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WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]


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@DoctorDavinci it was actually @SuicidalInsanity who made the arenas, they do indeed look awesome.


@BahamutoD that is really cool!
Would it be possible to feed this secondary target with the vessel that is attacking/being attacked by the AI?
Since we have 2x2 battles they can change with time, I plan to record with not GUI, and as I don't have time to edit the videos it would be handy to have it to be automatic or on hotkeys.
Same applies to vessel switch mod, would be neat if the options of the mod were available via action groups.
I would be fine with completelly replacing the functionality of [] for switching between vessels only when using VesselSwitch.

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I wasn't sure how to get it to get information from BDArmory without creating a hard dependency, so I'll have to do a bit of research.

For vessel switcher, you can use pgup and pgdn for switching. The window has to be open, but it still works if the UI is hidden.

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@tetryds: I'm not surprised there weren't any derpcannon planes, simply because testing the larger-than-20mm cannons out showed that a lot of them weren't worth it.

The Vya 23mm is probably the best out of the ones there.  It's got a decent RoF and excellent muzzle velocity and dispersion, so it's a very good cannon to use.  I started with it before switching to the Hispanos for slightly less risk of overheat, slightly better dispersion and better RoF.

The Mk 108 30mm is good if you can get in close, but its RoF is lacking compared to the other cannons and the low muzzle velocity (combined with the points system that limits how many you can have severely) means that even in close it's very easy for the plane to miss with it.

The Vickers 40mm has the same problems as the 108 but worse.  The even lower RoF and comparable muzzle velocity means that it's very unlikely to hit anything, you really can't carry any other weapons and still have a powerful enough engine, and now the gun is adding substantial mass to the plane design.  If this were instead a NS-37 or NS-45 it would probably be viable with the higher RoF and muzzle velocity, but I still wonder.  I was testing a light fighter with a Vickers at one point before I just abandoned the idea since the fighter got more kills with 2x Breda 7mm.

The 75mm Panzer Quacker derpcannon is just too cumbersome and its RoF is abysmal.  The muzzle velocity is good, but the unfortunate mass of the gun and mass of the ammo makes it just completely useless.  I mean, I'd love to have seen a Hs 129 dogfighting in this, but the lack of other armament or underpowered engines just gets in the way.

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The 57mm-armed Mosquito got a few A-A kills, but I suspect a mad disparity in pilot skills there ( given any yaw at firing would jam the gun ). I did actually try & knock up a twin with a pair of Vickers but the fire-rate is unworkable - and even when it *did* score a hit ( just the one! ), it apparently did no damage at all despite a huge explosion cloud. I had a fair bit of success with the 108s but I was going to end up with the Oerliken also if I'd managed to sort something in time.





Edited by Van Disaster
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Haha, yeah, I am even surprised we managed to get two flying wings in there.
I'm putting three prototypes together now, but will need approval before I throw them into the competition, they are not really meant to win, but definitely not dummies.

I also realized that everybody was kinda forced to use the inline cockpit or an open cockpit, I will try to provide a wider variety of cockpits next time, with better weight values than the inline one.

Another thing is the weapons used, a large variety of combinations is present, I am glad that there was at least one airplane with 7mms only :P

But I am sad that there was no 40mm derpcannon, I will have to make one myself.

I didn't use the non-inline cockpit because it's heavier ! and you can't look behind you
Maybe for the WWII BAD-T III there is going to have customs cockpits

@tetryds If you want one other original prototype, You can take my old flying wing design !




Pros : Cool looking, Huge Lift, Beat my older plane
Cons : YAW ! Didn't beat the Dummy (To shy to shoot ^^), and yaw control


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Yeah, I tried either way - either need to be a godly shot or shooting something resembling a heavy bomber. Did get the pilot to get another hit in & blew the tail off a target, but that was a seriously lucky shot. Still, if someone can make that gun work reliably they deserve a bonus prize I think!

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49 minutes ago, tetryds said:

@KamikazeF0X I was thinking about something a bit more clever

Mmmh, Why have I not thought about it, something about THAT Clever ? ^^



It needs some little tweaks ^^
Link :


Edited by KamikazeF0X
Added Kerbal X link for curious people !
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I've found the issue not to be the abysmal RoF or the limited ammo, but the incredibly short effective range of the weapons, and if you can get that close, then other loadouts, with lower mass and point costs, would work equally well. I suppose the weapons could be made more effective at range by giving them VT fuzed flak ammo, but that might make them too powerful.


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Btw I can send you one of my (Beaufighter-ish) planes that was meant to meet all of the heavy fighter requirements. I built it mainly to test stuff. And it performs really well, though I think the mass would have to be tweaked a bit. Also can come up with some other ones and send them to you if you want.

I also really want to build that super lorin now...

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Scratch that, use this one: https://github.com/BahamutoD/CameraTools/blob/master/bin/Release/CameraTools.dll

Now it'll automatically reset the camera tool when you switch vessels (also when the active vessel is destroyed).  So all you have to do is use BDA's vessel switcher to switch around, no UI needed.

Here's a short demo video


Here's a longer one with the full setup

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3 hours ago, BahamutoD said:

Scratch that, use this one: https://github.com/BahamutoD/CameraTools/blob/master/bin/Release/CameraTools.dll

Now it'll automatically reset the camera tool when you switch vessels (also when the active vessel is destroyed).  So all you have to do is use BDA's vessel switcher to switch around, no UI needed.

Here's a short demo video


Here's a longer one with the full setup


That will make watching the fights even more enjoyable! Have I already said I consider this challenge to be a kind of a sport? It's like that show with robots fighting (Robot Wars?) except with planes.

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Lol, it's actually better than robot wars, just sit down and watch.

Here are the three bots that will be competing!

Bot Mike, on the Black Dragon:



Bot Drew, on the UpperProp:



And Bot Richard, on the Hurles:



Hope you like it.
Also, don't you dare underestimating these airplanes, regardless of looking/being somewhat silly.
They will be threw on the mix like any normal player, so chances are you may face one of them on your first battle!

Setting up the tournament tree on challonge.com, then I will randomize the players and the battles will start!
I will make sure I will not pick a map that gives great advantage/disvantage to an airplane, for example if the runway is too short for your airplane I will choose another map.
But at first, maps will be sorted randomly :)

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9 hours ago, BahamutoD said:

Scratch that, use this one: https://github.com/BahamutoD/CameraTools/blob/master/bin/Release/CameraTools.dll

Now it'll automatically reset the camera tool when you switch vessels (also when the active vessel is destroyed).  So all you have to do is use BDA's vessel switcher to switch around, no UI needed.

This is also pretty handy for figuring out when the AI is confused vs something else ( like bad settings or craft design ) - can I suggest either hardcoding or adding a slider to set how abruptly the camera changes target when the AI pilot does? it can be a little jarring. Awesome work though :)

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