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Mother Development Thread

Bonus Eventus

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On 10/26/2016 at 8:27 PM, Bonus Eventus said:

That's an interesting thought. I was intending on making the radiation shelter, a separate part ( a zero G crew cabin). The idea being, like in the video, smallest surface area to shield, ie less water needed. Crew would transfer out into the radiation shelter, until the storm passes. 


On 10/25/2016 at 5:19 PM, ShotgunNinja said:

@raptor_xxl Everything here is an approximation. The active shield is more of a curiosity: it was very easy to hack it together on top of the emitter system as a negative emitter, and I had a part to reuse for it. And there is a shielding material, called not surprisingly 'Shielding', that you can add to manned parts. I assume it to be lead in fact.

In Kerbalism the shielding was assumed by ShotgunNinja to be lead, that's probably why it's so heavy. So it can't be exchanged with water. Maybe ShotgunNinja will change his idea to use 2 shielding materials - water for cosmic radiation and lead for nuclear reactors radiation

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4 hours ago, raptor_xxl said:


In Kerbalism the shielding was assumed by ShotgunNinja to be lead, that's probably why it's so heavy. So it can't be exchanged with water. Maybe ShotgunNinja will change his idea to use 2 shielding materials - water for cosmic radiation and lead for nuclear reactors radiation


fortunately shielding is treated as a resource definition by Kerbalism, so technically I can still just convert water to shielding using a resource converter, regardless of it being thought of as lead or not :)

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I'm working on ModuleCentrifuge again today and everything is progressing well.

currently this is how the PartModule behaves:


  • preview deploy/retract animation with gui "Deploy" button
  • preview rotation animation with gui "Start" button
  • edit rotations per minute (updates the animation in realtime)
  • resources used for the part are displayed in GetInfo() popup as you would expect
  • crew capacity is 0 (part has to be deployed before crew capacity updates and IVA is added)


  • gui display of deployment state ("Retracted" or "Deployed")
  • gui display of centrifuge state("Idle", "Starting", "Rotating", "Stopping", "Not enough [insert resource]")
  • gui display of revolutions per minute
  • gui display of Gs
  • gui "Deploy" button 
    • deploy animation plays once (can't be retracted)
    • gui deployment display updates to "Deployed"
    • gui "Start" button replaces "Deploy" button
      • crew capacity updates to amount specified in CFG
      • crew transfer is allowed
      • IVA is spawned
      • IVA syncs rotation with external model
      • rotation procedural animation begins using float curve to slowly ramp up speed
      • resources begin to be drawn at rate described in CFG
      • gui for centrifuge state is updated from "Idle" to "Starting", then "Rotating" once it completes a 360* turn
      • gui for Gs is updated
      • resource consumption rate increases with rotation speed (higher rpms increase consumption)
      • gui "Stop" button replaces "Start" button
        • procedural animation updates by reversing starting float curve and decelerates slowly to a stop
        • gui "Start" button replaces "Stop" button
        • gui for Gs is updated
        • resources stop being drawn
        • gui centrifuge status updates to "Stopping" then when fully stopped "Idle"
      • if resources can't be drawn and
        • stop animation is played
        • gui "Start" button is disabled
        • gui Gs is updated
        • gui centrifuge status updated to ("Not enough [insert resource]")
        • resources are constantly checked, if resources are back online
          • gui centrifuge status updated to ("Idle")
          • gui "Start" button is enabled


Animation is persistent. What this means is if the IVA and external model are rotating when the game is quit, it will continue
rotating when the game is next resumed from exactly the same angle of rotation as before. This is also true if the centrifuge
was just starting to spin or was begining to stop. 

I have a concept for a second version of the module that is made from two modules, ModuleCentrifugeSection and Module-
CentrifugeHub. These two PartModules allow for modular assembly of a centrifuge in space. These types of centrifuges won't
be deployable. Once a centrifuge section is docked to a hub in symmetrical pairs, the centrifuge hub will rotate all of
the centrifuge parts.

I designed ModuleCentrifuge to be a single use part, because I feel that matches the intended use,
IE, they're big and only useful in 0g or almost 0g environments. However, I'd like to get everyone's
opinion about that.


Edited by Bonus Eventus
Forgot to mention persistence
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this seems like a much more advanced version of deployableHabRestrictor used by Porkjet's HabitatPack. I take it when released, I could in theory convert over something that currently used deployableHabRestrictor to your module? The main importance is no crew when deflated, and bound to an animation, both of which sounds like your's has.

Regarding the two piece: sounds cool, but hardly necessary for initial release. Unless that is a decision that needs to be made now, my vote would be focus on other things. Assembling a mothership in space at a dockyards (or something) sounds really cool though, and I'd love to see it eventually.

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On 06/11/2016 at 7:43 AM, Bonus Eventus said:

I'm working on ModuleCentrifuge again today and everything is progressing well.


I have a concept for a second version of the module that is made from two modules, ModuleCentrifugeSection and ModuleCentrifugeHub. These two PartModules allow for modular assembly of a centrifuge in space. These types of centrifuges won't be deployable. Once a centrifuge section is docked to a hub in symmetrical pairs, the centrifuge hub will rotate all of the centrifuge parts.

I designed ModuleCentrifuge to be a single use part, because I feel that matches the intended use, IE, they're big and only useful in 0g or almost 0g environments. However, I'd like to get everyone's opinion about that.


I'm not sure what you mean by a 'single use' part.  Is that the same as the Porkjet styled centrifuge that can't be stopped once started?  If that's the case fair enough - but I think it is a matter of size.  A smaller one would be designed to stop and be stowed, it wouldn't have many 'things' like tables and such to store away, at a certain size stopping spin becomes unpractical so the ModuleCentrifuge should not stop.  ou are right.  They would only be used in a zero gee (or close enough) environment.  Anything else would have issues utilising the space practicably.

Does that answer the question?


P.S. I'm personally hanging out for the build-able Hub and Sections, and for the rotating IVAs.

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8 hours ago, theJesuit said:


I'm not sure what you mean by a 'single use' part.  Is that the same as the Porkjet styled centrifuge that can't be stopped once started?  If that's the case fair enough - but I think it is a matter of size.  A smaller one would be designed to stop and be stowed, it wouldn't have many 'things' like tables and such to store away, at a certain size stopping spin becomes unpractical so the ModuleCentrifuge should not stop.  ou are right.  They would only be used in a zero gee (or close enough) environment.  Anything else would have issues utilising the space practicably.

Does that answer the question?


P.S. I'm personally hanging out for the build-able Hub and Sections, and for the rotating IVAs.

By single use I mean it deploys once and can't be re-packed. BTW, the IVA does rotate. I wanted to avoid the IVA deploy animation 
in the inflatable version, because it animates the kerbals too, so when you stretch the centrifuge it stretches the kerbals, and moves
the camera. Also if I were to allow re-packing then I'd have to write code to handle the overlap of several state possibilities, as well
as deal with kerbals having to be transferred before the part can be packed. But hey, if that's what needs to be done then I'm all for it

Thx for the response.

9 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

this seems like a much more advanced version of deployableHabRestrictor used by Porkjet's HabitatPack. I take it when released, I could in theory convert over something that currently used deployableHabRestrictor to your module? The main importance is no crew when deflated, and bound to an animation, both of which sounds like your's has.

Regarding the two piece: sounds cool, but hardly necessary for initial release. Unless that is a decision that needs to be made now, my vote would be focus on other things. Assembling a mothership in space at a dockyards (or something) sounds really cool though, and I'd love to see it eventually.

I'll take your word for it, since I haven't looked through Porkjet's code. I have no idea if it would work with it, probably not. However, I'm
writing a separate module called, ModuleInflatablePart which might.

As far as version 2 of the centrifuge, I agree. This will be a very large part pack eventually, but I'm just trying to get the essential parts
finished for version 1. That said, the pre-release will likely have the centrifuge and some of the structural parts, but not much else. Not
sure how far I can get on the IVA for the centrifuge, since I'll be using RPM for the first time, unless there's someone out there who'd
like to give me a hand :D


One last thing is like to mention, I've given some thoughts to space docks. I designed some really big hangers, that I've shown
previously. I can't figure out how anyone would be able to launch one into orbit. I had thought that I could manufacture them with ELP,
but that would mean either launching a huge factory first or a much smaller one, both undesirable in my opinion. So, I've been
considering turning the hangar into a deployable part which can only be unpacked once. The hangar would be deployed in sections.
Each section has a docking port on one end which is only enabled once fully deployed. Only downside is that the parts would not be
surface attachable, meaning you can't attach parts to its surface (well, at least the walls). However, using mesh switching would still
offer some variety.

Edited by Bonus Eventus
cleaning up the type
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//ModuleCentrifuge example CFG

		name = ModuleCentrifuge
		pivot = extPivot //name of the game object to rotate
		deployClipName = extDeploy //name of the animation clip
		crewCapacity = 6 //how many kerbals can this part seat
		rpm = 4.5 //default value for revolutions per minute
		radius = 9 //radius of the centrifuge when deployed; useful for calculating G-Force
        //Embed Resource Modules to define what resources if any this part will consume
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.25
			name = LiquidFuel
			rate = 0.8


Edited by Bonus Eventus
Added example CFG file
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Looks amazing - can't wait to have a real go with it!  Really appreciate the option for the RPM too :)

With the ModuleCentrifuge, are you able to simply drop it on another part to allow that to rotate too, or will it require being baked into a part?


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13 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

Looks amazing - can't wait to have a real go with it!  Really appreciate the option for the RPM too :)

With the ModuleCentrifuge, are you able to simply drop it on another part to allow that to rotate too, or will it require being baked into a part?


You can use it like any stock module. It has more advanced options like setting layer animation or setting the tweakable bounds. 

The module works like moduleDeployablePart, in that you need to know the name of the game object you want to rotate. You would also need a model with a deploy animation, if you want it to deploy, as well as a IVA model that matches with the fully deployed state

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57 minutes ago, SpaceMouse said:

@Bonus Eventus Does the plugin require any specific animation setup? Like one full rotation in 360 frames?

So the rotation animation is completely procedural, you don't need to make any animations for rotation to work. It's the deploy animation that you would need to have available.

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2 hours ago, steedcrugeon said:

That's very impressive @Bonus Eventus the rotating IVA's are icing on the proverbial cake, oh the potential! Have you managed to make it so that you cannot toggle the deploy option whilst rotating? I'd be interested to see how you did.

Yes. You can acces gui events with a call to the base class. 

Base.Events["nameOfTheEvent"].active = false.

This will turn off a gui event button or  Tweakable. The state of the event was controlled by the deploy button. When it's pressed, it turns itself off and turns the rotation toggle event on.

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