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Do you have any pranks for April Fools?


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Well, I removed my family's couch cushions and hid them somewhere, I coated a doorknob in Vaseline (I was told whoever grabbed it would just slip around and not be able to open the door), and I was planning on replacing or mixing our orange juice with egg yolk, but I'm not certain about whether that would be safe.


As you can see, I have also changed my profile photo to a picture of The Man, The Legend, Elijah Wood the Great! 

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2 minutes ago, Spaceception said:

What happened?

The expressions on my co-workers was very amusing.


So far nobody expects me....I may have to keep it that way. Boss is not amused.


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IRL pranks can have consequences. April fools day is far more fun to watch on the internet. I definitely haven't done any pranks today.

Unless you count the non-joke I pulled on my Doctor Who club, where I claimed I'd dress up as Jar Jar, but didn't, 100% fooling everyone...
And the prank I pulled on myself, where I missed the bus, tried an alternate route which according to my app would've taken longer than just waiting for the next bus on my regular route... only to find a connection that got me there about the same time as the original anyway? Maybe the app pulled that one on me...

Edited by Tw1
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1 hour ago, GDJ said:

The expressions on my co-workers was very amusing.


So far nobody expects me....I may have to keep it that way. Boss is not amused.

Oh, so it was you!  I'll see you in my office.  I am not amused.

Sorry.  I had to.

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Well, I have to treat a particular 4-year old like a king today (wait…how is that different from the days that aren't his birthday?). We're still dealing with the aftermath* of that particular prank.

*well, strictly speaking I hope I'm "dealing with the aftermath" for a long, long time, but that doesn't mean I won't jokeabout it.

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I replaced the sugar with salt and my family was upset :D 

20 minutes ago, pincushionman said:

Well, I have to treat a particular 4-year old like a king today (wait…how is that different from the days that aren't his birthday?). We're still dealing with the aftermath* of that particular prank.

*well, strictly speaking I hope I'm "dealing with the aftermath" for a long, long time, but that doesn't mean I won't jokeabout it.

Wow i feel sorry for you.  I have to accept all the pranks my sister pulls on me and not scream when she pours a bucket of excessively cold water on my head when I'm sleeping.

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I have seen the great and worthy successor to @Green Iron Crown himself, the loading screen nyan cat! 

But no real pranks this year.  Last year I stuffed a pant leg full of newspapers, and attached a shoe.  Then I set it up inside a cabinet so it looked like my leg had been cut of by the door.  That is, the pant leg and shoe were on the outside.

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8 hours ago, GDJ said:

The expressions on my co-workers was very amusing.


So far nobody expects me....I may have to keep it that way. Boss is not amused.


You might say they were....



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