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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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@Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut Only way to know is to make sure all the files are installed correctly. You could post screenshots of your folder structure inside a spoiler so that I see that files are actually there. Even if there was a problem, I couldn't replicate it as most users also have theirs correctly installed and without missing any parts

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Well, here is a album with screenshoots of every paste, and i have sure that all the files are there: https://imgur.com/a/FAXrJ



But, in comparation, see my part list: 


The only cockpit that i have is the MK3 Cargo Cockpit...



PtcXMl6.png...No new fuel tank...




...Only 26 mod engines (in the files are 29)...



...No new structural parts...


...Only 3 new Payload section parts...




...No new aerodynamic parts...


...Only the Landing Skids in the Wheel section...


...And only the Navigation Illuminator in the Utility section.



Edited by Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut
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@Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut I don't doubt that you have missing parts so no need to screenshot where there are empty parts. I'd appreciate it if you can either put all the pictures under spoiler.


Like this

It's the thing that looks like an eye, near the imgur i. Or you could delete them too and just provide the album

What's really needed is the folder structure in GameData/AirplanePlus. Such as what's inside GameData/AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine or GameData/AirplanePlus/Parts/Cockpit. So that's where we need the shots from.

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There is chance that everything is good with AirplanePlus folders and files, but some other mod interfered and hide some of parts.
It is hard for any developer to discover what exactly happened. Try to make separate KSP folder without any mods. Then add only AirplanePlus mod and essential MM.
Check out in game if you got proper parts in SPH or not. That would reveal immediately if you have faulty files for AirplanePlus or something else is going on.

If you see all proper parts in SPH/VAB then culprit is elsewhere. Keep adding other mods you use one by one and check SPH until you find out one that have hide parts in SPH.
It is time consuming and tedious thing to do, but in a lot of cases actualy fastest and proven method to find out what went wrong. Especially if you don't know meaning of lines written in log and MM cache.

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17 minutes ago, FlyMeToTheMinmus said:

The folders you showed in your download folder (Airplane Plus, Firespitter, Module Manager) need to be in the same folder as your Squad folder for KSP, which should be found in the Gamedata folder.

Wait, they have to be on the Squad folder that are inside the Gamedata folder?

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23 minutes ago, Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut said:

Wait, they have to be on the Squad folder that are inside the Gamedata folder?

Nope, only inside GameData. With the Squad folder. Hence, it should be found in the same folder as it. If you have no other mods, It should contain AirplanePlus, Firespitter and Squad.
And what @kcs123 said is true. It's also possible that a mod is interfering with AirplanePlus and if it's not your only mod, must confirm that it doesn't work when it's your only mod installed. 

Anyway, the files I mean are the things inside the folders in AirplanePlus such as in GameData/AirplanePlus/Parts/Command, or GameData/AirplanePlus/Parts/Structure and Fuel.

Also, like I said, you should put all the 15 images in a spoiler. Takes time to scroll and load the page. In fact, you don't need the pictures as I believe that you have missing parts and it's not needed, and then there's the album.

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Hello, i updated to the latest version (19.0) from the prior, and it broke some of the intergration with RealFuels.

I can longer add custom-fuel via "show info" on right-click on every one of the cockpits, exept the new Supersonic one.

Is there some fix i can do to restore it? Or should i ask in the RealFuels thread maybe?

Would appreciate some help, thank you!

Edited by Cratzz
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I have a problem,

I have a fighter jet that uses 2 of the J-119 Cheetah Turbofans and every time I fly it I get the same problem:

When in dry mode the engines have the same thrust, but when switched to afterburning mode one of the engines will max out at around 30kN while the other maxes out at around 200kN.

I don't have any other craft that use these engines so I'm not sure if it's isolated or not

Anyone know a fix?


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On 12/29/2017 at 5:25 AM, blackheart612 said:

Most likely a broken download, if you follow the instructions on installing, there should be no problem.

When you mean in the root folder do you mean in the gamedata folder? That is how I originally had it, so I do not know if I am the problem (I use a mac so it might be a little different)

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3 hours ago, DragonRider327 said:

When you mean in the root folder do you mean in the gamedata folder? That is how I originally had it, so I do not know if I am the problem (I use a mac so it might be a little different)

Nope, root folder is the folder which contains all of the game. Which is where GameData is, not inside GameData.

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2 hours ago, LightBender said:

Hello just found this Forum and Ive been having problems where the cockpits won't show anywhere in the VAB and I have no sound for the engines can you help?

Apparently, you installed it wrong, based on the issue that just got presented earlier with the same problem. Put the GameData in the zip to where the .exe is, and make sure you have firespitter to have sounds. It's packed in the zip.

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5 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

Apparently, you installed it wrong, based on the issue that just got presented earlier with the same problem. Put the GameData in the zip to where the .exe is, and make sure you have firespitter to have sounds. It's packed in the zip.

Uh ok Ill see if it works thanks.

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Been enjoying the mod a lot, but I'm a bit confused about something. It says (B-29 and X-1 Cockpit, B-29 Engine and 2.5m Tail Boom) in the title, but I can't find anything related to the B-29 in the actual game. Am I missing something?


Ah whoops, I think I accidentally took the mod from my desktop which was an older version. Sorry for causing possible trouble.

Edited by BlueDragon1504
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