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[ASC-III] Air Superiority Challenge - King of the Hill (BDArmory 4v4 AI Duels: WW1 Theme) - Now Concluded!

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6 minutes ago, drtricky said:

...or it can limit fuel so much that the plane has a serious risk of losing due to fuel starvation. My laser-equipped LY-41 Taurus, set to only target missiles, actually managed to win a 1v1 against Stealth Weasel because of that :D.

@inigma Question: let's say that a fighter runs out of fuel, but in the process, manages to down the enemy. Does that count as a win, loss or draw?

Draw. Unless the out of fuel plane can be flown by the host (me) to a landing on any kind on the island.

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@inigma I have actual screenshots of the end of a dogfight with the Taurus duo where FAB-41 made a "powered landing" into the water and promptly became a boat. RED and BLUE downed LY-41, but could not destroy FAB with guns. So they kept taking gun runs, and ran out of fuel. Both then landed, with one in the water taking slight damage, COMPLETELY under AI control.

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8 minutes ago, JollyGreenGI said:


^ Pertinent images of AI landings and 'landings'

@ScriptKitt3h I know I've flown the FX7 around, but that was when it was first submitted. It probably been modified since then, is the link updated?

Should be, I think I only submitted one revised version, and that was with a structural issue fix and some tweaks to AI and so on. It should be linked on the OP; if not let me know and I'll send it your way.

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I have it then. I gotta say, I really love the custom airbrake cockpit, I would've never thought to do anything like that. Uh, fuel weight may be a bit heavy, but I didn't really notice it affecting dodging ability unless a full 12 AMRAAMs were incoming. I did notice that sometimes it self-destructed when firing missiles however. Not sure what that is.

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27 minutes ago, JollyGreenGI said:

I did notice that sometimes it self-destructed when firing missiles however. Not sure what that is.

Likely the AI piloting the aircraft into a launched missile.

Truth be told, I'd personally count what you posted as a victory for you. I'm still extremely confused about how my plane managed to "land" so gently in the water, and how your planes had no idea how to hit a target moving less than 15 m/s. Also, did my plane still have fuel after your planes ran out? If so, that does technically means my plane won because it is still a functional boat :D.

Edited by drtricky
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36 minutes ago, JollyGreenGI said:

I have it then. I gotta say, I really love the custom airbrake cockpit, I would've never thought to do anything like that. Uh, fuel weight may be a bit heavy, but I didn't really notice it affecting dodging ability unless a full 12 AMRAAMs were incoming. I did notice that sometimes it self-destructed when firing missiles however. Not sure what that is.

Probably either overheating bugs (more so of a general KSP issue that pops up from time to time) or the occasional AI slip-up (sometimes it'll flip while launching and hit an armed, lit missile- I've seen my own jets and other's jets do this).

And yeah, glad you like the cockpit. I got inspired in terms of cockpit design by one of @Yakuzi's SSTOs, the Bushido. That and some of Vaos' videos.

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29 minutes ago, JollyGreenGI said:

@ScriptKitt3h After trial and error, it seem to happen when they get the lock-on warning and take evasive action. The odds of hitting launched missiles is higher when more are launched, obviously.

Yeah, definitely. However, one tactic that always seems to work is mobbing highly maneuverable fighters like the Stealth Weasel with so many locked-on missiles that it's nearly impossible to completely dodge them ALL with both planes- at least one always dies to a missile hit (or two- sometimes a hit won't cancel out locked-on missiles, leading the remnants of a ruined plane to get obliterated by follow-up shots that were actually launched seconds after the killshot was).

What's kinda funny is I've started refurbishing (engine swaps, tweaks, making custom cockpit variants, etc.) some stock jet designs from 1.0.4 out of boredom, and a few are more agile than I ever expected! I've got plenty of super-agile backups for the Gemini if they fail, it seems.

This one was an old design that with a few tweaks behaves a lot like a better, more agile F-35A-style light fighter.

Another old and very promising design I dug up that is supermanueverable- sort of a mix of characteristics of the T-50 and F-22A, though what's funny is that with an engine modernization it easily breaks mach with a hearty fuel load... time to dial it back and see how fast I can get it pulling Gs. :P

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I've noticed a possible bug with Camera Tools BD AI target mode, in that when I enable it, or change camera to another fighter, it tends to disable guns on all AI craft controlled by BDA, until I either toggle the GUI via F2 or hit the BDArmory GUI button on the toolbar on. Some more bug testing this will require, for sure. Anyone else able to replicate this?

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1 minute ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

Yeah, definitely. However, one tactic that always seems to work is mobbing highly maneuverable fighters like the Stealth Weasel with so many locked-on missiles that it's nearly impossible to completely dodge them ALL with both planes- at least one always dies to a missile hit (or two- sometimes a hit won't cancel out locked-on missiles, leading the remnants of a ruined plane to get obliterated by follow-up shots that were actually launched seconds after the killshot was).

Funny you should say that. I don't wanna toot my own horn or anything, but while I was testing against 2v2 Geminis, neither RED or BLUE element suffered any casualties to the 12 AMRAAMs that are initially fired. If one goes down, it's always BLUE, to a single missile.

Really digging that F-22, the previous counterpart to Matador RED was actually supposed to be this:

I mothballed it because the part count was a little unsavory. Depending on 1.1 BDA, I might dust it off :D

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Let's just say I had to run this match about 9 times, most of them buggy. Sometimes I forgot to enable ECM, other times I didn't but weird stuff would happen like plane collisions, and my fav, teleporting Aim 120s right into the heart of your enemy. In the um... third round I had to take over and make the match start manually myself. Argh.  @BahamutoD feel free to watch the fun.

But the results in this match are the same no matter how I ran it overall. So, I give you the best match of them all in terms of hilarity, with near equal results in the matchup.


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Oh, I'm up almost next.... :blush:

...could you change both my aircraft's minimum altitude to 400 before launching my match? And remember to show the CoL and CoM when loading up my planes in SPH.

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1 minute ago, drtricky said:

Oh, I'm up almost next.... :blush:

...could you change both my aircraft's minimum altitude to 400 before launching my match? And remember to show the CoL and CoM when loading up my planes in SPH.

update your craft file. I will download it before I set you up.

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13 minutes ago, inigma said:

The first real challenge to the Stealth Weasel's reign...

game bugged in the climax of the third round. Maybe because I needed to do the Mortal Kombat theme. heh. Stay tuned.


wow, the weasels got destroyed in that first round.


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6 hours ago, inigma said:

Let's just say I had to run this match about 9 times, most of them buggy. Sometimes I forgot to enable ECM, other times I didn't but weird stuff would happen like plane collisions, and my fav, teleporting Aim 120s right into the heart of your enemy. In the um... third round I had to take over and make the match start manually myself. Argh.  @BahamutoD feel free to watch the fun.

But the results in this match are the same no matter how I ran it overall. So, I give you the best match of them all in terms of hilarity, with near equal results in the matchup.


Welp, the cockpit tech behaved as intended. Shame the bugginess of the match seems to have ruined any nice attempts at a real head-to-head engagement. :P

Good thing I've got replacement designs- they're in the process of being armed and tested ASAP.

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