from coast to coast?).

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  On 12/27/2015 at 2:50 AM, UnionPacific1983WP said:

I saw the movie today. I'd been hearing rumor that Chewie got killed, luckily that was false. And at the part where Han tries to turn back Ren, I honestly thought Ren was going to do it, but then... yeah.


I believed that, not because I heard a rumor, but because me and my wife were pausing the trailers to analyze frames; the scene where Rey is over Finn's body thinking he died near the end is on the trailers, but framed in a way (I have to watch the trailer again to be sure it wasn't some intentional CG or something!) that Finn looked EXACTLY like Chewie: there was some fur flying in the wind, no clothing visible, and that characteristic bandolier.

I was slightly shocked at Han's death (not a MAJOR twist, but not Shyamalan-grade predictable either, specially the execution), but very relieved to see Chewie survive in the end :D

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Just seen it tonight, I was staying away from this thread until now.

At least it was much better than the prequels. Compared to the Darths of the prequels, at least we actually gave a sheet about Kylo Ren. Maybe he needed more character development (and he's going to get it) but he had 10 times more substance than Darth Maul. I just don't get why he feels the need to wear a mask when he takes it off as soon as anybody asks him to. The other supreme leader guy looked a bit too much like space-voldemort to me.

The super-mega-death-star-3-plus-with-fluoride was a bit stale. You'd think that they'd have figured out that putting all your resources into a super weapon is a bit dumb, especially as takes less than 30 seconds for the rebels to come up with a plan to blow it up. 

Oh, and what coincidence that the Falcon, which has been sitting there for years, starts up like it had just come out of an oil change. And what a coincidence that Han and Chewie were just passing by the area to pick them up. Waiter, I don't like coincidences in my movies.

We love Star Wars because it's a childhood memory. Watching the original trilogy, to me, is like opening a trunk in the attic with old toys from when you were a kid. This one follows all the same recipes at flaws as the originals. All 3 original movies have their flaws, and that's what makes them so likeable, a bit like your old one-eyed teddy bear or that toy fire engine with with a ladder that couldn't move.

Yeah, it has it flaws, and I loved it to bits!


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I completely disagree with the make tatooine reappear opinion, it would have seemed the most uncreative setting (again ?), they in my opinion should have made it even less like it, maybe a more tundra ish place. The point of tatooine was that it was supposed to be a nowhere's ville that nobody cares about. Not a Jedi factory. (Agree with the finn being tacked on for the ride), however he did serve the purpose of starting the entire conflict. I also disagree with "character dev." in general, it adds to the movie when it's subtle, shown gradually over the course of the movie. but it becomes super stereotypical, soppy, wierd, and most of all slow, very fast when its explicit (long scenes made to show it).

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Me, i felt like it was more of the same, but still liked it. Can't wait for more sequels. just a few things i wanna address:

1-who is this supreme leader person, why is his face made of low-quality CGI?

2-why did they change the name of the Empire to the First Order? they're basically the same

2-Starkiller beta is indeed big, but compared to earth it's tiny! The death star was 110 kilometers in diameter, and Starkiller Beta is about 10 times as big, but earth is 100 times as big! Starkiller Beta can't be any bigger than kerbi*GASP* new fan theory!!!!!!!!

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  On 12/30/2015 at 12:30 AM, quasarrgames said:

Starkiller Beta can't be any bigger than kerbi*GASP* new fan theory!!!!!!!!


Well, that would explain the high gravity and think blue atmosphere...What kind of star was it orbiting again? If it was Kerbin, they must have drained the oceans somehow and eaten Minmus (those greedy stormtroopers :huh:

Actually, they probably wouldn't want Kerbin because it's so dense, hard to dig through to make that giant hole (and that other hole they put so the rebels could conveniently blow it up). So no, I doubt it was Kerbin.

  On 12/29/2015 at 10:05 PM, Nibb31 said:

 I just don't get why he feels the need to wear a mask when he takes it off as soon as anybody asks him to.


Because he wants to be like Darth Vader.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 12:46 AM, cubinator said:

Well, that would explain the high gravity and think blue atmosphere...What kind of star was it orbiting again? If it was Kerbin, they must have drained the oceans somehow and eaten Minmus (those greedy stormtroopers :huh:

Actually, they probably wouldn't want Kerbin because it's so dense, hard to dig through to make that giant hole (and that other hole they put so the rebels could conveniently blow it up). So no, I doubt it was Kerbin.


Except that would also explain why the trees are so big, why gravity appears almost earthlike, and why its core makes such a powerful weapon, sinc clearly kerbin's core is some kind of gravitational/kraken anomaly. :P:)


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I think there is already a thread dedicated to The Force Awakens, but...

1. The Supreme Leader (I think) was the leader of the First Order. As for his face, as J.J. Abrams.

2. Starkiller Base being the same size as Kerbin actually is interesting, when you think about it that way.

Fan Theory:

The First Order invaded the Kerbol System and built Starkiller Base out of Kerbin. After the base was transported to another location (obviously using a hyperdrive), the lack of heat reaching the planet caused it to freeze quickly. This theory would also explain why there is 9.81 m/s gravity at the surface of the planet despite its size and mass distribution. The only reason the trees are still standing is because they are frozen solid from the extreme cold/exposure to hyperspace.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 12:30 AM, quasarrgames said:

Me, i felt like it was more of the same, but still liked it. Can't wait for more sequels. just a few things i wanna address:

1-who is this supreme leader person, why is his face made of low-quality CGI?


He was only seen as a holo-projection, like the Emperor in TESB.


2-why did they change the name of the Empire to the First Order? they're basically the same


For the same reason:

  • Rebel Alliance => Resistance
  • Death Star => Star Killer
  • Princess Leia => General Organa
  • Sith => Ren Knights
  • Tatooine => Jakku
  • Coruscant => New capital that blows up (forgotten the name)

I don't know if it was for merchandising reasons, if it's because Disney wanted to create their own branding, or just to hide that it's using recipes from the original trilogy, but it does seem weird.


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  On 12/30/2015 at 7:41 AM, Nibb31 said:

He was only seen as a holo-projection, like the Emperor in TESB.

For the same reason:

  • Rebel Alliance => Resistance
  • Death Star => Star Killer
  • Princess Leia => General Organa
  • Sith => Ren Knights

I don't know if it was for merchandising reasons, if it's because Disney wanted to create their own branding, or just to hide that it's using recipes from the original trilogy, but it does seem weird.



Don't forget:

  • R2-D2 => BB-8
  • Tatooine => Jakku
  • Mos Eisley => Moz's Place

IMO, if they had all the derivations be the originals, the distinction between TFA and the original trilogy would simply be distance along the canon timeline. It seems that the plots of 7, 8 & 9 will all be a mix and match of the original trilogy's plots, which is good and bad, IMO. On the one hand, the movies will feel familiar and recognizable, but on the other it wastes an opportunity to expand and introduce new ideas to the franchise. Hopefully 8 and 9 will have new plots, planets and ideas. 

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Yes, this movie set up all the characters and plot for the new trilogy, with lots of winks and references to the old movies. I hope that Episodes 8 and 9 use this basis to move in their own directions instead of rehashing old plots and sprinkling references.

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So, anyone have any ideas of what the next one will be like?

I bet it'll be a lot like the empire strikes back, with both sides really desperate on their last stand. Luke's probably going to die as well.

Also, why do you guys think Kylo Ren was bad?          1-his mask was awesome            2-his anger felt more tense than vader's               3-that thing where he stopped the laser bolt was hella cool!

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  On 12/29/2015 at 10:38 PM, Nemrav said:

I completely disagree with the make tatooine reappear opinion, it would have seemed the most uncreative setting (again ?), they in my opinion should have made it even less like it, maybe a more tundra ish place. The point of tatooine was that it was supposed to be a nowhere's ville that nobody cares about. Not a Jedi factory. (Agree with the finn being tacked on for the ride), however he did serve the purpose of starting the entire conflict. I also disagree with "character dev." in general, it adds to the movie when it's subtle, shown gradually over the course of the movie. but it becomes super stereotypical, soppy, wierd, and most of all slow, very fast when its explicit (long scenes made to show it).


I agree about tatooine, and would add that the last place Luke would leave his daughter (I'm presuming that's who Rey is, but it would be true of any similar character) would be where the old Empire knew Luke and obi wan most recently came from.

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  On 12/23/2015 at 3:59 PM, tater said:

A sphere is a good spacecraft design assuming your fantasy universe doesn't need radiators. The "Death Star" concept is making it HUGE. Putting all your eggs in one basket, and it's a bad idea (as 3 movies have shown). The death stars are like Yamato and her sisters. The IJN would have been better served to use those 68,000 tons (each) to build fleet 6 CVs, or 100+ DDs instead of 2 mega-BBs and a mega-CV, all of which were sunk by smaller assets.


At least this new version was much heavier defended compared to the other two, especially its weak spots.

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  On 1/2/2016 at 7:43 AM, fredinno said:

At least this new version was much heavier defended compared to the other two, especially its weak spots.


It was killed by the kind of attack that you'd expect would take out a Star Destroyer.

Space stuff in SW makes no sense at all, and is in effect ww2 in space. All ships are vulnerable to the smallest of ships, so spreading out stuff makes more sense.

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