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[1.0.5] Jool DIRECT v0.4 (Now with Altair lander parts)


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You say the Twin-Boar is the closest to an RL10B-2? The Twin-Boar is the 2.5m liquid fueled booster, yeah? If so, it's based off of the SLS Pyrosis boosters, which use 2 F1B engines. If I had to rate them, I'd say the F1B is essentially the very opposite of the RL10B-2. :P


This is an RL10B-2. As you can probably see, your engine doesn't particularly look like this, but it does look good. 

I hope you take this as sort of a critique and not an insult! If so, I didn't mean to be rude! Just looking out for you, fam.


What modeling program do you use?


Edited by VenomousRequiem
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15 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

You say the Twin-Boar is the closest to an RL10B-2? The Twin-Boar is the 2.5m liquid fueled booster, yeah? If so, it's based off of the SLS Pyrosis boosters, which use 2 F1B engines. If I had to rate them, I'd say the F1B is essentially the very opposite of the RL10B-2. :P

You're correct about the the Twin-Boar origins. I was looking at the KR-1 engine part of the Twin-Boar as a suitable game based engine for use as a RL-10B or J-2X analog. @NecroBones talked about the F-1B origins of the Twin-Boar as well. I was planning on using the model from the KR-1 to make a 1.25 m "advanced" engine to work with the KS-25 "Vector". Except for the side nozzle, the KR-1 looks pretty good for a J-2X.


I'm looking at making a J-2X or RL-10B analog with a 450 or 500 max thrust and an Isp of 255/340. The fluff for the Twin-Boar says that the creation of a LFB really messed with the stats of Kerbodyne's KR-1 and the changes for the engine as a single part could be explained that way. Thanks for the feedback.

15 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

What modeling program do you use?

I use Blender for my modeling. There is a lot of tutorials and the .mu importer utility is a godsend.

Edited by Daelkyr
Typos :(
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@VenomousRequiem Thanks for the info on the RL-10B. I hadn't really looked at it that much. I still want to give the thrust plate another attempt at looking awesome, buti will leave the KR-1 out. I will re-purpose that as a J-2X analog if I ever work on an Ares I/Ares V part set.

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Okay... It's no secret that I absolutely love @sumghai's Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module System. I don't know if you can find a better Orion analog. But Jool DIRECT is missing the Lunar Surface Access Module or ALTAIR that was such a part of both DIRECT and Constellation. So I threw together a prototype to see what I'd need to master as a modeler. I hope to have a first past done by the end of Friday to include in v0.4.

Keep in mind, this is just a rough sketch as it were, to get the geometries right in my head. I sized it at 3.75 m, but I'm thinking 3.125 m or half a step between 2.5 m and 3.75 m might be the best size to go. I'm going to throw together the oddly-shaped cylinder ascent stage can rated for 3 kerbals. Or you could always use the incredible ALCOR pod.

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3 hours ago, Daelkyr said:

Okay... It's no secret that I absolutely love @sumghai's Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module System. I don't know if you can find a better Orion analog. But Jool DIRECT is missing the Lunar Surface Access Module or ALTAIR that was such a part of both DIRECT and Constellation. So I threw together a prototype to see what I'd need to master as a modeler. I hope to have a first past done by the end of Friday to include in v0.4.

Keep in mind, this is just a rough sketch as it were, to get the geometries right in my head. I sized it at 3.75 m, but I'm thinking 3.125 m or half a step between 2.5 m and 3.75 m might be the best size to go. I'm going to throw together the oddly-shaped cylinder ascent stage can rated for 3 kerbals. Or you could always use the incredible ALCOR pod.

It looks simple, which is to me the most important thing about Altair. :)

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Okay. Textures are definitely placeholder... But Here's what I got started this morning.



The 3.125 m is a good fit. But looking up design references for Altair, I'm now puzzling whether I should make a 3.125 x 2 m tank as seen here, or make a 3.125 x 1 m tank that's just fuel and a 3.125 x 1 m tank that is fuel and a service bay for experiments and other sundries.

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26 minutes ago, Daelkyr said:

Okay. Textures are definitely placeholder... But Here's what I got started this morning.



The 3.125 m is a good fit. But looking up design references for Altair, I'm now puzzling whether I should make a 3.125 x 2 m tank as seen here, or make a 3.125 x 1 m tank that's just fuel and a 3.125 x 1 m tank that is fuel and a service bay for experiments and other sundries.

That sounds great. :D 

Maybe you could collab with @benjee10 to make the lander cabin. 

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Alright. I've got the Rockomax MSDM-16 Fuel Tank. This munar surface decent module is the same fuel volume of the X200-16 but only 75% as tall and can hold a 1.25 m engine nestled half-way inside the tank. It also is lighter than the X200-16. I'll staring work on the MSAM-X8 Fuel Tank (the ascent stage ) that will sit on top. I'm still toying with the idea of a 3 kerbal munar capsule. I'll push out v0.4 when the MSAM is done and Jool DIRECT has an Altair.


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1 minute ago, Daelkyr said:

Alright. I've got the Rockomax MSDM-16 Fuel Tank. This munar surface decent module is the same fuel volume of the X200-16 but only 75% as tall and can hold a 1.25 m engine nestled half-way inside the tank. It also is lighter than the X200-16. I'll staring work on the MSAM-X8 Fuel Tank (the ascent stage ) that will sit on top. I'm still toying with the idea of a 3 kerbal munar capsule. I'll push out v0.4 when the MSAM is done and Jool DIRECT has an Altair.


I'd say make it 4 crewed. Ideal crew ferry to bases. :D


Amazing work!!!!

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Okay. Version 0.4 is up. I still can't seem to ever get to that thrust plate... :mad:

This one had a few balance passes. Tweaks to the payload fairings and payload base. Added .craft files for the boosters. But the real winner is my new Altair fuel tank parts. They are designed to nestle on top of each other for munar landings.

Lander Parts

  • Rockomax MSAM-4 Fuel Tank (.5 m Altair Ascent stage w/ monopropellent)
  • Rockomax MSDM-16 Fuel Tank (1.5 m Altair Descent stage w/ electric charge and built-in decoupler)

v0.4 is available on Spacedock. I'd love to know what people think of them.


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Sigh... Adding Monopropellant to the MSAM-4 was a last minute addition. And now I feel like I need to add little white monopropellant tanks to the part.

Plans for the next update are to include life support mod .cfg's for the MSDM-16 part and possibly KIS support and a monoprop fuel cell as well. I want that lander to be a nice go-to for landing on Mun and Minmus.

Of course, that doesn't even begin to address the next learning curve: modding for KSP 1.1.

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On 4/11/2016 at 7:19 AM, StarStreak2109 said:

Will you be adding an upper stage as in the picture shown on the first page eventually?

Are you referring to an upper stage for the Jool rocket or the lander?

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Ah I see, I was look at the render and was looking for that conical piece basically. Thanks, now I know what to look for! :)

It's modders like you who make KSP what it is today. The base game is awesome, but it really starts to shine with loads of mods loaded into it. :)

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@StarStreak2109 now that you've gotme thinking about that thrust plate...

I want to clean up the top and bottom sso it looks like a single fuel input on top and several smaller fuel outputs on bottom.

But what if there was an optional conical "shroud" that enveloped the bass of the engine cluster so it could look like the DIRECT images. Totally optional so you could still use the plate as is?

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Well... that video definitely was fun to watch. And it had a lot of good feedback in it. Looks like I need to fold all of my parts into a custom agency for ease of use, fix or remove the decoupler from the Jool III engine mount (and add fuel), and give the Orange Tank Cap areodynamics. I'm still working on adding MechJeb support to the lander upper stage and KIS support to the lander lower stage.

Edited by Daelkyr
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