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Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 2.11 - Milestones, Air Flights, Coast Guard (Now Updated for KSP 1.12.5)


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2 hours ago, darklightBoy said:

Potentially dumb question, but how does one actually go about completing the "Jump from an airplane!" contract? If my understanding is right, if I send Bill EVA from the plane with his 'chute, and follow him down to the ground won't Jeb just fall asleep and crash the plane? How do I keep the plane up in the air while I'm focused on a different Kerbal?

toggle to your jumper, deploy his chute, then toggle back to plane and land it. Then toggle to your jumper, or wait for him to land and then toggle to him. toggle using ] or [

This will complete the contract.

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On 9/7/2016 at 9:20 AM, Lan_Morehell said:

What aircrafts really lack in KSP is:

1. Necessity of large crafts (either passenger or cargo)

2. Science :(  Playing with engineering tech tree with aircraft opened first, you really soon come to a point where you just have to go to space and give up airplanes in order to unlock the next tech node. 



- It would be great to develop aircraft missions with science rewards, like "delivering the scientific mission to north pole" "bringing supplies to the north pole mission" and "north pole mission return". with , for example, 50 science reward.... Or to deliver a scientist to several different location in one trip so he could do some experiments....with science reward of course

- Round the globe missions

- some missions using the far abandoned airfield on Kerbin, maybe desert Pyramids and so on



Of course I understand that its easier to say than to do :) but just to give an idea

A few pages back I submitted a craft file and some locations for an airport to be spawned around kerbin for further flying destinations, and brought the science flights up. Like Inigma said, some of this stuff is already down in his milestones. We actually talked at length about the idea! So don't worry, it's something that'll happen down the line; spawning the airports just requires a lot of trial and error to get exactly the right coordinates.

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arg...  placing buildings using the spawn functions in CC is just...  frustrating.  and explosive.


ok so i thought that the terrain at Valentina's island was too demanding. So i found a nicer slope.  I placed all my objects (thank you Vessel Mover!):



and then input the location, pitch, and headings as you see here:



into the contract:

        name = SpawnTiki3
        type = SpawnVessel

            name = Tiki Hut 3
            craftURL = ContractPacks/GAP/Assets/Land/Tiki Hut.craft
            flagURL = ContractPacks/GAP/Assets/Flags/KSCIslandTours
            vesselType = Base
            owned = false
            pqsCity = IslandAirfield
            pqsOffset = 7945.96075858283, 8034.4158901435, -207.624901344447
            heading = 80
            pitch = -84
            alt = 13.9

and loaded contract and loaded object at the island, and kablooie!!!!! parts and dazed kerbals everywhere.



So I hacked gravity to really slow up what was happening. And then accepted the contract and loaded one of the objects:


clearly not um... the way it was programmed. pitch angle is off, heading off,  and then 1 second later instantly:



sudden flippin? huh? but still off on all counts. weirdness.


The incorrect heading and pitch, and then sudden flip (still wrong) are slamming my poor creations into the terrain when gravity is on, causing them to explode whenever a player gets within physics range. bummers.


@nightingale any thoughts?  here's a link to the contract and files: 



most likely part of an outstanding CC spawn bug: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/issues/363

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Hi @inigma, I'm back after a break.

You'll remember my idea of aircraft carrier missions (which I think you implemented?) - well, @Eskandare has a huge, low part carrier mod crying out for GAP compatibility.

The contract could spawn a (airparked aka 'landed', not 'splashed') CVX carrier for missions, and could despawn it once the mission is done and out of physics range.

Another thing to help spawn objects on the surface would be the Fundament part (a concrete slab that works like a launch clamp but has a node to build on which doesn't decouple) of the Keridian Dynamics mod by @Eleusis La Arwall. As contacts would be spawning it in situ, I don't believe it would need EPL.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just started what will probably be my last 1.1.3 career, heavy modded with some things I haven't done before, including GAP.  I'm having a lot of fun, but seem to be stuck at the "Barnstorm Jebediah's Tool Shed" mission.  I've launched a plane, flown it through the shed at over 100 m/s, but it still won't tick the box in the mission completion.  Is there anything special about "barnstorming" that I'm not getting?  Some speed or throttle level?  Upside down?  Any assistance would be appreciated.

BTW, I killed Jebediah the first time I tried it.  I found myself laughing out loud - I haven't killed a Kerbal in months.  He clipped one wing on the side of the barn, spun the rest of the craft around like a madman, survived the first bounce (although a few more parts of the plane did not) then finally vanished in a puff of smoke on the second bounce.  Somehow it seemed fitting - if Jeb is going to buy the farm, this seemed like the way to do it.

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3 hours ago, Norcalplanner said:

So I just started what will probably be my last 1.1.3 career, heavy modded with some things I haven't done before, including GAP.  I'm having a lot of fun, but seem to be stuck at the "Barnstorm Jebediah's Tool Shed" mission.  I've launched a plane, flown it through the shed at over 100 m/s, but it still won't tick the box in the mission completion.  Is there anything special about "barnstorming" that I'm not getting?  Some speed or throttle level?  Upside down?  Any assistance would be appreciated.

BTW, I killed Jebediah the first time I tried it.  I found myself laughing out loud - I haven't killed a Kerbal in months.  He clipped one wing on the side of the barn, spun the rest of the craft around like a madman, survived the first bounce (although a few more parts of the plane did not) then finally vanished in a puff of smoke on the second bounce.  Somehow it seemed fitting - if Jeb is going to buy the farm, this seemed like the way to do it.

Did you fly any planes/do any missions in between accepting the contract and doing it?
Also, did you do the required waiting for clearance to take off.

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32 minutes ago, Lupi said:

Did you fly any planes/do any missions in between accepting the contract and doing it?
Also, did you do the required waiting for clearance to take off.

Yes to both.

Should I cancel, accept again, and then go straight to the barnstorming?

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4 minutes ago, Norcalplanner said:


Yes to both.

Should I cancel, accept again, and then go straight to the barnstorming?

Doing missions in between tends to confuse it, so cancelling and accepting again sounds like a plan. Do it from the alt+f12 menu and you won't lose reputation.

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16 hours ago, Lupi said:

When doing the STS fuel pod mission, if you don't have all the parts unlocked in career (and some of them are pretty far along in the tech tree) you can't launch it. 

I've not developed the STS missions yet. I only included the current one as a proof of concept mission for now. I'm thinking of retiring it in next release.

Also, nightingale confirms the spawn code for buildings is buggy, so I can't fix the Flight 38 island resort contract, nor can I rely on values for your airport placements. Argh. He says its an issue with KSP itself.  I will be ripping out Flight 38 in next release as a result (bummers) until building spawn code works properly. Currently spending hours to get one building right, and even then it's not guaranteed. Just a waste of precious time at this point - although I think this only affects crafts that have had their root changed. Crafts with no re-roots tend to spawn ok (such as Jebediah's Tool Shed).  You are welcome to try discovering values that work for spawning your buildings at any location of your choice. If so, I will gladly draft a contract in for Lupi's Landing.

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2 minutes ago, inigma said:

Also, nightingale confirms the spawn code for buildings is buggy, so I can't fix the Flight 38 island resort contract, nor can I rely on values for your airport placements. Argh. He says its an issue with KSP itself.  I will be ripping out Flight 38 in next release as a result (bummers) until building spawn code works properly. Currently spending hours to get one building right, and even then it's not guaranteed. Just a waste of precious time at this point - although I think this only affects crafts that have had their root changed. Crafts with no re-roots tend to spawn ok (such as Jebediah's Tool Shed).  You are welcome to try discovering values that work for spawning your buildings at any location of your choice. If so, I will gladly draft a contract in for Lupi's Landing.

Test it out in the latest dev build + pre-release and let me know if there's problems.

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7 hours ago, inigma said:

I've not developed the STS missions yet. I only included the current one as a proof of concept mission for now. I'm thinking of retiring it in next release.

Also, nightingale confirms the spawn code for buildings is buggy, so I can't fix the Flight 38 island resort contract, nor can I rely on values for your airport placements. Argh. He says its an issue with KSP itself.  I will be ripping out Flight 38 in next release as a result (bummers) until building spawn code works properly. Currently spending hours to get one building right, and even then it's not guaranteed. Just a waste of precious time at this point - although I think this only affects crafts that have had their root changed. Crafts with no re-roots tend to spawn ok (such as Jebediah's Tool Shed).  You are welcome to try discovering values that work for spawning your buildings at any location of your choice. If so, I will gladly draft a contract in for Lupi's Landing.

Understood! Sorry it didn't work out, it was a good idea in theory, even if it doesn't appear to have worked out in practice.

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21 hours ago, saqib126 said:

A bit confused on the Bd expansion for this contract pack, where is the download, is it integrated into the mod? Does it work if I have KAX and BD Armory Continued?

(also good job on the contract pack, best I`ve ever played)

requires BD Armory and KAX, yes. so i will need to  update it in the next version. good catch. 

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On 10/14/2016 at 10:18 PM, Merkov said:

Since it requires Contract Configurator, and Contract Configurator does not work in 1.2, this will not work, either.

Contract Configurator has been updated however the GAP missions (using current master from github) don't seem to unlock. It shows all requirements as met but doesn't show the buttons to accept the mission. I can provide more information if it's needed

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6 hours ago, ciny said:

Contract Configurator has been updated however the GAP missions (using current master from github) don't seem to unlock. It shows all requirements as met but doesn't show the buttons to accept the mission. I can provide more information if it's needed

Inigma has a patch planned for both 1.2 and the new CC, it'll come down the tubes eventually.

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11 hours ago, ciny said:

Contract Configurator has been updated however the GAP missions (using current master from github) don't seem to unlock. It shows all requirements as met but doesn't show the buttons to accept the mission. I can provide more information if it's needed

I think this is because they're looking for firespitter control surfaces, from what I can see in the contract window. At least, mine is if that's any help.

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14 hours ago, oniontrain said:

I think this is because they're looking for firespitter control surfaces, from what I can see in the contract window. At least, mine is if that's any help.

Not even the "Join SSI Member Service" shows up which only requires non-zero funds and no previous completion. I turned debugging on for contract configurator but haven't found anything interesting in the UI or logs. 

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12 hours ago, inigma said:

Ill be working on GAP this week.  After all, I want to play too!

Is it already working with 1.2 and the new Contract Configurator, or will we have to wait on a recompile/the full 1.2.9 update to continue our saves without any chance of things going b0rk?
Getting back home tomorrow, streaming 1.2 for the first time this coming tuesday, and I'd like to know so I can prepare accordingly.

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1 hour ago, Lupi said:

Is it already working with 1.2 and the new Contract Configurator, or will we have to wait on a recompile/the full 1.2.9 update to continue our saves without any chance of things going b0rk?
Getting back home tomorrow, streaming 1.2 for the first time this coming tuesday, and I'd like to know so I can prepare accordingly.

The next GAP version will require a new save as several contract names have changed, which will really mess up some things.

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