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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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13 hours ago, davidy12 said:

I knew that.

This was more for other people, that;s why I mentioned that

13 hours ago, DStaal said:

Honestly, as mostly early-tier science and probe parts, you can probably just keep them in the standard tree.  CTT adds whole branches and stuff on the end, but for the type of stuff this mod has I doubt any really apply.  So, probably no need for 'adding configs': Your current configs likely fit into CTT just fine.  :wink:

If you start doing parts based off of currently-planned/dreamed probes, then you might start looking at some of the probe nodes CTT adds.

This makes sense. I don't have any future tech probes planned. Maybe some ion engines can use CTT nodes. Doubt it though

1 hour ago, Viper_607 said:

Something seems to be off with a few of the upgrades, for parts, particularly weight and antenna power upgrades seem not to appear in the CTT, and some of the dishes seem to have incomplete info in terms of what the new antenna rating should be. *

I don't have CTT configs so anything related to CTT may be better answered on their thread. About the antenna rating, do you mean the upgrade description is missing? I did not list specific numbers but you can always get the upgrade stats from the right-click menu.

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Funny how people never check the official RO/RP-0 repositories for information like that. Anyway, all parts that are included in the current ProbesPlus release are compatible with RO but not with RP-0.

I am also working on the new parts. Surveyor is ready (minus testing) and Venera is next on the list.

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6 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

Funny how people never check the official RO/RP-0 repositories for information like that. Anyway, all parts that are included in the current ProbesPlus release are compatible with RO but not with RP-0.

I am also working on the new parts. Surveyor is ready (minus testing) and Venera is next on the list.

I didn't even know there was a "RO/RP-0 repository." I frankly don't follow important mods that I use regularly as much as I probably should. Thanks for letting me know, though! Last time I'd tried playing probes plus with RO/RP-0, the reaction wheels were way to powerful, and made it easy to practically cheat in RO. I had just assumed that nothing had changed since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, sorry things have been quiet again, but I've been swamped so I ended up losing some of the drive to do more model work. The updates have been a feeling a bit daunting, which got me thinking if I should make each update smaller. I am going to stop and fine tune Surveyor and Venera for release. I think from that point forward, I am going to make releases much smaller so the next may just be Cassini. I am hoping the smaller goals will keep me on task for longer. I'm not burned out from working on KSP, I am just burned out in general... and I have a huge project coming up at work. Just so y'all know there may just be more absences like this.

So I am going to go back and do a couple of parts belonging to the Venera/Surveyor line and put Cassini on a small hold until I get this release out. Since it has been a while since these two crafts have been available in Github, does anyone have some feedback now? How's the thrust/ISP of engines? part weight/cost? Fuel capacity? Science results? Any issues? etc...


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Don't know if this is a known issue or not, but the barometer from this set doesn't like having the science transferred. It's ok if you transmit it immediately, but if you transfer it (say, to the science container), it can get into a stuck state - it doesn't show any experiment data to review, but you cannot take any more readings. So far it's only been the barometer.

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9 hours ago, Bombaatu said:

Don't know if this is a known issue or not, but the barometer from this set doesn't like having the science transferred. It's ok if you transmit it immediately, but if you transfer it (say, to the science container), it can get into a stuck state - it doesn't show any experiment data to review, but you cannot take any more readings. So far it's only been the barometer.

Thank you for letting me know. I will take a look at this.

7 hours ago, Baleurion said:

Any chance for adding compatability for Kerbalism? Its antenna changes arent being applied to your antennas :/ 

Uh, maybe? I don't use Kerbalism so I am not familiar with its way of doing the antenna.I can take a look, but compatibility patches for big mods like this are usually in that mod, not the part mod. I see you already posted asking for help in that thread. Thank you, let's see if someone is working on a patch.

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@akronOpened up my career save on 1.2.2 tonight after upgrading to 0.15RC from Github, and my probe core on its way to Mun all the sudden has what looks like a phantom decoupler following it around! I'm guessing its a model glitch since it acts like its attached when I spin the craft around. First time I've ever seen this after using your mods for a long time. 



Edited by thunder175
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5 hours ago, thunder175 said:

@akronOpened up my career save on 1.2.2 tonight after upgrading to 0.15RC from Github, and my probe core on its way to Mun all the sudden has what looks like a phantom decoupler following it around! I'm guessing its a model glitch since it acts like its attached when I spin the craft around. First time I've ever seen this after using your mods for a long time. 


Thanks for letting me know. I will try and replicate this, but I think this may be a KSP quirk. I could've sworn I've seen a post about this in the KSP subreddit.

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I've finally got around to trying out some of the Surveyor parts (in Galileo's Planet Pack) and I'm really liking them. The only thing I'd say is that the sampler scoop and camera seem a little on the heavy side. I couldn't find exact figures for the real world originals but did dig up some figures from the Apollo 12 retrieval of some parts from Surveyor 3 (I forgot to bookmark the page) that suggest they were considerably lighter.

Here's a couple of shots of my frankenprobe's mission to Iota (other parts are from stock, SSTU, Bluedog DB and BoxSats)

On another note I found an omission in the Bluedog DB patch that turns the IR spec. experiments into run once versions despite both yours and BDB's being multi-run originally. I've submitted a fix on GitHub.

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11 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

I've finally got around to trying out some of the Surveyor parts (in Galileo's Planet Pack) and I'm really liking them. The only thing I'd say is that the sampler scoop and camera seem a little on the heavy side. I couldn't find exact figures for the real world originals but did dig up some figures from the Apollo 12 retrieval of some parts from Surveyor 3 (I forgot to bookmark the page) that suggest they were considerably lighter.

Here's a couple of shots of my frankenprobe's mission to Iota (other parts are from stock, SSTU, Bluedog DB and BoxSats)

On another note I found an omission in the Bluedog DB patch that turns the IR spec. experiments into run once versions despite both yours and BDB's being multi-run originally. I've submitted a fix on GitHub.

Thank on both accounts for the feedback. The weight adjustment should be easy. The BDB config is because Cobalt originally had it set to be single use, I didn't realize he or the team fixed it. 

Nice use of Landvermesser as a return launch pad. 

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3 hours ago, Cdw2468 said:

Until Akron's Cassini comes out, I made my own out of this mod, BDB, and probes plus parts. Would anyone be interested in screenshots?

Sure, you don't have to ask, post away.

1 minute ago, DarthVader said:

Made a direct ascent Apollo with a block III CSM attached to a Centaur G Prime: SM engine had poor TWR, but the full engine was too big to fit in the shuttle(Cormorant Aeronology shuttle) I launched it from. 

I am not sure what you mean, is it one of my engines? None of them are that big...

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There are two new minor tweaks now available in Github, if any one is able to test. The most important right now is a change to the collider on the Venera-lander heatshield that should help it decouple correctly.

I am starting a number of minor tweaks/fixes of the stuff that has been reported plus some behind-the-scenes cleanup to hopefully have a new release soon. I did some other work on the final parts, but nothing enough to show or release it. I also had this idea a while ago as I worked on the new Vega antenna, what do you guys think about a cone antenna toggle? The Russians have used these considerably throughout their line of spacecrafts and they're all attached differently depending on how its used (sometimes as an earth-sensor for attitude reference), so I though about some mesh toggle to maybe help you use them more. The cone antenna is an easy part so I can add more options later.

EDIT: Here is what I mean:


Edited by akron
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