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How to Be Evil!


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1/10, assuming people know this and choose to eat it anyway. 2/10 if they don't know.


I create an art exhibition in Israel. Did I mention that each painting was painted by Hitler?

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4/10   As it stands right now, I doubt NASA's budget could fund WW3 more than maybe 2 days...

Here's a mean one....  I would change things so the American Presidential race took place every 6 months...  :sticktongue:

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That'd improve the general public's intelligence, which results in positive effects all around! That's not evil, it's good!

I introduce a dirt-cheap reactionless drive, capable of ascending to space unassisted. It can be built in a garage from simple household materials.
And yes, it does have all the !!FUN!! associated with reless drives.

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1/10 everyone is an outlaw. Even you are an outlaw. All the police are outlaws. What are they to do? They can't enforce the law if they are dead, and if they are alive they are breaking this law. This levels the playing field, and nothing really happens because everyone is ok with being alive and decides not to care about that law.

I move all lions to the arctic, and all polar bears to Africa.

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5/10 mayhem needs no accurate location.


I would make a skin absorbable form of caffeine and secretly mix it into laundry detergents world wide. The only good nights sleep anyone would get is on dirty sheets and pillow cases that have had all the caffeine worn off already. Woe the parents...

Edited by SinBad
added an 'm'
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3/10, annoying and clever, but not really evil.


for your consideration, My Cat: (backstory, i have a set of really comfy 'home' cloths that only get worn a few hours a day, so at the end of the day they go next to my bed ready for the 40 minutes ill wear them in the morning) 12:30am, i go to bed, dump the cloths next to my bed ready for the next day. cat waits till im almost asleep then does a huge 'im not feeling well' poop on them. i was only tipped off by the sound of a tiny little fart next to my bed (the smell seemed to stay close to the ground until i disturbed it when cleaning). otherwise i would have woken up at 05:30am and so i wouldnt wake my wife, gotten dressed in the dark...


cat is still alive and well, cloths are sadly not.

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1/10 they either hit Kerbol (And all of our weapons will do absolutely nothing to a star) or just fly through interplanetary space completely harmless.


I sabotage the life support system on the first manned Mars lander to fail during landing.

Edited by DolphinDude3
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11 hours ago, KerbalOmmex said:

I break down the fourth wall and fire all of our weaponss at the Kerbol system.


1 hour ago, DolphinDude3 said:

1/10 they either hit Kerbol (And all of our weapons will do absolutely nothing to a star) or just fly through interplanetary space completely harmless.

Actually, I would give that a -10/10 because we now have no weapons, including nukes. Yay!

1 hour ago, DolphinDude3 said:

I sabotage the life support system on the first manned Mars lander to fail during landing.

6/10 it gives mission control a scare, but it turns out it was an easy fix and everything is fine again a few minutes after the successful landing.

I shoot an RPG at the Falcon 9 rocket seconds before launch today.

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6/10 More of a cry for attention than anything else...


I upload a virus to CKAN. It secretly installs itself on every KSP install that uses it. The virus waits for 60 years of game time to elapse, then erases your save file. The virus is designed not to erase the save file until after the allotted in game time is past and just before the player lands a craft on another planet, like 10 feet off the ground, boom, gone. All the progress.

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