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Petition: Remove the Monolith from KSC

Should the monolith at KSC be removed?  

181 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the monolith at KSC be removed?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Other (please explain)

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With the release of 1.1.3, the monoliths have become noticeably bigger. Specifically, the one at KSC.

I propose that this monolith be removed. It is, in my opinion, useless, and annoying.

Allow me to explain myself.

Monoliths were added into the game as easter eggs, and are scattered around the various planets in the game. They are fun to track down or find while exploring the Kerbol system, especially when they are in hard-to-reach locations. Placing a monolith right next to the KSC completely defeats this purpose.

Secondly, as you can see from the picture, it is a bit of an eyesore. It looks completely out of place and sticks out like a sore thumb.


I know this is just my opinion, but does anyone else here agree with me? I just don't think this monolith needs to be there; it defeats the purpose of an easter egg and it ruins an otherwise aesthetically pleasing scene.



Well, the poll seems to completely disagree with me, and there are posts that make some pretty convincing arguments, so... I guess that's a no. Glad to know the KSP community has opinions at least  :D

Edited by Third_OfFive
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  On 6/25/2016 at 5:27 PM, cantab said:

Relocate it to an anonymous hangar at the KSC itself. So it's not visible at a glance but can be found if you explore KSC.


Nice compromise.

Though I still think that being this bothered by a couple dozen pixles you have to avert your eyes to even see is amusing.

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  On 6/25/2016 at 5:27 PM, cantab said:

Relocate it to an anonymous hangar at the KSC itself. So it's not visible at a glance but can be found if you explore KSC.


That is a nice idea, gets my vote, though I don't have an issue with where it is right now.  And  yes, some sort of description as @5thHorseman mentioned would be good, it would encourage you to explore, and for a reason other than 'just because it's fun'.

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With respect, I disagree. 

I think making it larger and more visible is the perfect way for new players to learn about Easter eggs in general, without having to visit the forums. 

Edited by Just Jim
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Here is my story to explain them....

Many years ago, Kerbals were living underground. They then came to the surface, and after some exploring, found the Monolith you speak of.

Albert Einstein Kerman then predicted that this alien artefact was left there by aliens who wanted kerbals to explore their system and find other Monoliths, in fact, even magic boulders... 

So, Kerbals being the great idiots they are, decided to build the KSP near the first monolith, as an inspiration for all they do as they seek out these alien things....

So each time they lift off in a space plane or a rocket, they take a look at the monolith to inspire then to seek out new life, new monoliths... to boldly go where no Kerbal has gone before...

I think it is fitting that the KSP has its own monolith.

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Its fine if you dont look at it. I thought at KSC we were building stuff, not looking at our surroundings. We place flags at what we consider to be an area of interest.......this monolith is an indication that Kerbals are here, and here to stay, and crash, and explode.......

Edited by maceemiller
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  On 6/26/2016 at 1:02 AM, Reactordrone said:

It's a game of exploration. Having something that the player can notice from the air encourages exploration.


This is a good point, we come at this as old players, new players have a way different experience.

But it's not like the monolith is good for anything.  You can't really explore it.  It's just...  there.

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I feel like the complaint mostly revolves around it's placement in the default view on the KSC screen.  It is a bit of an ugly attention grabber.  Perhaps the monolith is fine as it is and it's location could simply be moved to the other side of KSC, where it wouldn't immediately be seen without rotating the camera.  I know it's been there a long time, but that doesn't mean it has to stay there.

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  On 6/27/2016 at 4:24 PM, Corona688 said:

This is a good point, we come at this as old players, new players have a way different experience.

But it's not like the monolith is good for anything.  You can't really explore it.  It's just...  there.


Well that's my one problem with it, if I could just use it as a convenient place to crash test my rovers it would have a real purpose.  But I don't really even notice it except when I'm rover or low altitude aircraft, testing so I think the benefit for beginners outweighs the disadvantage (when I joined the game it was hidden and I had no idea for a long time there were any such things to look out for).  Maybe though if it's texture could be replaced with something like texturereplacer it would help make it more palatable.

Edited by kBob
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Well, its good to give a point of reference for what other monoliths might look like. 

Maybe it should be a little better hidden around KSC, but I do like the idea that they are large enough that you might actually see one without being directly on the ground.

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  On 6/25/2016 at 5:00 PM, Third_OfFive said:

Monoliths were added into the game as easter eggs, and are scattered around the various planets in the game. They are fun to track down or find while exploring the Kerbol system, especially when they are in hard-to-reach locations. Placing a monolith right next to the KSC completely defeats this purpose.


Small, buried monoliths are impossible to find if you don't know what to look for.

The one near the KSC serves a very clear purpose; it tells players “hey, look, this is a monolith.” Perhaps the there’s more of these hint isn’t that clear, but it’s better than nothing at all. And it gives the player a clue as to what to look for.

Keeping the monolith gargantuan sized makes it possible to actually spot them. Easter eggs are fun. Easter eggs are even more fun if you can find them yourself, as opposed to "finding" them on a website or forum because they’re too hard to find any other way.

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  On 6/27/2016 at 5:24 PM, Alshain said:

I feel like the complaint mostly revolves around it's placement in the default view on the KSC screen.  It is a bit of an ugly attention grabber.  Perhaps the monolith is fine as it is and it's location could simply be moved to the other side of KSC, where it wouldn't immediately be seen without rotating the camera.  I know it's been there a long time, but that doesn't mean it has to stay there.


I didn't know one could rotate the camera at the KSC look-at-buildings screen, until like my 400th hour of playing.:sealed:

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