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[1.12.x] KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artificial Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) - Cost settings have been change


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  On 4/20/2016 at 4:47 PM, garwel said:

Hi, I'm trying KRASH on a new save and something seems wrong. I try to simulate a very basic rocket, the VAB dialog says sim setup costs is 1965, sim/min cost 196.5. I have 32800 cash, so it should be ok. But when the simulation loads, it immediately stops with the message "Simulation terminated due to lack of funds". Limiting max costs in the dialog doesn't help.My mods:

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I'm running KSP 1.1 (release version) on Win 64-bit.

PS: Enabling "Continue sim if no cash" resolves this issue, but it's kind of confusing.


Save file, please.

Also, are you running the release version of KRASH?  ie:  when and where did you download it ?

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  On 4/20/2016 at 5:13 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Save file, please


Here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B74Ezn51tCNpNFJ5N085X3JHejQ/view?usp=sharing

Steps to reproduce:

- open KRASH settings and disable "Continue sim if no cash" option

- open VAB and load/create a vessel

- launch simulation

I am running KRASH v., installed via CKAN.

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Ok, couple of things:

First I got the file, thanks.

Second, when you opened the KRASH Config window, did you select a different config or just used the Normal config?

Now, those sim costs seem out of line for a Normal config.  I built a 3 part ship (parachute, cmd pod and Flea), and my costs were as follows:

Sim setup costs: 158
Sim/min:  18.6
Sim/min in atmo: 28

Your costs were as follows:

sim setup costs is 1965
sim/min cost 196.5. 

In fact, I wasn't even able to put out a command pod at first, I'm assuming you are in a hard career mode? I had to go into the R&D and purchase the initial parts.

So I'm wondering how your costs were so high.

That all being said, I was able to replicate the problem in your save, but not yet in my test save.  I'll look for more info from you while I debug this


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Thanks a lot for this mod! When magico13 told us that he will be phasing out the experiments from his mod Kerbal Construction Time I was shocked. He asked as to use your mod instead and I was sceptical. But after installing and using it in my hard career mode game I have to say: It's absolutely awesome. It's actually all I really need to make this happen!

Thanks a lot for it and keep it up!

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  On 4/21/2016 at 4:45 PM, Three_Pounds said:

Thanks a lot for this mod! When magico13 told us that he will be phasing out the experiments from his mod Kerbal Construction Time I was shocked. He asked as to use your mod instead and I was sceptical. But after installing and using it in my hard career mode game I have to say: It's absolutely awesome. It's actually all I really need to make this happen!

Thanks a lot for it and keep it up!


Thank you

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  On 4/21/2016 at 11:25 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

The problem is Strategia, not KRASH, or possibly an interaction between the two.

I've contacted @nightingale about it.  

For now, uninstall Strategia and your sims will work fine.


@nightingale confirmed it's a Strategia bug, he is working on a fix for it.

Watch for an update, hopefully later today.


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Thank you (I've seen your post there)! It seems @nightingale has already fixed it. Haven't tested it yet.

UPD: Encountered a small UI issue: Atmospheric Multiplier line in Options is only visible by half (perhaps, parent box height needs to be adjusted). I'm using 100% UI scale. See screenshot.

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Hi there! I encountered another small, but annoying bug:

  1. go to VAB
  2. create a simple rocket
  3. enable "Limit max costs" and enter some small figure
  4. run a sim
  5. come back to VAB (not sure if you need to go to Space Center at this point; I did)
  6. create a bigger rocket (so that its sim start cost is greater than the limit)
  7. disable "Limit max costs"
  8. run a sim
  9. PROFIT you immediately get "Simulation terminated because cost limit exceeded" message and the sim ends

It looks like it doesn't actually disable the max costs.

Oh, and I wonder, is it possible to disable "Space Center" button on the top of the screen during the simulation? Or, better yet, replace it with "Terminate Simulation" one? I once clicked it accidentally and didn't realize I was still in the simulation (The Matrix anyone?).

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  On 4/25/2016 at 3:51 PM, garwel said:

Oh, and I wonder, is it possible to disable "Space Center" button on the top of the screen during the simulation? Or, better yet, replace it with "Terminate Simulation" one? I once clicked it accidentally and didn't realize I was still in the simulation (The Matrix anyone?).


I was coming to report something similar, something happened during the simulation and esc stopped working, so I was not able to leave the escene, even after the rocket had crashed, I alt-f4d and reloaded, when I came back there was a rocket on the platform so I just re covered it but I didn't realize that I was still with simulation rules, so no saving loading or anything else, fortunately a quicksave saved my career, but it could have been game breaking.

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this is the exception that I'm getting on my log

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog'.
  at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)

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  On 5/3/2016 at 9:31 PM, MisterFister said:

I'm still a tad confused.  What does this mod do that the "simulation" mode in KerbalConstructionTime does not, or vice versa?  Will these mods conflict if installed together?




This will be replacing KCT's simulation mode. The current KCT version actually has the KCT simulations disabled by default. Splitting it up means that each author can focus on different things instead of duplicating work, improving quality and allowing for new features. KCT will "recommend" installing KRASH and there shouldn't be any conflicts. KCT won't require it, but then you just won't have simulations available once they're removed from KCT.

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  On 5/3/2016 at 10:05 PM, magico13 said:

This will be replacing KCT's simulation mode. The current KCT version actually has the KCT simulations disabled by default. Splitting it up means that each author can focus on different things instead of duplicating work, improving quality and allowing for new features. KCT will "recommend" installing KRASH and there shouldn't be any conflicts. KCT won't require it, but then you just won't have simulations available once they're removed from KCT.


Additionally, KRASH is available without KCT, so if you are in a hard mode, but not playing KCT, you can still have the same simulations

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This is a bug report that's kind of irrelevant after reading the actual text, but I already typed it out, so I'm committed now:P

I suspect it's just the additional text at the top pushing down the boxes. Since apparently configs don't apply to Science/Sandbox games anyway, it doesn't really matter, but I'm dying to know what that last box is!:D

Linux 64 bit, Resolution 1920x1080, Sandbox. Do you want a log? Kind of seems open & closed (and again, irrelevant and/or unimportant to begin with).



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  On 5/3/2016 at 10:46 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Additionally, KRASH is available without KCT, so if you are in a hard mode, but not playing KCT, you can still have the same simulations


Hahaha, if I'm ever "not playing KCT," that's hilarious.  A laugh riot!  ;-)

No, seriously, it's like the second or third mod I look to install.  On a build with hundreds of mods.  I'll add KRASH to that list, tyvm.

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KRASH works fine again! Thanks for the update. When playing around yesterday I noticed that the simulations landed on a planetary body (I tried Kerbin and Minmus) don't seem to work when entering "0,0" as Latitude/Longitude. I seemed to have spawned inside the Body and a message "Setting up simulation" was perpetually blinking at the top of the screen. Has this always been like this? As soon as I entered values != 0 it worked just fine.

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  On 5/4/2016 at 9:06 AM, Three_Pounds said:

KRASH works fine again! Thanks for the update. When playing around yesterday I noticed that the simulations landed on a planetary body (I tried Kerbin and Minmus) don't seem to work when entering "0,0" as Latitude/Longitude. I seemed to have spawned inside the Body and a message "Setting up simulation" was perpetually blinking at the top of the screen. Has this always been like this? As soon as I entered values != 0 it worked just fine.


I'll have to take a look

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So I'm running into an issue trying to use KRASH, namely that I can't get the simulation to work. When I hover over the simulation button, all of the buttons along the top of the screen go dark, and when I click it, nothing happens. Has anyone seen this before?


EDIT: After much testing, I've narrowed the issue down to a conflict of some sort with the Tarsier Space Tech mod. Removal of that mod put this one into working order.

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