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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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21 minutes ago, cubinator said:

When the most interesting thing you learned in school today is that you can get a .bat file to run itself.

You can do that? Does it require a computer restart or is it automatic? *evil grin*

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2 hours ago, Andem said:

You can do that? Does it require a computer restart or is it automatic? *evil grin*

Just put in its filepath in quotations and it will run itself forever. Do this in conjunction with another program and it will keep starting that program again and again, forever.

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Just now, cubinator said:

Just put in its filepath in quotations and it will run itself forever. Do this in conjunction with another program and it will keep starting that program again and again, forever.



Time to play a little prank... :)

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35 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

When one of your favorite subreddits is r/mechanicalkeyboards.

Finally someone like and and...

What is your Favorite mechanical keyboard


and keyboard you use

mine is İBM SK-8820

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3 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

I don't have one yet, but it's coming soon. Ordered from Massdrop a week ago.

Manıfactrer and name ?

and where i can get ibm model m to turkey with cargo ?

Edited by 64Bit
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Just now, SpaceplaneAddict said:

You know you're a (Space) nerd when you boo Star Wars and such for inaccurate orbital mechanics.

Actually, ever time I watch Star Wars at home I do that. I still like Star Wars though! 

"That's not how the force physics works" -me whenever I watch Star Wars.

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You know you're a nerd when you catch yourself telling your buddies: "I can't do a backflip, but I can plot you a transfer orbit to Jupiter." 

2 hours ago, cubinator said:

You know you're a nerd when you want to buy a vacuum chamber just to put some oobleck in it.

Dude!! That would be so cool!! Now I wanna do that!

I also have been curious about how oobleck reacts to microgravity.


That just reminded me...

You know you're a nerd when someone talks about how people are weightless in orbit, and you start to explain that it's actually just microgravity, and you can never truly be weightless.

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1 hour ago, Mycroft said:

You know you're a nerd when someone talks about how people are weightless in orbit, and you start to explain that it's actually just microgravity, and you can never truly be weightless.

When somebody is explaining that there's microgravity in orbit, while you exactly know that any "gravity" is fictional, it is just a privileged direction of total acceleration.

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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

When somebody is explaining that there's microgravity in orbit, while you exactly know that any "gravity" is fictional, it is just a privileged direction of total acceleration.

Well, sorta. You could technically say that's true, but if we realize that gravity is really the result of how mass bends the space and time around it, you might realize that 'gravity' and 'acceleration' are both how our limited little minds interpret that bending, and it could therefore be argued, since that bending affects things in certain behaviors that we like to call 'acceleration', that acceleration is fictional too. So if you say gravity is really acceleration, then you should also realize that there really is no such thing as acceleration, either. They are just how we see the protrusion of pan- or multi-dimensional forces into our little corner made up of just a few dimensions. So yeah, you're sorta right, but you don't take it all the way. We can debate this till the cows come home, but the point is I'm a nerd, and so are you. :D:D:D:D 



I know I am!

Edited by Mycroft
Whoops, grammar! :D
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