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Translations plans for the future ? (3 yrs after my 1st question)

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Dedicated to the devs : @KasperVld@Ted



I'm Simon, the guy who first created the LanguagePatches project for KSP and the French translation mod.

 First of all, let me tell you the story : Three years ago I first asked the devs about their plans about translating the game, I asked them if they were interested in making a collaboration with me for the translation, but their answer was "we are not focused in localisation efforts as the game is not yet officially published, but we'll contact you in the future once we are ready to start translating the game". So I waited. A lot : 2 years.

In 2015 I asked Ted again, I wanted to get information about the plans for translations in the future, and he's answer was positive :


Hi Simon,

That's a wonderful offer from you, we'll be in contact with you should we require your help. It would certainly be useful considering how much time translations take.

Thanks and all the best.

So I waited again, and I had no more info.

So what are the plans now ? Three years later, now that the game is officially published ? I confirm I'm still wanting to translate the game, so I'd like to have news, you see... I mean.... 3 yrs folks...

Edited by simon56modder
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  • 3 months later...

Bumping this.

A thread reminded me of this: as 1.2 is coming out soon and as a lot of changes happened to the Squad team recently, it might be a good time to bring this back to the surface. Just to see if there was any official plans on it.

@Badie and @UomoCapra, I guess you are the people to ask now.

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On 10/4/2016 at 7:22 PM, Gaarst said:

Bumping this.

A thread reminded me of this: as 1.2 is coming out soon and as a lot of changes happened to the Squad team recently, it might be a good time to bring this back to the surface. Just to see if there was any official plans on it.

@Badie and @UomoCapra, I guess you are the people to ask now.

We have plans about but I can't tell you more right now!  But we will let you know whenever we are allowed!

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13 hours ago, Tau137 said:

Volunteering my services to translate to Russian, feel free to contact me as/if needed.

@Tau137@Badie And of course we aren't the only ones ! Through all these years I've been able to gather volunteers to translate KSP in different languages (Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Polish...) . They were all at least very fluent both in English and in their mother tongue. And most of the ones have continued to ask me news about what the developers wanted. So yes I know we are a community and I understand you are not sure if it is a good idea to let the community contribute to translations as you may want it to be professional (this is normal :) ) but unlike some other games translations that everyone can contribute to, it could be only people who are really motivated, who are part of the community, who are at least fluent in English on top of their mother tongue, just like the community members I gathered a couple of months ago. It ­would be easy to gather such people...

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2 hours ago, simon56modder said:

@Tau137@Badie And of course we aren't the only ones ! Through all these years I've been able to gather volunteers to translate KSP in different languages (Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Polish...) . They were all at least very fluent both in English and in their mother tongue. And most of the ones have continued to ask me news about what the developers wanted. So yes I know we are a community and I understand you are not sure if it is a good idea to let the community contribute to translations as you may want it to be professional (this is normal :) ) but unlike some other games translations that everyone can contribute to, it could be only people who are really motivated, who are part of the community, who are at least fluent in English on top of their mother tongue, just like the community members I gathered a couple of months ago. It ­would be easy to gather such people...

Of course.  I love the game, and I am sure that developers have plenty of opportunities to pick the people they want to work on translations.  Just saying that I am here and available if needed/selected.  If that is considered a breach of forum, rules - I am sorry, feel free to delete my posts in this topic.

Edited by Tau137
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  • 3 weeks later...

Please do an effort to translate a game like this to many languages as possible... I don't know how a game maked from an Mexican study is not translate to Spanish since the first updates... I can help with the Spanish translation if you want, but I know that here there are many people who speak spanish... I hope we can have soon some news about this topic... They are too many years waiting for something real not only speculations....

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I do agree that the game should be translated to as many languages as possible.

As an aircraft technician, I can tell you that as soon as you dig in to the industry toybox of "official" terms, a lot of people get very confused :confused:, weather they are good at English or not. So getting that stuff translated will help in understanding those things a little better.

But I pretty sure that's all quite obvious.


I would also love to help out and possibly help translating it in to Finnish :wink:. But i'm not sure if i'm going to have enough time and interest for that :( (not a big fan of writing stuff down).


But yea, I really hope this becomes official at some point.


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@KingeOrge there are already community members that are translating the game to Spanish ( @fitiales is the manager of the Spanish patch) you can see more on my LangPatches project thread.

@kapteenipirk @Badie That's why a translation company, which is obviously not playing the game, will make very confusing translation and I'm sure it will be completely unintelligible in some cases. And that's why a powerful community that does play KSP won't make horrible mistakes nor unintelligible texts. BTW @kapteenipirk you can take a look at LangPatches project thread if you think you can manage to create a Finnish patch based on the currently existing language patches that exist. If you need help PM me !

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/10/2016 at 1:37 PM, Tau137 said:

Of course.  I love the game, and I am sure that developers have plenty of opportunities to pick the people they want to work on translations.  Just saying that I am here and available if needed/selected.  If that is considered a breach of forum, rules - I am sorry, feel free to delete my posts in this topic.

Hello Tau137 o/

We're looking for Russian speakers to help us with the localization QA testing, send us an email to info@kerbalspaceprogram.com if you still want to help :)


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  • 1 month later...

@Badie@UomoCapra Hello, as on your last communication, you have delete French of the languages planned to be translated. When will you added this language on an official translation of KSP ? (same question for German).

And why have you stopped to work on a French translation (on some KSP Weekly, I read that French would be a translated language) ?

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