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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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It's about time to cease that discussion. It's getting personal. If you really don't like the right channel issue, we already understand, so people probably don't like you repeating it again and again. If you need help, you can just post, I'll answer you. No need to tell everybody the reason why.

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3 minutes ago, tetryds said:

@kiwinanday I feel like your airplane is missing a BK 7.5 right there :P

The new zero cockpit looks amazing, can't wait for more.

Good call! One Bk 10.5, coming up! I ditched 4 of the 6 Brownings to fit the gun, might try to squeeze two more back in. Man, I wish I had 20mm and 30mm autocannon (Vulcan and Avenger are cheating, ROF is too high)


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I'm having a technical difficulty with the Zero cockpit: I can fly perfectly fine from third-person, but when I go IVA, I only have control in the pitch authority. Also, does that Navball look off to you?


I know you're new with IVAs, so I'm just trying to report bugs as I find them.

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@kiwinanday Are there any specifics so that I can replicate? I've actually tested the recent issues. The rotated navball is a 100% replicated issue every time I revert. Which is weird as the Viewer's cockpit doesn't do that. But I've tested even with a rotated navball, I can control my pitch, I couldn't replicate. 

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Not really—wings are programmed roll, tail is programmed pitch, rudders yaw. I've noticed that when the Navball locks weird, I only have pitch, but when it resets, I have full control. Unfortunately, it's always locked in IVA.

I really miss not having FAR. Nothing flies right.

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Kerbal x has a good plugin for uploading in game, I plan to make a few crafts for my trails mod, you might want to put a few working planes/choppers up too and link in your op.  Just a thought.  Times like this you can say, download blah blah from Kerbal x and see if you have the same problem.  Might help.

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When I get a chance, I'll compare with some other cockpits and see how it behaves. The last time I encountered conflict like this, AA, TCA, and Mechjeb were all conflicting at once, but I only have AA installed right now. 


I also don't wonder if something with BDA (used a radar nose cone) is maybe conflicting. The NK-12 engines work perfectly, btw. All I ever wanted. 

Edited by kiwinanday
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Hello Blackheart! thanks for awesome mod!, everything looks nicely but i have this problem;


Center of thrust icon doesnt work, Im very new to this mod so i dont know if this is intentional or not. It works perfectly on other propeller engines, just not on helicopter rotors.

Hope you can inform me about this.

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On 11/24/2016 at 8:03 AM, blackheart612 said:

@Emily King You needn't download Firespitter as it was packed together with the mod itself. Could you kindly check if each folder has part.cfg? Especially the cockpits. I really feel like you have a broken download for some reason. You may also be missing your sounds folder.

@blackheart612 ah sorry for the delay. i checked everything. all the part folders have part.cfg in them. the sounds folder is also there. download doesn't seem broken.

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