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[1.1] Spacetackle's K.I.E Fighter mod 1.1k


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Spacetackle's K.I.E Fighter mod. 1.1k

  • Support for official 1.1 Release.
  • Support for RasterPropMonitor 0.25
  • Support for Module Manager 2.6.22






Back on spacedock with even more features!

  • 9 modular parts including two varieties of K.I.E fighter panels and two engines types.     Mix and match any combination (fully compatible with stock)
  • IVA - Fly the K.I.E Fighter and take over the galaxy in First person! (optional raster prop monitor  & Asset props  support coming in future update)
  • Custom engine scream
  • View your kebals inside the K.I.E cockpit from outside!
  • Cockpit emissive lights

** Test - RasterPropMonitor & ModuleManager support. (This is NOT for an official release of these mods and is intended to help test for 1.1)







  • open the stKIEFighter1_1k ZIP file and copy the contents inside your GameData folder.


  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License


  • Should be compatible with most mods. 


- Some symmetry issues in VAB/SPH



Support for official release of KSP 1.1

Support for 1.1 Compatible versions of RasterPropMonitor 0.25 and ModuleManager 2.6.22


- minor fix: - adjusted pilot seat position.


  • Improved flight in atmosphere
  • added support for ( 1.1 pre-release RasterPropMonitor and ModuleManger TEST builds)
  • Improved view from cockpit
  • Added new collision meshes
  • other small tweaks


  • fixed EVA hatch error.




Edited by spacetackle
update to 1.1K
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Let me be the first to say, congrats!

A few things (and keep in mind I haven't had a chance to unpack the rich goodness you've so graciously provided yet):

- License? Space dock mentions Creative Commons something something, but I think you need it listed on the forum page.

- How does this play with FAR?

- Other possible screenshot suggestions (or at least things I think other people would be interested in): modularity, since you mentioned parts, show the parts, or show it broken up, to give a general idea. Are we talking just the wings come off or...?

- Any functional differences between the Interceptor and the Fighter?

- Tech tree placement? Career compatible?

Just some random questions. I should probably crack open the configs, but...it's going on 6am and this kerbonaut should probably be call it quits.

Congrats again!


Maybe throw some placeholder IVAs in there for the time being (not sure if you have already)? There is always the favorite mk1pod or mk1landercaninternals :sticktongue:

Edited by Deimos Rast
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Thanks for all your suggestions Demios Rast! I will take them all on board and address them :)

* The license is: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License * for this version, and the license is included in the ZIP.

I will find a license that makes abit more sense for the next update. but basically it is just this so I can "ensure" that everyone gets the right updates and there are not 10,000 altered copies published. (any suggestions about this I'm open :)

* I am not sure how it works with FAR, the only mod I have time to try out was Scatterer, and that does cause a graphical glitch - so I will investigate. ( love to hear feedback about which mods do and don't work. I imagine far will be touch and go, as this tie fighter was made to handle like the movies, it might explode in FAR lol :)

* I have taken a few more random configuration shots and posted them in the imagur albulm I will embed above. 

* It is fully tech tree integrated (towards the later end) - It is not career compatible though I would love to support that one day... just as soon as I learn how.

* The mod has placeholder IVA :) so that EVA and portrait fucntions.

I will add all this info above.


Thanks for your support! hope you enjoy it, and I always welcome suggestions! 



EDIT:  * there is no difference between the interceptor and tie solar panels, The only difference is that they handle differently in atmosphere. :)  and the interceptor looks BAD ASS :)

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Woah, you could conceivably make a KIE BOMBER, if I remember what those look like (long in the middle between the wings horizontally, offset cockpit).

If you're open to more feedback, I took a peak at the configs and the game files (I haven't played with this in game, since I'm still on 1.0.5).

- It looks pretty modular as it stands; as far as career compatible, I didn't pay attention to how well it "flows" (i.e. unlock progression), but yeah, everything has proper integration it seems. (Could also look at the Community Tech Tree if you want to expand on your tech tree node options by the way, then just make a compatibility patch for it.)

- Your solar panels...are technically generators:sticktongue:. Any particular reason? (I could see it being maybe necessary for gameplay reasons, not facing sun all the time, hard to get consistent lighting, etc). If you want them to be solar panels, well that gets a little more complicated. I don't know what it looks like in Unity (you probably need to have something defined as "suncatcher"), but the snippet looks like this (apologies if  you know all this already):



		name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
		sunTracking = false
		raycastTransformName = suncatcher
		pivotName = suncatcher
		isBreakable = false
		resourceName = ElectricCharge
		chargeRate = 1.05






- File format: This one is something I know almost nothing about, so take it for what it's worth, but your texture files as quite large (on the order of a couple megabytes in some cases). I'm not suggesting downgrading texture quality or anything drastic, but I think your file format, TGA, isn't the preferred method. Most seem to lean toward DDS, from what I can tell. I can't tell you more beyond that it seems to makes the file size smaller; there is probably a bunch of stuff around the forum about it. Like I said, I've never so much as opened Unity (and I opened Blender maybe once or twice), so my knowledge of these things is close to non-existent, so take with salt and get a second opinion maybe:).

- Is this 1.0.5 compatible by the way? Obviously it's not your responsibility to ensure that it is anymore. Looking at the configs, the only thing that jumped out at me was the "tags" section - commenting that out might be enough. I'll try and give it a whirl.




old link talking about TGA's, doesn't mention dds though from my brief read

Edited by Deimos Rast
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Hey thanks for the advice. I may have a look at the texture size for the next update. 


The solar pannels are generators so that people can still fly them in the dark.

The ion engine uses a lot of power. And two pannels are required to operate 1 engine. ( May be tweaked more in future.)

I wanted players to be able to experience a tie fighter, without having to worry if they are in the sun.

I imagine the tech would be much more exotic than our panels in real life :)

Career integration will come after i finish the internals - with raster prop support. And add tie engine sounds :)

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DDS is what KSP uses internally.  All of stock is now using DDS, and most mods as well.  The only things that don't need to need/work with DDS are icons for toolbars (and I'm not sure about that).

Even though KSP 1.1 is 64 bit, doesn't mean you should be wasteful of memory. 

Don't get me wrong, the mod is great, converting to DDS would just be friendlier to everyone else.

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For that, you'd be better off including a KSP-AVC .version file. A lot of users are going to grab a new version and just extract it into GameData without bothering to see that the folder name has changed, and then they'll have two competing versions.

Also, I think if anyone wants to reference your parts using ModuleManager, every upgrade you make will break their scripts. (Say if they want to add some BDArmory hooks in to use these fantastic models for that.)

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Ahh of course that all makes perfect sense! Thanks for letting me know. I will remove the version number from the folder/cfgs in the next update, and leave it that way from then on. Hopefully it wont be to bothersome to change it one more time.  





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16 minutes ago, spacetackle said:

Ahh of course that all makes perfect sense! Thanks for letting me know. I will remove the version number from the folder/cfgs in the next update, and leave it that way from then on. Hopefully it wont be to bothersome to change it one more time. 

Yeah, no prob. I'll throw a watch on this thread so I get a notification when you update.

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This looks amazing! Great work :)! Unfortunately I can't touch ksp until finals are done with :(. Just curious though, how are they to fly in the atmosphere? I remember trying a much older mod, which tried to replicate these fighters, and they flew like bricks lol. 

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Thanks @Moarmau5! :)

They fly pretty great, though they do tend to catch the wind between 250m/s - 300m/s in the lower atmosphere, which will cause them to want to turn.  so you can't rely soley on SAS when low. you need to do some hands on flying. (at that speed range at least).  FIXED

 I think I know the mod you mean, and these engines are a lot more powerful.  Also here is a sneak peak at the RasterPropMonitor support I just finished. (will be in next release)



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Yeah, I can't remember the name of the mod to save my life lol. Those IVA's look awesome! 

Also, I know you're focused on these models and I'm not trying to sound like that "I want new stuff now" player, but just from a curiosity point of view. Have you ever thought about maybe doing an X-wing or Y-wing (can't think of a clever way to sneak a k in there :blush:) in the future?

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Actually I do have an x-wing on the way :) just finished sketching out the basics.

Also - Your question before about flight performance of the K.I.E Fighter prompted me to have another look at it.... as a result, she flies like a dream now. You can fly in a straight line on SAS and leave it no worries now. Just like a plane. 



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