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[1.9.x] Mouse Aim Flight (1.1.3) - Pilot airplanes with your mouse!


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To everybody, if you can make a video of MAF or share the crafts you are using it with that would be super great to help me improve it, I use it in a certain way but I cannot expect everyone to do that too, so I need your help to make it the best for everyone.

Also, @BahamutoD suggested that I change control surfaces actuation on the fly, that will delay the next release a bit unless some serious issue show up, but it should be the most convenient way to improve stock behavior.

So, confirmed for the next update are: key saving fix from ferram, better target icons, improved stock behavior and at least one new flight mode, even if experimental. No ETA.


@funkcanna I see you have both Advanced fly by wire and mechjeb installed, remove them and see if the problem persists.

This is probably an incompatibility with AFBW as it uses the same hotkey, I have had reports that MAF works well with MechJeb.

Also, release not equal pre release, make sure the mod is meant for 1.1 release.

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  On 4/26/2016 at 4:39 AM, tetryds said:


This is probably an incompatibility with AFBW as it uses the same hotkey, I have had reports that MAF works well with MechJeb.



This makes sense, I actually installed both mods together - thanks for your help, ill try removing AFBW later and see what happens 

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@tetryds - FIXED - Removing AFBW resolved the issue.  What a superb mod, thanks!

Maybe one suggestion, possible a mode toggle - to have it so if I move the mouse, say a small amount left, the cursor stays that distance away from the target, so that the plane continues in a constant bank, rather than me keep having to move the mouse further left once the target catches up.

But even if no changes, I love this mod!

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  On 4/26/2016 at 4:39 AM, tetryds said:

so, confirmed for the next update are: key saving fix from ferram, better target icons, improved stock behavior and at least one new flight mode, even if experimental. No ETA.


I forgot to mention, the icon choice is not being saved either (just like key saving). Not sure if it's the same fix for both, so, just letting you know. :)
Can't wait for the next release! Thank you for the effort!

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So for the past few days I have been using this mod for my attempts at Scott Manley's Air Race and I have been loving it the mod to death but the mod's refusal to apply negative Gs is killing me over and over on the vertical slalom portion, specifically gates 13-14. I understand the reasons for avoiding applying negative Gs to the aircraft from both a IRL and a in game perspective but this inability to make the mouse cause negative pitch is killing my runs and many of my kerbals so some sort of fix other than having to try and hammer the W key would be greatly appreciated.


p.s. I have also been noticing my jets like to nose into the ground during the horizontal slalom more than then I'm flying on keyboard. Not sure if this is due to the mod over utilizing the amount of roll control I am giving it or a bug but some feedback would be appreciated by my dead kerbals.

Edited by Lonogan1
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  On 4/26/2016 at 4:39 AM, tetryds said:

suggested that I change control surfaces actuation on the fly, that will delay the next release a bit


stock ModuleControlSurface has new fields in 1.1:
    bool useExponentialSpeed - set to get what you want
    float actuatorSpeedNormScale (default 25) - it's relation to actuatorSpeed will let you tune response speed, without affecting non-exponential behaviour, governed by actuatorSpeed.

I would like to ask you to use FindPartModulesImplementing, since AA uses custom, corrected and synchronised csurface module for stock aero, wich is derived class from stock module. I from my side make it respecting that bool flag and speed.

Edited by Boris-Barboris
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I see that a lot of people are wanting it to pull more negative gs or use the rudder more, some mode may end up piloting it as you want, but the deal is that you may be used to piloting on stock ksp, where slamming the rudder is not a problem and kerbals don't really care about g-forces, but that is not how it should be piloted.

SSTO mode will limit rolling a lot, and will make nosing down easier, so it may help in some cases for people wanting that but it won't have as much maneuvering performance.

I am not sure if I will implement a high performance mode that is pitch down happy, maybe for supermaneuverable fighters, we will see.

@Lonogan1 you can use Q and E to force the airplane to roll without changing the reference, and do a nice barrel roll on those gates.

About your crashes, I cannot do anything if you don't provide at least a craft, a video would also help a lot.

@Boris-Barboris yes that is what baha suggested, I applied it with an MM patch for testing and it works wolderfully already, I will only have to implement it via code now.

Now about how to make both our mods compatible, I am not really sure, didn't look into that, and wonder why would someone want both but we may have to figure out a way on the future.

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I copied the entire "mouse aim flight- master" folder into gamedata. I go into the game and I press P to activate it, and it makes my cursor disappear but no other UI pops up and I can't steer. I don't use FAR, could that be the problem?

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  On 4/26/2016 at 12:19 PM, tetryds said:

Now about how to make both our mods compatible, I am not really sure, didn't look into that, and wonder why would someone want both but we may have to figure out a way on the future.


If you will stay with stock interfaces, there effort needed will be minimal: I already committed the fix. About simultaneous work - of course it's useless, don't bother thinking.

Edited by Boris-Barboris
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  On 4/26/2016 at 12:42 PM, Combatsmithen said:

I copied the entire "mouse aim flight- master" folder into gamedata. I go into the game and I press P to activate it, and it makes my cursor disappear but no other UI pops up and I can't steer. I don't use FAR, could that be the problem?


You only need the content of the "GameData" folder inside the "mouse aim flight-master" archive/folder!

If you are not interested in the code of a mod, don't download the whole github repository. Download from Curse Forge instead.

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  On 4/26/2016 at 1:57 PM, Aerospike said:

You only need the content of the "GameData" folder inside the "mouse aim flight-master" archive/folder!

If you are not interested in the code of a mod, don't download the whole github repository. Download from Curse Forge instead.


Ok thanks!

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  On 4/26/2016 at 3:12 PM, EpicCybertronian said:

Amazing mod, m8! :D Would it be possible to add a toggle option for the camera to follow the crosshair, similar to War Thunder?


I second this! The camera following the mouse in war thunder is one of the things that I have been missing using this mod so if this could be done it would be great. Also would it be possible to add some sort of freecam button like war thunder, or at least an option to make the camera snap back to the mouse after looking around?

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Ok I'm having another problem, i just put the folder that was in the gamedata folder into the gamedata folder in the KSP directory, the UI shows up when i press P and i can move the circle around with the crosshair type thing in front of my plane, yet my plane will not steer wherever i move my cursor. Ive tried using chase cam but that doesn't fix it


Edited by Combatsmithen
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  On 4/26/2016 at 3:12 PM, EpicCybertronian said:

Amazing mod, m8! :D Would it be possible to add a toggle option for the camera to follow the crosshair, similar to War Thunder?


I know it's not exactly the same thing, but this might be close enough: Have you tried Improved Chase Camera on Free View mode? (check the second video at OP) :)

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A custom camera that follows the cursor is a planned feature, but for now we can get away with ImprovedChaseCam.

Protip: go on the ImprovedChaseCam config and turn on the option to reset the camera when you stop moving it, this makes the right click to behave like freecam on warthunder. You may have to adjust the pitch angle on the cfg to suit your needs.

@Tricky14 I am not going to support CKAN, and am still thinking if I will allow anyone to maintain it there, but that is very unlikely.

@Combatsmithen lol.

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  On 4/25/2016 at 1:54 PM, Barklight said:

As a gamer with *cough* 940 hours played on War Thunder...  I THANK YOU FOR THIS FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY ICY BLACK HEART.



*** All because I find my Warthog HOTAS a pain in the butt to configure for KSP***


same here, all games should have war thunder's amazing mouse control.

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  On 4/26/2016 at 8:02 PM, tetryds said:

A custom camera that follows the cursor is a planned feature, but for now we can get away with ImprovedChaseCam.

Protip: go on the ImprovedChaseCam config and turn on the option to reset the camera when you stop moving it, this makes the right click to behave like freecam on warthunder. You may have to adjust the pitch angle on the cfg to suit your needs.

@Tricky14 I am not going to support CKAN, and am still thinking if I will allow anyone to maintain it there, but that is very unlikely.

@Combatsmithen lol.


May I ask why? I'm not going to convince you otherwise, but I'm wondering if there's something I should know about CKAN that I currently unaware of.

I'm also with the War Thunder crowd, by the way. I will get this mod whether or not it's on CKAN, it's just too vital.

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@Tricky14 Because I am not going to put time on maintaining it on CKAN, it's imcompatible with Atmosphe Autopilot and I want to have full control on where people are getting it from.

I don't really care much about how many people have download it, all I want is to make MAF work the best way I possibly can.

Users that get the mod through the forums are much more likely to give more useful feedback and report issues if they find any, and I don't get any problem that could possibly come from its interactions with CKAN.

@jedensuscg That is awesome, your video was much more helpful than you imagine, with it I have realized a few things that I can improve on the normal flight behavior :)

Wish more people could do the same and make videos or send crafts they use MAF with.

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I have a suggestion, if you need it. Currently, if you move cursor down, craft decides to either pitch down without rolling or roll and pitch upside-down depending on how far you move the cursor. It may be more convenient to have a sector tied to current craft orientation, say, 90o arc at the bottom of the craft, where it would always pitch down instead of trying to roll.

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