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[1.8.1] Historian Expanded


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  On 5/20/2016 at 2:25 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

I also extended both TEXT_LIST and SITUATION_TEXT to have and EvaOnly option (values: true, false, either (default)) and special EVA situations of "RagDolled" and "Climbing".


Yay! :)

Edited by ZobrAA
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Version 1.2.4 released

  • Add new elements:
    • ACTION_TEXT: conditional message when abort, stage or action group pressed
    • TEXT_LIST: random or sequential list of messages to display based on situation
  • Added `EvaOnly` property toggle to `SITUATION_TEXT` and `TEXT_LIST`
  • Added `Clambering`, `OnLadder` and `RagDolled` situations to `SITUATION_TEXT` and `TEXT_LIST`.
  • Add settings window fields to customise Kerbal day and month names.
  • Add settings window slider for `Time to remember action`


See README for full details.

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  On 5/27/2016 at 2:06 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

Version 1.2.4 released


Cool! Thx! :)

I will test new function in a few days.

And now we need a bunch of situational phrases and quotes... my knowledge of english is limited for that I'm afraid. :rolleyes: 

Any help with cool or funny quotes, references and phrases about space, rockets and such definitely will be appreciated! :D

Edited by ZobrAA
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A couple of bugs crept into the last release that came to light when I began implementing the next feature so:

Version released

  • Add settings window option to Auto Hide UI when taking screen shot. (Caution do not use this with other mods that also auto-hide the UI)
  • Extend maximum configurable setting for Time to remember action to 10s following additional play testing.
  • Fix issue #5 - Action text persists longer than configured
  • Fix issue #6 - TEXT_LIST generating ArgumentOutOfRange exceptions just after lift-off


The auto hide UI is in response to @tg626's message earlier this month and original mod's planned features list (next up layout inheritance).

Edited by Aelfhe1m
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@Aelfhe1m May I ask for a feature? There are many situations when my vessel has a wrong name or flag and I end up retaking screenshots quite frequently. There's an option in the settings menu "Always active" which is very usefult for setup, but it's several clicks away. Would you please consider adding to the toolbar icon a rightclick action which would toggle that "Always active" option on and off. Out of all mods I noticed this rightclick action only in Action Groups Extended if you need the code.

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  On 6/4/2016 at 2:38 PM, Enceos said:

@Aelfhe1m May I ask for a feature? There are many situations when my vessel has a wrong name or flag and I end up retaking screenshots quite frequently. There's an option in the settings menu "Always active" which is very usefult for setup, but it's several clicks away. Would you please consider adding to the toolbar icon a rightclick action which would toggle that "Always active" option on and off. Out of all mods I noticed this rightclick action only in Action Groups Extended if you need the code.


The right click on the Blizzy Toolbar button (but not the app launcher button) is already wired up to toggle "Suppressed" on/off.

I've been thinking about adding some (configurable) hot-keys for that and the other top-level toggle-able actions (suppressed, always active and auto-hide UI) though. 

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  On 6/4/2016 at 6:51 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

The right click on the Blizzy Toolbar button (but not the app launcher button) is already wired up to toggle "Suppressed" on/off.

I've been thinking about adding some (configurable) hot-keys for that and the other top-level toggle-able actions (suppressed, always active and auto-hide UI) though. 


I see, yeah the Alt + (a configurable key) would be an awesome feature. I personally never had to suppress Historian, but use the "Always Active" every time before taking screenshots.

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  On 6/4/2016 at 9:17 PM, Enceos said:

I see, yeah the Alt + (a configurable key) would be an awesome feature. I personally never had to suppress Historian, but use the "Always Active" every time before taking screenshots.


Thinking about it I could also make the right click action configurable between the three main toggles (suppress, always vis. and hide UI).

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  On 6/4/2016 at 9:33 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

Thinking about it I could also make the right click action configurable between the three main toggles (suppress, always vis. and hide UI).


You know what, that would be the best thing out there. You will be the first modder to make such a setting.

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Release 1.2.5

  • add Name property to all elements
  • add new INHERIT element.
    • required LayoutName property to specify layout to inherit from (e.g. LayoutName = test.layout). NOTE: the layout file name is case sensitive
    • optional EXCLUDE block with list of named Element blocks from inherited layout to exclude from combined layout (Example).
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  • 1 month later...

What a great mod! I'm late to the party (as usual!) but I just wanted to say thank you for this awesome tool! :)

Until now I've been alt-tabbing to rename screenshots manually with game dates so that I could later pair them up against a manually written log of events... now with Historian Exp. I can actually focus on flying! Thanks! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Release: v.1.2.6

  • Recompiled for KSP 1.2.1
  • Updated toolbar wrapper Toolbar PR #39
  • Not tested with Kerbal Konstructs or KSCSwitcher

This build was a bit delayed as I was also playing around with optimising performance and garbage collection but those aren't ready yet so I decided to just push a minimal update in the meantime.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/11/2016 at 10:05 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

Release: v.1.2.6

  • Recompiled for KSP 1.2.1
  • Updated toolbar wrapper Toolbar PR #39
  • Not tested with Kerbal Konstructs or KSCSwitcher

This build was a bit delayed as I was also playing around with optimising performance and garbage collection but those aren't ready yet so I decided to just push a minimal update in the meantime.


still fine for use with 1.1.3?

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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/8/2017 at 6:44 AM, Synthesis said:

Is anyone else running into problems using this with the most recent version of KSP (though it should be 1.2.1)--I can open up the window, but there are no options to select or anything, just an empty rectangle. 


I just tried it out within the past couple of days and saw the same thing.

I exited out of KSP and restarted, and the options appeared.  I think it was missing the config file when I first ran it, which it created before the second run.

Try running KSP again and see if it works.  If not, check to see if you have a file called Historian.cfg in your KSP_install_directory\GameData\KSEA\Historian\Plugins\Plugindata directory.  If not, create the needed directory and file, and paste the following into it:

	Version = 1.1.2
	Layout = Default
	EnableLauncherButton = True
	EnableToolbarButton = True
	AutoHideUI = True
	CustomText = 
	PersistentCustomText = False
	PersistentConfigurationWindow = False
	DefaultSpaceCenterName = 
	TimeToRememberLastAction = 2000
	KerbinDayNames = Akant;Brant;Casant;Dovant;Esant;Flant
	KerbinMonthNames = Unnam;Dosnam;Trenam;Cuatnam;Cinqnam;Seinam;Sietnam;Ocnam;Nuevnam;Diznam;Oncnam;Docenam
	RightClickAction = Suppress




Yeah, I just tested it out.  Removing the Historian.cfg file caused the options window to revert to the blank you described.  The program had created a new version of it when I exited.

Edited by razark
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  On 1/8/2017 at 6:44 AM, Synthesis said:

Is anyone else running into problems using this with the most recent version of KSP (though it should be 1.2.1)--I can open up the window, but there are no options to select or anything, just an empty rectangle. 


Screenshot? Logs? It's working fine for me in 1.2.2 (which is partly why I haven't released a specific update)

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As I said just minutes ago, I recently tried this out. 

In a layout, I switched from "<Crew>" to "<Pilots> <Engineers> <Scientists> <Tourists>".  I noticed that this causes a "None" to be listed if there are no crew of the specified type aboard.  Is there any way to suppress this, so that it will remain blank if there is not a crewmember of a certain type aboard?  For example, instead of listing "Jeb None None None", it would simply list "Jeb"?

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  On 1/8/2017 at 6:53 AM, razark said:

I just tried it out within the past couple of days and saw the same thing.

I exited out of KSP and restarted, and the options appeared.  I think it was missing the config file when I first ran it, which it created before the second run.

Try running KSP again and see if it works.  If not, check to see if you have a file called Historian.cfg in your KSP_install_directory\GameData\KSEA\Historian\Plugins\Plugindata directory.  If not, create the needed directory and file, and paste the following into it:

	Version = 1.1.2
	Layout = Default
	EnableLauncherButton = True
	EnableToolbarButton = True
	AutoHideUI = True
	CustomText = 
	PersistentCustomText = False
	PersistentConfigurationWindow = False
	DefaultSpaceCenterName = 
	TimeToRememberLastAction = 2000
	KerbinDayNames = Akant;Brant;Casant;Dovant;Esant;Flant
	KerbinMonthNames = Unnam;Dosnam;Trenam;Cuatnam;Cinqnam;Seinam;Sietnam;Ocnam;Nuevnam;Diznam;Oncnam;Docenam
	RightClickAction = Suppress




Yeah, I just tested it out.  Removing the Historian.cfg file caused the options window to revert to the blank you described.  The program had created a new version of it when I exited.


That did it--I had to actually copy your dialog into the CFG file, thank you very much! (And yes, I'm on 1.2.2--I was mistaken). 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think you've got an issue with your date calculations, namely:

Y1, D350

By Historian, it's Diznam 31, 0002 (IE 10/31/0002)

By my math, it's Nuevnam 31, 0001 (IE 09/31/0001)

I'm no math genius, so if I'm missing something, please let me know.  I'd like to start using your dates in my AAR website.

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