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[1.12.x] [BG] HabTech2 | Stockalike ISS Parts | 1.0.0 - The Final Update


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  On 9/22/2020 at 10:02 PM, nick1041 said:

Any plans on updating this to 1.10 as well as redirect and the orbiter construction kit?


HabTech2 Is Broken When Loading A Part, But That Can Be Fixed, I Dont know if this will be updated.

SOCK Is Updated For 1.10

reDIRECT Still works for 1.10 As it says it only supports 1.8.x

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  On 9/22/2020 at 11:39 PM, miguelsgamingch said:

HabTech2 Is Broken When Loading A Part, But That Can Be Fixed, I Dont know if this will be updated.


Of course it will be updated . Modders have lives outside of modding , so be patient . I also wouldn t call deleting an important part a " fix " , more of a temporary workaround .

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  On 9/24/2020 at 5:02 AM, golkaidakhaana said:

No , I m pretty sure the most popular mods have been updated to 1.10 now . Also , what does that have to do with anything ?


Ahem, Yes you are right

but you know there are some old used to be popular mods

for example SpaceY Heavy-Lifter Parts Pack, thats a mod who has 319,555 Downloads, but haven't been updated since KSP 1.4

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  On 9/24/2020 at 5:06 AM, miguelsgamingch said:

Ahem, Yes you are right

but you know there are some old used to be popular mods

for example SpaceY Heavy-Lifter Parts Pack, thats a mod who has 319,555 Downloads, but haven't been updated since KSP 1.4


I m not sure what your point is , but I think we are beginning to stray off topic .

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I also updated

which is the combination of all pull requests.


darn, cannot use it in KSP 1.10.1 because of

DragCubeSystem: Part 'ht2.solarArray.duo' has more than two IMultipleDragCube part modules. You should consider procedural drag cubes.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'ht2.solarArray.duo'
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Uploading Crash Report
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ModuleDeployablePart.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) [0x00088] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 
  at DragCubeSystem+<RenderDragCubes>d__34.MoveNext () [0x001de] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
(Filename: <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670> Line: 0)


Edited by Gordon Dry
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  On 9/29/2020 at 5:24 PM, Kilo60 said:

What about all the Mods I've already updated to 1.10...


Will it break them going back to 1.9x..?




It depends on your mods, some are bound to specific versions, some will just work.

Bigger issue will be your savegame. You won't be able to convert back to 1.9.x. You will need to use an old one.

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so i have done some digging and it turns out the part that everyone is reporting that it stops on, there is a reason to that, and it has nothing to do with 1.10 if i understand the file stuctor correctly, you have Xpartname.cfg followed by Xpartname.mu and the part that KSP stops loading at is the Duo solar array which is missing the .mu file but has the .cfg file which is why ksp stops loading, so it apears to be two problems ether A @benjee10  forgot to add the part to the github when he updated it 6 months ago or B he took it down on purpose. I belive it is A so simple fix for those who really want the part would be for someone to upload the part to a google drive folder until Benjee10 can upload the file needed.

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The .mu file for the double solar array is the "ht2_SAW.mu." SAW is short for "solar array wing," the technical name for the ISS solar panels. The problems HabTech2 has with 1.10 come from changes made to the way KSP handles drag cubes. From what I've gathered, existing procedural drag cubes need to be replaced. Until benjee10 alters the associated drag cube models, the parts will not be compatible with 1.10 and up. If you need to downgrade to 1.9.1 through STEAM, right click on KSP, then click on Properties, then Betas, and select 1.9.1 from the drop-down menu.

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  On 10/2/2020 at 3:08 AM, Doc Shaftoe said:

The .mu file for the double solar array is the "ht2_SAW.mu." SAW is short for "solar array wing," the technical name for the ISS solar panels. The problems HabTech2 has with 1.10 come from changes made to the way KSP handles drag cubes. From what I've gathered, existing procedural drag cubes need to be replaced. Until benjee10 alters the associated drag cube models, the parts will not be compatible with 1.10 and up. If you need to downgrade to 1.9.1 through STEAM, right click on KSP, then click on Properties, then Betas, and select 1.9.1 from the drop-down menu.


This is correct - I have actually resolved the drag cube issue on my end and the part will load correctly, but the 1km spawning bug seems to have gotten worse in 1.10 to the point where any craft with the SAW part sometimes randomly explodes on loading onto the pad. Not sure how it affects crafts already in orbit. I'm reluctant to release a fix for the drag cube/loading issues when the part is still critically bugged in other areas - don't want to imply that things should be working as normal and then suffer 100s of bug reports for a known issue. So until I'm able to fix that problem I won't be publishing an update. 

That said, for those pioneering users who know their way around a config file and want to at least get the mod loading in-game, you can paste the following at the end of the 'ht2_solarArray_duo' .cfg:

		cube = RETRACTED, 17.7,0.9,2.621, 17.7,0.8988,2.621, 6.453,0.9394,3.002, 6.453,0.945,8.164, 13.73,0.9184,2.532, 13.72,0.9131,2.522, 0.004805,-1.622,-0.002383, 2.694,9.135,2.332
		cube = EXTENDED_A, 18.99,0.8982,21.14, 18.99,0.8973,21.14, 106.4,0.9879,3.002, 106.4,0.9902,8.273, 16.17,0.8916,6.005, 16.24,0.9027,4.106, 9.256,-1.622,-0.4273, 21.2,9.135,6.344
		cube = EXTENDED_B, 18.08,0.8954,21.14, 18.08,0.9003,21.14, 19.36,0.8859,5.035, 19.37,0.889,8.244, 102.4,0.9833,1.867, 102.9,0.9812,1.768, 9.256,-0.608,-0.002383, 21.2,11.16,2.332

Note it's not a perfectly accurate drag cube (AFAIK there's no way of doing that for this part due to the number of deployable elements), but if you're in a situation where the aerodynamics of your solar arrays are important, you probably have bigger problems to deal with. 

Use at your own risk and, as always, back up your save files. If anyone is brave enough to try it out on a save which has a SAW part already in-orbit, I'd be curious to know what the effects are. 

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ill check my files when i get home to see if i have the ht2_SAW.mu and ill fiddle with it, last night got to the P6 on the truss structure and i have to say i love the mod absolutely beautiful i just made make shift P6 truss with stock parts not as pleasing but will do for now but i did slap those ginormous solar panels on to it so it does look okay, i would like to try the P6, i did attempt a CANADARM2 with the robotic parts that are used in your shuttle, im gonna finsih the russian side tonight and if i can get the p6 truss on ill let you know but im gonna be lazy and hyperedit the entire thing to orbit. (I probably repeated what i said alot)    

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