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Where did your username come from?


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Back in 1993, I got my first Mac. Went online for the first time... Went offline when we saw what it cost back then... :rolleyes:

Anyway, I had a stack of floppy discs, and each had different things. I used to label mine Rich Write, Rich Stuff, Rich Pics, Rich Files... Well, I was a big X-Files fan from the start of the series, and I sorta kinda sketched an "R" on a folder, similar to the "X" from X-Files is done... In 1996, I learned HTML in high school, and set up a rudimentary webpage... and this was the logo I created, in MacPaint.


Site best viewed at glorious 640x480 back then! :D:sticktongue:

At some point, likely the first time I used it as a username, I truncated it by removing the space and set it all to lowercase. The name has stuck ever since!

As for the profile image, it started out as a Luna shrugpony meme and later was changed into her grown form, holding a bitten apple. I later removed the technicolor horse, kept the starry hair pattern (cause it does look pretty neato :valawe: ) and transplanted a conectome of the virtual neural network simulation Periplaneta Computatrix. The simulation was created by Randall D Beer back in the 1980s and ran a simulated a 78 neuron 156 connection neural network loosely inspired by the cockroach Periplaneta Americana on an Atari ST. It had it's own simple simulated world with virtual food and stuff. I discovered it in a Magazine, around 1991, back when I also discovered Rodney Brooks MIT leg lab robots, such as Genghis, Attila, and Hannibal. It's where my interest in robots and neural networks began. It actually predates the name richfiles by at least 2 years, and felt fitting to incorporate.

Edited by richfiles
necroed thread drew my attention, decided to update my 8 year old post. LOL
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On 03/06/2016 at 4:16 PM, richfiles said:

...I was a big X-Files fan from the start of the series... In 1996, I learned HTML in high school, and set up a rudimentary webpage... 

So, we were brothers-in-arms? :D (I take it it was an X-Files webpage)

Edited by monstah
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1 hour ago, monstah said:

So, we were brothers-in-arms? :D (I take it it was an X-Files webpage)

Nope, it started life as a TI-82/85 overclocking page. That slowly grew, adding info on building a variety of add ons (serial port flash memory, speakers, light controller). I also came up with a process for adding a small 10 pin expansion port that allowed a more "cartridge" like experience with those accessories (rather than using the link cable to attach the calculator to an external box). Also showed how to add backlighting.

I had addend a page for my models and art projects. It said coming soon... It finally appeared last month... It's been there since 1997. :sticktongue:
I often compare my models page going from "coming soon" to "being there" to that one video game that came out in far less time...
You know the one, Duke Nukem Forever. :D

After the first two years, I added robotics to the page (as the primary focus). Hosting started at GeoCities, and moved over to Xoom, then to ticalc.org, and calc.org, and eventually, to it's long term home, http://richfiles.solarbotics.net.

I never once had a page dedicated to X-Files on the site! :rolleyes:

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Mine is a combination of two things.

1) My Name - I am Zach. I make stuff. I have a website at zachashton.me.uk

2) IsCheese - I asked a friend for a funny username and there was a joke going on between me and her (inside joke) and she suggested ZachIsCheese.

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  • 8 years later...
On 7/27/2016 at 4:25 PM, NSEP said:

My username means National Space Exploration Program. I wish my username was more creative.

I am very annoyed by this. That is a very similar acronym to my main KSP save. (National Scientific Exploration Program). Humbug!

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The KSP glitch where parachutes undergoing exceptional stress (usually under 4x warp) will jettison off their craft at sub to faster than light speeds. Therefore, FTLparachute.

It was going to be thermalparachute or heatshieldparachute (cant remember) originally but someone had beaten me to it (dunno why, in retrospect it's pretty clunky tbh, glad i went with this one).

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